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Chapter 3 Dear Yin Huai

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 608Words 2018-03-18
South Korea's "Haedong Mingchenlu" records that Yin Huai in the Joseon Dynasty went out to lodge when he was young, but his master didn't allow him, so he sat on the edge of the yard.The master's son brought out a large pearl, which fell into the courtyard and was swallowed by a white goose.The master couldn't find the pearl, so he tied Yin Huai to sue the officials.Yin Huai didn't make any distinctions, but only asked that even the goose should be tied up together.The next day, "the pearl came out from behind the goose", the truth came out.The master was very ashamed, and asked him why he didn't say it yesterday, Yin Huai replied: "If you said it yesterday, the master will cut the goose to find the pearl. So bear the humiliation and treat it."

Yin Huai's calm attitude of not being surprised by changes and not arguing when humiliated is very admirable.It has the demeanor of Su Dongpo's saying that "it is not angry when there is no reason, and it is not surprised when it comes suddenly".Many Korean friends I met, when they heard others praise the advantages of South Korea, they smiled and were kind and friendly, but when they heard other people's slight criticism of South Korea, they immediately turned pale, sneered back, and even decided the case and became furious.My brother Gao Yuandong pointed out: "Korean people are narrow-minded and eager to compete." Therefore, I seldom criticize South Korea. No matter how big a grievance I encounter in Korea, I try to swallow my teeth as much as possible. I also advise Chinese who are new to Korea from time to time. : "Don't give advice to Koreans." I even wondered at the beginning, could it be that Koreans have such a hot temper since ancient times?

But the story of Yin Huai made me realize that the ancient Koreans also admired this kind of benevolence and elegance. They can endure even being wronged by others for stealing. How confident is this.Today's Koreans have a bad temper, which is probably more directly related to a modern history full of oppression and resistance.When a nation washes away its humiliation and regains its dignity in the world, their temper may become more refined.A broad-minded person like Yin Huai can appear in Korea's yesterday, and naturally he can also appear in Korea's tomorrow. (Because I have such confidence in my Korean friends, I also dare to write some words that criticize Korea boldly.)

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