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Chapter 8 ruins

Fifteen years away 余秋雨 2372Words 2018-03-18
I curse the ruins, and I love the ruins. The ruins swallowed my hope, my memory.Pieces of rubble are scattered among the weeds, broken stone pillars stand in the setting sun, records in books, childhood fantasies, all perish in the ruins.The glory of the past has become a mockery, and the ancestors of entrepreneurship roared in the cold wind.As night approached, the bright moon, who had never seen anything before, smiled bitterly, hid in the clouds, and cast a shadow on the ruins. But the accumulation of generations is not history.Ruins are destruction, burial, farewell and choice.The power of time should leave traces on the earth; the giant wheel of time should crush the unevenness between the lanes.Without ruins, there would be no yesterday, and without yesterday, there would be no today or tomorrow.Ruins are textbooks, let us read geography as history; ruins are a process, and life is to start from old ruins and move towards new ones.At the beginning of the construction, we thought about its future decline, so the ruins are the destination; the renewal construction is based on the ruins, so the ruins are the starting point.Ruins are long chains of evolution.

A friend told me that once, when he walked into a famous ruin, when he looked up, his eyes were full of tears.The composition of this tear is very complex.It's hate, it's loss, and it's not quite.The ruins are obstinate, like a disabled tragic hero.The ruins show the vicissitudes of life, allowing people to glimpse the faltering steps of the nation.The ruins are the orders of the dying old man that you cannot remain unmoved. The ruins have a form of beauty, which transforms the beauty of being separated from the earth into the beauty of being attached to the earth.In a few years, it will turn into mud and completely blend into the earth.The stage that will not melt is the ruins.The mother smiled and encouraged her sons to create, and smiled to accept this creation.The mother is afraid that her sons will be too tired and that the world will be too crowded.Have you ever seen the fluttering yellow leaves in autumn?The mother is afraid that they will be cold, so she puts them in her arms.There is no autumn without yellow leaves, and ruins are the yellow leaves of buildings.

People say that the meaning of yellow leaves is to nurture spring.I said that the yellow leaves themselves are also beautiful. Two friends argued in front of me.One said that he likes to walk alone among the ruins on the night of sparse stars and waning moon, or recite poems, or sing loudly until the east is white; For pretentiousness.His habit is to take advantage of the twilight of the waning moon to find a path and walk back quietly. As for me, I am older than them, and I no longer have such passion and energy.I am afraid that all the ruins are refurbished, repaired and rebuilt. It cannot be imagined that the ancient Roman arena needs to be rebuilt, the ancient city of Pompeii needs to be rebuilt, the Angkor Wat in Cambodia needs to be rebuilt, and the Mayan cultural sites need to be rebuilt.

It’s like it’s impossible to imagine that ancient bronze wares need to be polished, unearthed broken halberds need to be nickel-plated, Song edition books need to be molded, and old ladies from the Han Dynasty in Mawangdui need skin grafting and heavy makeup. As long as history is not interrupted and time is not regressed, everything will age.Let's get old when you are old, and give the world a kind beauty peacefully.Pretending to be innocent is the cruelest form of self-abuse.A grandmother without wrinkles is terrible, and an old man without gray hair is a pity.Life without ruins is too tiring, the land without ruins is too crowded, and the act of covering up ruins is too hypocritical.

Return history to truth, return life to process. This is the great wisdom of mankind. Of course, not all ruins are worth preserving.Otherwise the earth will be scarred.The ruins are the envoys sent by the ancient times to the modern times, and they have been picked and screened by the kings of history.The ruins are the feats performed by the ancestors, gathering the strength and essence of the time and place.A ruined site is not a ruin either, and there should be the strongest ligament of history in the ruins.The ruins can provide the possibility of reading, and the ruins exude a magnetic force that makes people linger.Yes, the ruins are a magnetic field, one pole is ancient and the other pole is modern, and the compass of the soul is strongly induced here.Lost the magnetism and lost the life of the ruins, it will soon be eliminated by people.

Not all repairs are absurd.Carefully cleaned, reinforced without showing a trace, and painstakingly designed to keep it original and easy to see.This kind of labor is a kindness to the ruins, and the end of all the labor is to make it a ruin worthy of the name, a ruin that everyone is willing to pay homage to.Repairs always mean a certain degree of loss.Minimizing the damage is the long-cherished wish of all real ruin restorers.Not all reconstructions require negation, either.If even the ruins are gone, it doesn't matter if one is rebuilt to realize the ambition of modern people to absorb the past and embrace the present.However, that is only the classical style of modern architects, using an ancient name, out of humor.If the Yellow Crane Tower is rebuilt, it can be equipped with elevators; if the Efang Palace is rebuilt, it can be used as a hotel; if the Tengwang Pavilion is rebuilt, it can be used as a shopping mall.This has little to do with history.If there are ruins and reconstruction is required, then I suggest that the ruins should be preserved and the neighbors reconstructed.It hurts to drive a bulldozer over the rubble.

Whether it is repair or reconstruction, the essence of ruins is preservation.The ruins of the Old Summer Palace are one of the most historical cultural relics in Beijing. If it is completely razed to build a brand new Old Summer Palace, the loss outweighs the gain.The Qing Dynasty is gone, the flames are gone, the national anger is gone, the sense of history is gone, the story of last night has been erased, and the remnants of the previous night have been cleaned up.However, what was picked up was not the remnant dream of the previous night, but today's game. China has always lacked a ruin culture.The word "ruins" is terrifying in Chinese.

Either it is full of nostalgia in winter, or it is trendy in pragmatism.Those who nostalgia for the past only want to use the past to present, and those who follow the times only want to destroy the past with the present.As a result, two phases of slaughter, both losers, not only hurt history, but also cut down modern times.Bloody, scarred, a huge nation, no ancients in the past, no one in the future, thinking about the long distance between the world and the earth, weeping alone. Leave some gaps in the hearts of the Chinese people!Let the ancient times leave a few footprints in the modern times, and let the modern times stare at the ancient times calmly.Ruins are not something to be ashamed of, ruins don't need to be covered up, we're too good at covering up.

Chinese history is full of tragedies, but Chinese people are afraid to see real tragedies.In the end, there is a big reunion to gain emotional comfort and psychological satisfaction.Only Qu Yuan did not want a happy reunion, Du Fu did not want a happy reunion, Cao Xueqin did not want a happy reunion, Kong Shangren did not want a happy reunion, Lu Xun did not want a happy reunion, and Bai Xianyong did not want a happy reunion.They preserved the ruins, purified the tragedy, and a truly profound literature emerged. There is no tragedy without tragedy, and no sublime without tragedy.Xuefeng is great because the remains of climbers are buried on the slopes; the sea is great because there are wrecks of ships floating everywhere; landing on the moon is great because the "Challenger" fell; life is great , because of gray hair, parting, and helpless loss.Ancient Greece lived by the sea, and countless warriors yearning for the other side stepped forward in the turbulent waves, so there was a Greek tragedy that will shine forever.

Sincerely and frankly admit the failure after struggle and the loss after success, we will only be more calm.If the Chinese want to become grand, they can no longer drive out all the ruins. The preservation of ruins is a symbol of modern civilization. The ruins reflect the self-confidence of modern people. The ruins will not block the streets and hinder the progress.Modern people have deep eyes and know which steps in history they are standing on.He will not imagine that there is a high platform rising from the ground under his feet.Therefore, he is happy to see all the steps in front of him and behind him.

It is the modern philosophy of history that enlightens the ruins, and the philosophy of history also needs to find materials.Only in the hustle and bustle of modern times can the tranquility of the ruins have strength; only in the contemplation of modern people can the ruins rise to an allegory. Therefore, the ancient ruins are really a modern construction.
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