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Chapter 15 a little more forgetting

Fifteen years away 余秋雨 1494Words 2018-03-18
Jerusalem is too thick, thick and sticky, and even breathing is a bit urgent. Today I temporarily change direction and go to the Gaza Strip. This is currently the most sensitive area in the world, and the atmosphere is far more tense than the West Bank and Golan Heights as soon as you arrive at the border. Facing it is a blue-gray checkpoint with a large posture, and Israeli soldiers stand on three levels with guns and live ammunition.The machine gun on the watchtower above his head was aimed at the intersection.Looking in from a distance, passing through an isolated space, the front is the Palestine checkpoint.

Passport inspection is required here, but everyone knows that once an Israeli visa appears on the passport, it will be difficult to enter other Arab countries in the future.Therefore, when I entered the customs from Egypt a few days ago, I used a collective temporary visa, but I did not bring that visa with me today, so how exactly our group of people entered Israel has become a question.What's more troublesome is that the problem of several jeepneys driving without license plates can't be mixed up here. A police car was coming towards our convoy, and in it sat a fat Israeli police officer, a man of high rank.He didn't get out of the car, but just looked at the few of us who surrounded us and shook his head, "You guys don't even have any documents? No visa, no license plate, no permit?"

He probably has never encountered such a team before, shrugged, said nothing, just let us draw our own conclusions. I can't think of any other way, so I can only call the Chinese Embassy in Palestine.Not long after, Counselor Chang Yi and his wife, Ms. Pan Deqin, drove to the checkpoint. After several negotiations, the Israeli police finally agreed to allow us to enter in the diplomatic official car of the office. The car drove through the Palestine pass without stopping to check. We waved to the simple and honest soldiers, and they grinned and passed. The scene in Gaza is similar to Jericho.We first went to a refugee camp. The refugees were mainly Arabs who lost their homes in the 1967 war. Since more than 30 years have passed, a community has now formed.My eyes were filled with countless innocent children running toward me with bare feet. According to the birthing practices of the Arabs, it was their grandfathers who had escaped.

The Gaza area is surrounded by Israel, and it is not easy for Arabs to get in and out; but from Israel's point of view, their entire country is surrounded by the Arab world.What surprised me even more was that there was still a group of stubborn Jews living in the Gaza area who would never move out, but they could only surround themselves with barbed wire. This constitutes a circle after circle of encirclement nets, you surround me, I surround you, you penetrate into me, I penetrate into you, you have me, and I have you. Both sides have a grievance, and each has several trump cards.It's like two neighbors who can't move, knotting their scars together.

Bai wanted to see the Jewish settlements in Gaza, but they were surrounded by barbed wire, watchtowers, and searchlights.We want to get closer, Arab friends said, this is already the closest, and they will shoot if they get closer.In fact, only a dozen Jews lived in each settlement, and the number of guards was about the same as them.They did not have a decent livelihood in the settlements, it was difficult and dangerous, but they insisted on it for many years to show their territorial concept. Standing on the side of the road and looking at the nets that surround each other, I feel that this is the epitome of human plight.

Things may have their own right and wrong at the beginning, but after a long time, it has become smoky.It would actually be a bit risky to invite some outside mediators to judge the history, because this would allow the two parties to establish their own narrative systems, and rearrange and strengthen the grievances that should have been forgotten. I had in-depth conversations here with friends from both Israel and Palestine, and gradually came up with an idea: they should all forget a little more, let the past go like smoke, put aside their emotions, and use modern political wisdom to design the most rational strategy .

The memory is too good, which is very troublesome. History has many layers, and what historians with a conscience want to tell people is what should not be forgotten.But in many cases, history will also be used by people as a tool to confuse priorities and increase hatred, so we should be vigilant. The modern times of several ancient civilizations are difficult. One of the reasons is that the burden of history is too heavy and there are too many people who play with history. Only by forgetting what should be forgotten can history get rid of the fine wrinkles and restore its vigorous outline.

It is a pity that until today, many histories only like to write articles in wrinkles. In order to deepen my thinking on this issue, I decided to visit the Holocaust Memorial Hall in the west of the city tomorrow.There, some principles recognized by all mankind are enshrined, so we can experience which parts of history should not be forgotten. October 30, 1999, in the Gaza area of ​​Israel, staying overnight at the Remaissance Hotel in Jerusalem
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