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Chapter 19 Beauty under the knife

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 1630Words 2018-03-18
Some young Chinese audiences who like Korean dramas have felt "amazing" towards most Korean female movie stars.Wow!How can a woman be so beautiful!Wow!Korean women really make people vomit blood!In fact, these extremely beautiful Korean beauties belong to two races with most Korean women.Korean beauties are not like that.If you want to know the real beauties in South Korea, please watch North Korean movies or songs and dances, that are real East Asian beauties.Big black and white eyes, rosy apple face, healthy, simple, enthusiastic, they praise the leader, the motherland, the labor, and the harvest.The aesthetic conception they bring to people will always be "blue sky with white clouds floating"...how did those "fake Europa" beauties in Korean dramas, in our Northeast dialect, come out of "rectification"?Tell you, what's the matter?Take a knife and make it tough!

Korean movie stars, singers and entertainers, how many of them don't get stabbed?Korean newspapers often disclose and speculate which stars are going to change their skins and dig their flesh and cramps again.Some newspapers and periodicals said that these celebrities were harmed by the trend of "artificial beauty" in South Korea.So far, only one girl named Li Yingai has been recognized as a natural beauty (no wonder the Sa family also thinks she is somewhat amiable), but because she is born, her beauty cannot reach "first-class". Song Hye Kyo in "Blue Life and Death" has not found the knife marks yet.As for the stunning paintings of big sisters and senior actors such as Kim Hee-sun and Kim Min, Koreans can see through them at a glance: "How can East Asian women have such sharp noses and such duck-shaped faces?" The lines of their faces are so neat and neat. , Their stiff expressions, crying and laughing faces are indeed picturesque from a distance, but when you look up close, you really wonder if there is any living blood flowing inside.

In Korea today, a "lift" on the eyes is no longer considered cosmetic surgery, unless the eyes are pulled into the belly button.Only when the toad nose is replaced with a goose tube nose or the flat face is shaved into an oval face, can it be regarded as the "beginning of the rectification movement".Some Korean women hold photos of Western women and sluts and ask doctors to take pictures of cats and tigers, so the standard of beauty gods was born in this way.Similar plastic surgery techniques, similar aesthetic requirements, and similar makeup patterns result in "Korean-style beauties" with similarities in the streets and alleys.I watched the Miss Korea beauty pageant twice, and all the beauties seemed to be born of a mother, even the arcs of winking and twisting hips were the same.

Wu Yusen, who is famous for shooting "Hong Kong film noir", released a film in 1997.The chase between Nicholas and Travolta, who played the terrorist habitual criminal in the film, is quite exciting.The plot of the movie required the two to swap faces, so with the help of the superb skills of the plastic surgery team, the faces of the two people replaced each other like a ghost.The plot in this movie is no longer science fiction. With the development of plastic surgery technology, as long as you are willing to spend money today, you can change your face and figure arbitrarily like decorating a bedroom.Traditional plastic surgery is nothing more than double eyelid cutting and nose bridge raising.With the advent of exotic techniques such as laser skin resurfacing, lens surgery, and liposuction, the scope of cosmetic plastic surgery has expanded to the entire human body.The birth of artificial bone and artificial skin makes plastic surgery even more powerful.

Today, plastic surgery can smooth out wrinkles, extend foreheads, supra-brow bone, smooth cheekbones and palate, lip augmentation, breast augmentation, vaginal augmentation, abdominal fat removal, calf muscle extraction, and more.There are more than 100 kinds of them.Korean women believe that "appearance is also a competitiveness", and they are not afraid to spend a lot of money, risking side effects, and go to the plastic surgery table one after another.According to a questionnaire survey, 80% of 20-year-old women said, "If it can make you look good, you are willing to undergo plastic surgery."Many parents give their daughters graduation gifts that turn out to be plastic surgery.Fundraising plastic surgery is even popular among some young women.South Korea has become the most famous plastic surgery country in the world.American newspapers put stories about South Korea's plastic surgery craze on the front pages. "The Wall Street Journal" article said: "Now, Korean women are not satisfied with rhinoplasty, jaw reduction, and eye enlargement. In order to make their thighs beautiful, they even dare to perform dangerous calf muscle cutting operations."

Under the tracking of the media, some celebrities simply admit that they are "beauties with plastic surgery". What's the matter with plastic surgery?Don't you still chase me?Resistance to plastic surgery is fading away.The advertisement of plastic surgeons said: "Rather than being ugly and unable to hold your head up, why not spend some money and time to live happily!" Many people were moved by this argument, so the plastic surgery knife danced faster and faster.Sometimes when I saw a bunch of "fake foreign girls" walking by on the streets of Seoul, I couldn't help singing: "Big swords, cut off the heads of beauties." However, there are also some more rational Korean public opinion that, even if With a beautiful appearance, if she lacks the self-confidence endowed by her inner temperament and her individual artistic performance ability, can she be regarded as a real beauty?But I see this concern as unpopular.In this world, even love, friendship, democracy, and freedom can be faked, so don’t you have to take other people’s wives’ breasts and legs so seriously, anyway, don’t you just want to “consume” them?Have you really fallen in love with those "skeletons with meat"?

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