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Chapter 4 long live slogan

long live slogan 孔庆东 3097Words 2018-03-18
Our Chinese state has a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and you can scare the foreign devils away by just talking about the four major inventions and tongue twisters.Among them, the slogans and slogans, especially the national quintessence of our national quintessence, specifically play the sacred role of defeating the enemy without fighting.This mystery has been discussed many times by Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Hu Shi, Qian Xuantong and other middle-class revolutionaries of the older generation.Hu Shi said: "Our China has become a world of slogans" ("Down with Famous Teachers"), and Mr. Zhu Ziqing, my teacher's teacher's teacher, also said: "Since there are so many slogans and slogans, they will inevitably fall into the trap and be formulaic. , so that people feel that they are worthless and worthless" ("On Slogans and Slogans").I admired their opinions very much, and there is nothing to continue.But last night, after watching the report of CCTV's "Focus Interview" program, Siping City, Jilin Province, in order to promote auspicious cigarettes, distributed them to the elders of the city, and wrote slogans "Smoking auspicious cigarettes, love Siping" everywhere. After all, the revolutionaries of the first generation have not caught up with the good times, and I can still write a few articles that they can't write.They just criticize slogans and slogans for being out of touch or boring. How can they expect that in our new era, slogans and slogans are as wonderful and ever-changing as the plague 98 and 99 in the computer?So I confidently wrote down this title which is itself a slogan.

I always thought that my first novel was published in college, but today I suddenly realized that I started my writing career when I was three or four years old.At that time, I was the only child, and I was often bullied by the children of families who did not abide by the family planning policy, so my masterpieces appeared on the walls inside and outside the building from time to time.For example, "Down with Xiaojun", "Wang Xiaohua is a big bastard", "Xiaojie is a traitor", these belong to the declaration category.When they grow up and their creative level improves, there are "Yang Changsheng steals dead chickens to eat", "Xiaoyong pees on the kang every day", "Libing's father sold his mother", these are false accusations.There are also "Qi Wei went out and was run over by a car", "Liu Bo became a big mad dog", "Zhang Xia's family has gas", these belong to the category of curses.No matter which category, it is not a real thing in life, so I later read Sartre's "Creation is a resistance to life", and I understood it and hit it off.When I grew up to the point where I was no longer frequently bullied and could bully others, my writing style changed, from slogans to Yinfengengyue.

However, the era I live in still seems to be unwilling to grow up, and slogans and slogans are as inseparable as three meals a day.I am not opposed to slogans like Lu Xun and Hu Shi. I think many slogans are natural and necessary.For example, although the slogans I used when I was young didn't make them run over or turn into bullies, they made them afraid of me and sometimes flattered me, which greatly improved my living environment.According to the dictionary, a slogan is a "short sentence with a programmatic and agitating effect for oral shouting", while a slogan is "a slogan written in short words with a propaganda and agitating effect", that is, a slogan is also a slogan.From this point of view, the slogan itself is not guilty, it only depends on what slogan people make up and how to use it. "When the day is mourning, I and you are all dead" is a good slogan with both ideological and artistic aspects; "Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng" is a slogan with poor ideological quality but better artistry and effectiveness; "Eat his mother, wear him Mother, Chuang Wang has come and no food" is a utilitarian catchphrase lurking in the Ah Q style; "Labor is holy" is an incisive and classic catchphrase with epoch-making significance; It is a wishful and deceptive slogan; "If you have the conditions, you have to go up, if you don't have the conditions, you have to go up" is a good slogan that is exciting in a specific era but cannot be used indiscriminately across the times; "Time is money, efficiency is life" is a realistic target It is a practical slogan that is powerful but cannot withstand strict scrutiny in theory; as for "Smoking Ji Cigarettes, Love Siping", it is a shameless and clumsy slogan that rapes public opinion and cannot even understand the words. , Fighting Siping" era, the blood of the people's soldiers spilled on Siping Street...

Slogans, because of their brevity and strong purpose, often produce some unspoken meanings and even unexpected side effects.I have found quite a few catchphrases worth mentioning in various parts of my country in recent years.For example, regarding family planning, in Northwest China, I read "Family planning, the husband is responsible", which shows that the main obstacle there is the man.In Shandong, I saw that "one person is sterilized, the whole family is honored", and I seem to have returned to the war years when "one person joins the army, the whole family is honored". Dai Honghua would proudly announce to everyone he met: "I'm sterilized! Come to my house for a drink!" This shows that the family planning work there is very difficult, and severe measures are often taken, but using "stealing the house to pull the cow" to force people to have an abortion is illegal, and second, it is easy for imperialist countries and foreign hostile forces to take the opportunity to attack our human rights Policy creates rhetoric.

When it comes to the rule of law, there are also some interesting slogans.In Hebei, I saw a slogan: "Armed tax resistance is illegal", which is really dumbfounding. It means that peaceful tax resistance is legal.A sign flashed by the highway: "Do not attack police cars", and I couldn't help feeling nervous because I was in a "civilian car".So I thought that many slogans should be generally implemented by people, such as the words at the intersection: "Please stop at the red light", but I think if a person doesn't even care about the red light, he will not be interested in the "voiceover" of the red light. "I'm afraid I don't even care about it.There is a sign in the public toilet: "Please defecate in the pool". I don't understand why a person should defecate anywhere in the public toilet since he has already entered the public toilet.However, a slogan written by a foreign student in a university toilet caught my eye: "Chinese students, please flush after using the toilet!"

The car drove past a county where the pillar industry of this county is bulk cement. A huge slogan hangs high above the road: "Vigorously develop bulk cement is our basic national policy!" I live in Beijing, and my heart is toward the Party Central Committee. I have never heard of such a "basic national policy", and I thought to myself that the cadres in this county are really bold. In the feudal era, this was called "coordinating edicts", and it was a crime of beheading. In addition to these strange slogans, those slogans that we are familiar with often have many problems if we think about it carefully.For example, such slogans are often seen on construction sites: "Work hard ×× days, the project will be completed ahead of schedule."First of all, this "finish" makes people wonder, is it "complete"?Or is it "done"?More importantly, why should the project be "finished ahead of schedule"?How many days does it take to complete a project? There should be a strict scientific basis. It takes 100 days to complete. If you complete it in 50 days, is the quality reassuring?Don't you see, almost all the "gift projects" are disemboweled and re-combed after the festival, and they are also called "faster, cheaper, and repaired when they are broken."Therefore, the result of "finishing early" is mostly to finish early.Recently, a formulaic slogan has become popular, called "XX is my home, cleanliness depends on everyone", and many cities and units have erected such placards.On the streets of Taiyuan, the most polluted city in the world I just visited, there are many smoky and stained signs, which read "Taiyuan is my home, cleanliness depends on everyone", which seems to be deliberately ironic.When I returned to Beijing, I found that our community had also erected a sign, which said "Yuxin Garden is my home, cleanliness depends on everyone".But in China, everything that depends on "everyone" is equivalent to relying on no one.When I sang "Young Friends Come to Meet" in middle school, when I sang "Who will create this miracle", I would laugh at others who sang "It depends on you, I depend on you", and when I sang "Who will the bright future belong to?" , they all sing "Belongs to Me, Belongs to Me".Everything depends on "everyone", so why do we need the government and public servants?

Zhu Ziqing said: "Slogans and slogans are used in battle, and they must be realized." (Ibid.) Indeed, the role of "spiritual transformation into power" of slogans and slogans is mainly reflected in the war years. In today's peaceful construction era, we should mainly promote Act in accordance with objective laws and act in accordance with Deng Xiaoping Theory.But many of our comrades are still stuck in the war years. Building a building is called a "battle", a conversation is called a "confrontation", and even a girl is called "taking down". It seems that we will live in the war for a long time. under the shadows.However, now another kind of slogan is also surrounded, and that is the commercial slogan.For example, "Depositing in the Agricultural Bank of China is reliable and auspicious." My money is deposited in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which seems to be "dangerous and ruined".There is also "Replenishing the kidney generously, being a down-to-earth person", those of us who don't nourish the kidney have become unstable factors since then.It used to be said that "girls in Dazhai are all strong shoulders", but now it has become "it's good to be a woman", instigating women to chase each other and compare "bands", looking all over the street, they are all "mahjong" Ertong"... Hu Shi shouted angrily: "Down with famous teachers", but his words were themselves a slogan.It is still my old man who is far-sighted. The slogan is that we will never be defeated. On the contrary, it will always be the slogan that defeats us. We have been defeated by "starving to death is a small matter, but injustice is a big matter", and we have been defeated by "how bold people are and how productive the land is" , was overthrown by "I would rather eat the grass of socialism than the seedlings of capitalism", and is being overthrown today by "men are not bad, women don't love" and "wear golden monkey leather shoes and walk the golden road".Therefore, I took advantage of the momentum and shouted "Long live the slogan", which can be considered as a part of the glorious history of slogan invention.Since ancient times, who has never died?Keep the slogan as history!

(After this article was published, it was reprinted, abridged, and tampered with by many media, and plagiarized and plagiarized by more than one essayist. I solemnly shouted: Long live the thief!)
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