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Chapter 16 that would be great

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 2016Words 2018-03-18
Orally test Chinese for undergraduates of Ewha Womans University, and ask them to make sentences with "how wonderful that would be". Okay", "It would be great if I didn't go to school every day".Looking at their innocent and silly appearance, I couldn't help but secretly smiled.But after laughing, I thought, laughing at students is easy, if I were asked to make this sentence, how would I say it? "What, what, that would be great", expresses a kind of hope, and seems to have witnessed the scene when the hope is realized, so that he is intoxicated in the happy scene.There are probably many such sentences lurking in the bottom of everyone's heart.Traveling abroad, love and marriage, and freedom and indulgence are the happiness that people most easily think of.All other regrets, dreams, prayers, and curses can also be expressed with "how wonderful that is".In fact, the "that would be great" that we are most looking forward to is often what we dare not say, such as "how wonderful it would be if that guy was run over by a car tomorrow", "if my breasts are as firm as hers, then How wonderful it would be”, “If a world war breaks out and I am the only man left, how wonderful it would be”.These shady "privacy dreams" are actually people's normal psychology, and they are necessary for people's spiritual balance.Working women often display this kind of private dream with great pride when they quarrel, "I will be happy if you, bastard, are covered with huge abscesses, rotten, rotten, from head to toe!" Let a hundred gorillas catch the sluts as soon as they go out, show, show, give birth to a hundred orangutan cubs a year, how enjoyable it is!" After the scolding, they ate sweetly and slept soundly, "Our life is full of sunshine ".However, some highly educated intellectuals regard it as elegant to never show their private dreams. Most of what they say is "It would be great if the 'Cultural Revolution' didn't happen", "If everyone cared about the Hope Project, how much would it be?" Okay" sanctimonious bullshit like that.In fact, the vicious curses in their hearts are no less than those of working women, but working women are fine after scolding, while intellectuals are ruthless, and they will rationally turn their curses into reality.He will really develop some kind of potion to make the enemy full of abscesses; he will really prove that his enemy's son has the genetics of the gorilla.The paleness of many intellectuals is closely related to their mentality of not seeing the light of day.

This is to criticize certain intellectuals from a dark angle.And the reason why most intellectuals don't like to say "that would be great" is because it is useless to say it, and it is even more sad to say it.History has ruthlessly crushed their dreams time and time again.Lu Xun thought about it: "If I learned medicine, it would be great! I usually treat patients who are delayed like my father, and go to be a military doctor during wars." Bing Xin thought: "If all mothers and mothers in the world are friends , the son and the son are also friends, that would be great, then there will never be war, and there will always be blue sky, bright moon and sea.” We thought in the 1950s: “People’s communes have been established throughout the country, that would be great, no need to light the lamps. Oil, farming without cattle, upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones..." In the 1960s, I thought: "If everyone has no selfishness, it would be great. Yes, the word ruthless fights for selfishness in a flash, and there is a revolution in the soul... ..." In the 1980s, I thought: "It would be great if China became the United States. Yes, if we want democracy and freedom, time is Yuan Datou..." These dreams have been hit by the iron wall of reality one after another.It was Lu Xun who was the first to wake up, and he uttered those famous sayings mixed with infinite pain: "Despair is vain, just like hope", "Hope is nothing that doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what doesn't matter, just like the road on the ground. In fact, the road on the ground There is no road at all, but with more people walking, it becomes a road." So we hear less and less the voice of "that would be great".We no longer know how China and the world will move forward, and it is "how wonderful that would be".The motivation for working women to speak their minds is "don't say it for nothing"; we can't speak our minds, and the resistance is "speak it for nothing."

As for me personally, when it comes to the past, I generally don’t say, “It would be great if Li Zicheng didn’t move Wu Sangui’s Chen Yuanyuan”, “It would be great if China started reform and opening up in 1949”, “It would be great if my university It would be great if you don’t go to graduate school after graduation, and you are directly assigned to work in the State Council, and you must be a prince now.”I think that what has happened is inevitable. They may not have the rationality of interests, efficiency, morality, and emotion, but they must have logical and historical rationality. .Blaming history is a kind of incompetence to reality.And the future, although it has many possibilities and is related to our efforts in reality, but the "future" is a romantic woman with no sense of responsibility, and she always abandons us at every turn.This makes us have to accept Lu Xun's "Philosophy of Despair", that is, to have no illusions about everything, cut off the double temptation of the past and the future, and only hold the reins of reality tightly, or only shoulder the gate of reality.In this way, there are only some small and interesting hopes that have no practical value and have nothing to do with actual efforts.For example: "It would be great if I found out that it was a dream after I died", "It would be great if she came to see me when I died and cried to death in front of me on the spot", "If only I could subdue the dragon Eighteen palms plus the six-meridian sword and Beiming magic power, how wonderful it would be."No matter how cultivated a person is, these little dreams must still be there.Even if he is as cold as Lu Xun, if he doesn't have these things, he probably won't be able to "resistance in despair".The difference from ordinary people is that not only do we not tell others, but also we are not attached to it. We just want to have fun.Is this kind of "cultivation" worth gratifying or sad?

So looking at those students who openly express their dreams, I envy their frankness.Even if what they make is "It would be great if my feet were whiter", "It would be great if I could eat Chinese food cooked by Teacher Kong", "If it is as cheap to study in the United States as going to China, That would be great." I think they are cute with sentences like this.I think what should really be laughed at is ourselves.After all the students had finished their oral examinations and the old man was left in the empty classroom, I couldn't help expressing: Oh, it would be great if I were still a student now.

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