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Chapter 18 obsolete madness

traveler without boundaries 余秋雨 2617Words 2018-03-18
Many sites of Nazi activities can also be found on the streets of Berlin.As the ruins are left, so are the memories. All memory of the Nazis is no accidental nightmare.This is a product of history and a nation, and has universal value for research.Otherwise, these ancient streets and strong houses, this solemn race and intelligent crowd, would not suddenly go mad for no reason. In my opinion, this is a kind of tearing spiritual despair at the threshold of European society from modern times to modern times, and it is a psychological disaster after all social classes lose their original value coordinates.The Nazis distilled this despair and disaster into a group act of terror.

Modernity is a free world of equal competition. Modernity is a rational popularization that abandons fanaticism and superstition. Modernity is a gradual contempt for ethnic boundaries and ethnic groups. Modernity is a natural obstacle to centralization dreams and extreme thinking. All of these logically appeared gradually after the industrial revolution began, but in the 20th century, they gradually became irreversible social rules, especially the world economic crisis at the end of the 1920s hit Germany more than other countries. A legion of losers and disappointments formed, restless against the backdrop of the Great Depression.It was under such circumstances that the Nazis created the myth of nationalism and statism that "Aryans are above all else" and "Germany above all", and provided a series of "socialist" promises, which caused disappointment. A gathering point was made.

In 1924, Hitler, who had not yet achieved anything, wrote it in prison. One of the most noteworthy concepts in the book is the so-called "living space".In his works, this concept has a nature of "life and death", which expresses the crisis psychology that makes it difficult to survive due to the loss of space.The problem is that he was far from the only one who had this mentality at the time, otherwise it would be impossible for nine out of ten citizens to vote for his dictatorship.Why do so many people feel the existential crisis together? The answer is that society is in transition.

Feeling the crisis of living space in the process of social transformation, there are only two possibilities. The first is to change one's own way of life to expand the space; the second is to destroy other people's living space to expand oneself.Obviously, the first is a benign way, the second is a vicious way, and Hitler and his Nazis chose the second. They first test their concept by destroying the living space of the Jewish people, which is very deceptive.Because the general public wants to attribute their plight to a certain person or a certain group, the Jews who are more advocating materialism and adept at business operations have become scapegoats.Obviously he was challenged by the times, but it was interpreted as a high-level nation encountering the violation of a low-level nation.The flames of jealousy, hopelessness, and loss that have been suppressed for many years are suddenly ignited by grandiose reasons, and the hatred immediately rises to siege and violence.

Having deprived the Jews of their living space, the Nazis will deprive other countries of their living space. The logic of this behavior of the Nazis is still thought-provoking.Any social transformation implemented in the crowd is mainly manifested in the shrinkage of living space and the transfer of living style.Although this is not without cruelty, it is a historical necessity.Representatives of the old structure resist transformation with a desperate way, so there will be a surprising order and fanaticism.Now all kinds of religious extremists in the world who flaunt fundamentalism are both tidy and fanatical, and they regard the modern life approaching them as a devil that must be fought.

This can roughly explain why such a group of Nazis was supported by President Hindenburg and the old army; and why until the end, except for those countries that were directly invaded, the more modern countries, such as Britain and the United States, the more It is at odds with it. Now there are "neo-Nazis" in Germany again.Almost all young people, with cropped heads and boots, face the world with hateful eyes all day long, looking for targets to attack.In some forms, they are a bit like "punk", but "punk" only shows ecological rebellion and does not attack others very much, while "neo-Nazi" is characterized by attacking others first.They have used terrorist attacks to kill a large number of foreign workers, but even decent people in the country are reluctant to get close to them, fearing that they will provoke and attack.

Our German friend Ms. Zheng Bichan Sigrum Garthe came to pick us up from the west to the east this time, and met many "neo-Nazis" on the way.Bichan said that the "neo-Nazis" in this area are a bit special, mainly the social dregs produced by the large-scale social transformation in the former East Germany.The power system that could have been relied on has been disintegrated, and I have not learned the skills to make a living. I am completely unable to face the normal competition in accordance with market rules after the reunification of Germany and Germany. to do harm.Because it is "foreigners" who are hurt, the old tunes of old Nazi nationalism, nationalism, and Great Germanism are played again.

Bichan said: "Originally, Western political circles are used to dividing extremists into left-wing and right-wing, but these people are retrograde in nature and fashionable in appearance, and it is hard to tell what wing they are." Hearing what she said, I thought to myself that China's Cultural Revolution was anti-modern in essence, even though the Red Guards and rebels all held the banner of "destroying the old and establishing the new"; the end of the Cultural Revolution was the opening of modern times. Bichan asked from the side: "Now that your China has also entered into a major social transformation, there will be many such groups." I don't know where to start, so I can only respond with "huh".

The folly of "neo-Nazis" is that the name obliges them to take on all the bloody debts of the old Nazis, which the old Nazis never took on in the beginning of their uprising.Therefore, in my opinion, as long as they raise this banner, they are no longer scary.New evil deeds must have new disguises, and sometimes they deliberately show a gesture of reckoning with historical evil deeds.One has to walk through the smoke to see whether it constitutes a dangerous intersection with the volatile crowd psychology. For this reason, I also paid special attention to the situation of a Hitler speaking among the people that year.

It has long been known that Hitler made his debut in the Nazi Party because of his speeches, and even he himself was surprised how he had the ability to control the audience.I saw the movie data of Hitler's speech several times in Europe this time, and I know the direct reason why he was cheered.Every speech scene is a concentration of social emotions, and every audience is a tight string, which can be buzzed into one piece only by waving a few times on sensitive parts.Hitler's speeches did not care about logic or arguments, but he had an effective psychological agitation program, and he was really an expert in this regard.He usually starts with a hoarse voice, seems to be seriously ill, and seems to be whispering. Compared with the other impassioned speakers just now, he seems out of place, but this contrast immediately breaks the audience's habitual boredom of the speech, and they all raise their spirits and listen. listen carefully.After talking like this for a while, suddenly, he roared louder and louder, like a slogan, like a rhetorical question, like an appeal, which naturally aroused the applause of the audience.Before the applause fell, he spoke softly again, and turned to Hong Liang after a few words.After that, the frequency of alternation of high and low voices accelerated, and finally almost the whole body exerted all its strength, dancing with hands and feet, and then stopped abruptly.Such a fuss is tantamount to suppressing the emotions of the audience, and of course it will explode into collective madness in the end.But it should be noted that it is precisely because the tens of thousands of minds that were crushed had a common vulnerability, common sensitivity, and common excitement at that time that they greedily sucked up his incoherent sentences and fell into a state of obsession.

Although it is an old movie expansion, it is still scary to watch.Even such a rational nation will suddenly lose its rationality and be wrapped up in a despicable emotion that is eager to expand itself by hurting others. As long as someone beautifies this despicableness into justice, it will be bloody and gearing up. Then there are at least logical judgments and moral precautions. I have repeatedly imagined that if Hitler was living today, he might not be able to achieve anything with his speeches; however, if he is made to be less hysterical on the outside, and find some unfairness or unfair treatment , plus a certain religious element, with a slightly better appearance, what will happen to today's audience, and how to avoid or bypass such a quagmire? The kind of horrible disaster is not known.Everyone be more careful.
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