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Chapter 18 Happy Fighting Lee Chang Ho

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 2953Words 2018-03-18
I've wanted to write this article for a long time, but I haven't been able to think of a title.I dare not say "fight against Lee Chang-ho", nor dare to say "hard fight", "hard fight", "fierce fight", "death fight", that would be too shameless.In the end, I forced myself to ask myself: "You played a game of chess with Lee Chang-ho, what mood did you feel?" The other one replied, "What else? I'm happy!" So I was full of joy and recalled that time with Lee Chang-ho "Hi war".In the eyes of my elders in Korea, there are only three people worthy of admiration.The first one is Ahn Jung-geun, the Korean national hero who bravely killed the Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito in my hometown of Harbin, and left behind the famous saying "the motherland is safe, worry about it"; the second one is the indomitable struggle for democracy and freedom for decades. The incumbent President Kim Dae-jung is not disabled; the third is Lee Chang-ho, a Go genius who is known as the "young Jiang Taigong" and is invincible all over the world.After I arrived in South Korea, I visited Ahn Jung-geun in the memorial hall, touched the banner written by Kim Dae-jung when he started the revolution in a small restaurant, but I didn’t have anything to do with Lee Chang-ho, so I couldn’t help feeling depressed.Unexpectedly, the sky has eyes and sees that I play chess with my left hand holding black and right hand catching white every day, just like the old urchin Zhou Botong practicing the magical skill of "fighting left and right".On the day of the Ewha Womans University celebration, more than 10,000 flower girls on the campus were dressed up as Zhang Zuozhi.Old man, I was ordered to suspend classes by all the female disciples and forced to play. I was very lonely and bored.In the afternoon, when I was about to go home, I suddenly stepped on a poster with a Go-style "Shuangfeiyan" drawn on it. I couldn't read a large number of Korean characters, but I spelled "Lee Chang-ho", so Intercept a student for questioning.It was only then that I was shocked to learn that in order to celebrate the birthday of this princess university, the nine young masters of the Korean Chess Academy came to show their eyes-live performances.I didn't say anything after hearing this, and went straight to the battlefield.I saw a small western-style building on the hillside with three floors inside and five floors outside, only enough to make two eyes.I squeezed in and asked, and it turned out that Lee Chang-ho and the others hadn't arrived yet.I asked the organizer if I could go in and see it?The answer is that not only can you watch it, but you can also sign up for a challenge. Each of the 9 national players will play handicap against 3 chess fans.I quickly found the little leader of the student union who was in charge of the registration, and he turned out to be a girl in my class who was more favored by me.I remembered that I reprimanded her once because she couldn't answer the meaning of the South Korean flag, and I couldn't help but feel regretful in my heart. A broken national flag, why meddle in other people's business?I don't know if she will take revenge on the old man.Unexpectedly, as soon as she heard what I said, she immediately wrote a note and sent someone to send it in.When someone came out to report to her, she pulled me to the door to have a look inside.However, there were 9 long tables in the hall, and there was a nine palace formation, and there were three names on the opposite side of each national player's tablet, and the opposite of the old man's name happened to be Li Changhao!At that time, I made up my mind that I would never reprimand girls again.After a while, Li Changhao and others arrived, and many chess fans rushed forward to ask for autographs.I saw that Li Changhao was really the same as what he saw on TV, with a stupid and demented appearance.I'm afraid there will be no one who even asks him the way when he walks on the street.No matter how softly the little demon girls squeezed in front of him spoke softly, raised their feet and raised their chests, he was like a wood carving and clay sculpture, like facing mountains, rocks, grass and trees, without a single hair standing on end.Since I was a child, I don't like asking people to sign. Since the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I have only been asked to sign by others.However, at this time, he actually broke the precept, and asked this young man ten years younger than me to sign it once.Politically, I am opposed to the cult of personality, but culturally, if you insist on not worshiping great men, isn’t that blatantly pretending to be a grandson?

The battle begins.It turned out that all the participants in the battle were men, and half of the onlookers were boys from outside the school.I saw several professors and students around put up seven pieces, and another person in the distance put up eight pieces. I thought to myself that I am an envoy of the Celestial Dynasty and the instructor of Peking University, and I must not be the same as the Koreans.But he didn't dare to put 4 or 5 on the ground, so he took 6 sunspots and placed them lightly.Li Changhao came over, picked up a white piece, and hung it high in one room.Just listening to pa, pa, pa, he played three games of chess as if playing a game of chess.Although he had to walk back and forth, his eyes never left the chessboard, just expressionless.After more than twenty rounds, I discovered how powerful he is.This fellow is really the style of everyone, he will not be strange, surprising, or deceiving, he will never bully others, and he will never act unreasonably and questioningly.Wherever you go, he follows you.If you pinch, he will jump; if you chase, he will run; if you break, he will abandon; if you surround, he will cut.Absolutely easy-going temper, aloof from the world.However, in this easy-going and non-controversial environment, you can experience a natural mighty force like water flooding a golden mountain, just as Lao Tzu said: "Do nothing and do everything."He seems to have nothing to ask for anywhere, but in fact there is his shadow everywhere.I saw the huge advantage of 6 subs, such as the beach after high tide, getting smaller and smaller.His chess is like sticking to my chess, I am like a boxer against a judo player, he leans on you, you advance and he retreats, you retreat and he advances, just to prevent your fist from hitting, but it is obvious if you don’t hit. If they were waiting to die, they had no choice but to fight around, dissipating their true energy in low efficiency.Before I knew it, beads of sweat fell on my hands, and someone behind me wiped my forehead with a handkerchief. After a burst of perfume, I felt that my size was getting messed up.

Lee Chang-ho didn't kill my dragons or break my void on a large scale, but my void became smaller and smaller, and finally there were only four corners and one side.Lee Chang-ho, on the other hand, has two sides and half a belly.When I got to about 150 moves, I was only 12 eyes ahead of the board.A professor next to him had already lost, and later learned that he had escaped for no reason, and Dalong would not live.I know that Nie Weiping claims to be invincible in the first 50 moves, and Li Changhao is recognized as unparalleled in the last 50 moves.If Nie Weiping and Li Changhao only lead by 10 eyes when they play 150 hands, it will be bad luck.Now I only have this advantage, and it must be finished.So regardless of being ten years older than him, he played unreasonable chess.First break his small space, and then eat his tail.This guy broke it for me calmly, but turned around and flattened my biggest side.After reaching about 200 hands, he clicked into my Wuyoujiao again, resulting in double live.In this way, this guy is already slightly ahead, and the great rivers and mountains have been completely divided, and the rest are basically single officials.I didn't want to stalk and do the rogue act of not crying until I saw the coffin, so I said Pass and surrendered.It is estimated that if it reaches the end, he will beat me by 10 items.Let 6 sons be like this, 5 and 4 sons really dare not think about it.Maybe let 8 sub, I just have a little hope.

Although Lee Chang-ho looked demented, he was not lacking in courtesy, indicating that I could go down to the end, and waited for me for a while.After seeing that I sincerely surrendered, he bowed to me, and then concentrated on dealing with the last enemy.This person is Mr. Ahn Hong-sik, dean of Ewha Womans University and a professor of economics. His chess style is similar to mine, and he lost more than 20 games in the end.I went to watch other battlefields and found that the Koreans really have the spirit to shed the last drop of blood.They basically refused to admit defeat even when they were at an obvious disadvantage, and they desperately seized every opportunity that was almost one in ten thousand.Some were slaughtered by two dragons, and they were still fighting bloody battles.However, the country's hands are not sullen, as if they are used to it.In my opinion, it is this kind of spirit that Koreans have achieved today's status in the world.And the Chinese are like old men, they are a bit pedantic and lazy.

After nearly an hour, the flames of war were completely extinguished. 27 challengers, 26 discounted.Only one student who was handed 8 pieces won a few orders, and everyone applauded to celebrate.At this time, Li Changhao, with a withered face and haggard eyes, was sitting in the corner blankly, like a stone in the sky, with an expression of nothing and no self.Suddenly I thought, with my strength, it might not be hopeless for Lu Zizi, but when playing chess, he had no desires and desires, and he reached the state of being stupefied, as if a machine was playing chess; and when I saw a "great man" Xinxi brought the excitement into the battle, secondly, he was greedy and secretly tried to win him, and thirdly, he was thinking about his own demeanor before the game was finished, which greatly reduced his strength.It is natural that his chess strength is not as good as his, but he should be ashamed of his lack of cultivation in chess morality.I wanted to run back and get my camera to take a photo with Lee Chang-ho, but at this moment, I suddenly felt that this battle was not wasted. I had already learned something very valuable from this young man, and such vulgar actions like taking a photo seemed like Funny.At this time, the organizers served meals to the national players. A large pot of rice, a large pot of kimchi, and a large pot of miso soup were brought out.I knew that the ancient kings of Korea ate nothing more than these, so I turned around and left, facing the starry sky.

Soon, I took my wife to the airport and saw Chang Hao, Yu Bin and other Chinese players waiting for their flight.The wife said: "Say hello to them?" I said very arrogantly: "No need, your official has played chess with Li Changhao!" The wife said: "Virtue!" There are a lot of tourists coming to South Korea at present. They just want to visit Jeju Island in Seoul, take a bath in the sauna, eat some kimchi and barbecue, and buy some ginseng and leather jackets. How do they know what is the real national treasure of South Korea. Your official People who come to Korea have two major rewards, which are: go to Panmunjom to write inscriptions, and play chess with Lee Chang-ho. You have to meet the two national treasures of Korea, and you are willing to eat kimchi for another year. Can you be virtuous?" So, rely on this "virtue", the old man Continue to fight happily at Ewha Womans University, in this country filled with the smell of kimchi, hot sauce, perfume and soju.

Written on the night of the first full moon after the Mid-Autumn Festival
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