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Chapter 2 Korean universities at a glance

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 5755Words 2018-03-18
After staying in Korea for two years, "I have traveled all over the north, south, west and east, and I have also been to many famous cities. I just think about it quietly." The place I visited the most was the university.So far, I have been to about 40 universities in Korea.They are: More than 20 universities in Seoul: Ewha Women's University, Sungshin Women's University, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul Women's University, National Seoul University, City Seoul University, Yonsei University, Korea University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Chung-Ang University, Dongguk University, Konkuk University, Dankook University, Sungkyunkwan University, Seong Kung Hui University, Korea Broadcasting and Communication University, Kyung Hee University, Hongik University, Sogang University...

Shilla University in Busan, Inje University, Korea Ocean University. Chungnam University in Daejeon and Woosong University. Yeongnam University in Daegu, Kyungpook University, Kyungsan University. Cheonan University of Foreign Studies in Cheonan, a branch of Dankook University. There are also Catholic University in Incheon, Chosun University in Gwangju, Gangneung University in Gangneung, Chung-Ang University branch in Anseong, Sungjeol University in Anyang, Daejin University in Pocheon, Wonkwang University in Iksan, Shinsung University in Dangjin, and Jeju Island. Halla University, etc.

The following roughly 40 universities are divided into several categories for a brief introduction. I teach at Ewha Womans University, which is the largest university in Korea and the largest women's university in the world, with about 20,000 female students.It not only ranks first among women's universities in South Korea, but also ranks among the top ten universities in South Korea. It is said that it once ranked fourth, second only to the troika of Han University, Yan University, and Gao University.Although many universities are dissatisfied with it now, it is still no problem to rank seven or eight.For details, please refer to my upcoming article "In the Country of Daughters".In addition to Ewha University, there are many women's universities in South Korea.I have friends who teach at the other female colleges mentioned above.Among them, Chengxin Women's University competes with Shuming Women's University for the position of the second sister.When I went to Shinshin Women's University, the professors there were protesting against the principal.They moved out all the principal's office equipment, set up a tent outside the office building, ate and lived inside, and demonstrated day and night.I inquired about the reason for the protest, and my friend told me that the principal was the sister of the principal of Sookmyung Women's University.The professors thought that why the older sister should be the principal of Shuming, and the younger sister should be the principal of honesty, isn't this obviously bullying?We must fight, and we must never be the third sister You.

Ranking according to the reputation of the school, the status of the leader of Seoul National University is recognized throughout the country.However, the ranking of Han University in Asia is not outstanding, some say it ranks in the 40s, and some say it ranks in the 80s.Han University was originally located in the Daxue Road area in the city center, and has always been the academic center and student sports center of Korea. In the mid-1970s, in order to dispel the power of the student movement, the Park Chung-hee regime deliberately moved Han University to the foothills of Gwanak Mountain in the southernmost suburb of Seoul.It's not very lively and bustling there so far, but as soon as you enter the campus, you can feel the extraordinary weather, and there is a kind of calm and soothing of the king.Although the Daxue Road lacks Handa, it is still full of pioneering cultural atmosphere. There are cafes, galleries and small theaters everywhere. There are often open-air performances and art activities in street parks, full of strong academic atmosphere and vigorous youthful passion.I met some of Korea's best scholars and artists in that area, but have been there many times and still get lost.

As the Chinese saying goes, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts.Below Han University, who is the second brother?Yonsei University and Korea University are not convinced by each other.Therefore, the two schools hold a cultural and sports competition every year, which is actually equivalent to a grand university festival.It's just that Yonsei University is called Yeongojeon, and Korea University is called Goyeonjeon.Since Yonsei University is the neighbor of our Ewha Womans University, there is only one road away, as if a university has specially designated a women's campus.There is close contact between the two schools, so the position of Pear University is generally on the side of Yanda, and I call Yangao in most cases.But this year's Yan Gao battle was a decisive battle, and Gao Da's friend invited me to watch it.Amidst the shouts of tens of thousands of people in the main Olympic stadium, I was sitting in the team of Korea University.So I had to call Gao Yanzhan.It's a pity that Korea University lost.Of course, winning or losing is not important. The competition between the two schools is mainly to strengthen mutual exchanges and their own cohesion.When I returned to Ewha University and reported that I went to see Gao Yanzhan on the weekend, the students immediately corrected me that it was Yan Gaozhan.I hasten to admit my mistake.I know that many students at Ewha University have boyfriends from Yanda University.I once asked students whether they prefer Yanda or Gaoda.They said that tall boys are rough, not as gentle as Yanda.In fact, I think it is because of the proximity to the water.If Ewha University and Gao Da were neighbors, students might say that the tall boys are manly.Founded in 1905, Gaoda has a tradition of anti-Japanese patriotism and takes nationalism as its school spirit. It is known as "National Gaoda" and its school emblem is a colorful tiger.Most of the former students were from poor families, able to endure hardships, show loyalty, like to drink cheap traditional turbid wine, and dare to lead the way in student movements.During a demonstration in 2000, a huge banner read "It's Right to Rebel".However, in recent years, the source of students in South Korean universities has generally tended to be from wealthy families, and these characteristics of being tall are no longer obvious.When I watched Gao Yanzhan this time, I felt that tall students were not as brave as Yanda.On the contrary, the tall friends I know are indeed very loyal.

Yanda University was established in 1885, one year earlier than Ewha University.Like Ewha University, it is also a Christian university.Therefore, the atmosphere of Westernization is relatively strong, and it is known as "Democratic Extension". The school emblem is an eagle with wings ready to fly.The school motto is "freedom" and "truth".Most of the students are from the middle class, they like to drink beer, they have a free spirit, but I think the team spirit is also very strong.Next to the spacious main road, there is a towering eagle statue.A friend told me a joke, the eagle on the top looks down at the students coming and going below every day, if it sees a virgin, it will immediately spread its wings and fly away.But how many years have passed, the eagle is still standing there, spreading its wings forever, but it just can't fly away.After hearing this, I immediately thought, this seems to be the crow described by Lu Xun.The postgraduate students majoring in Chinese at Yanda University left a deep impression on me.They have keen thinking and broad vision. Although they claim to be Westernized, they are actually concerned about the country and the people.I actively encourage a graduate from Ewha University to go to Yanda University to study modern Chinese literature as a graduate student.I think Yanda's Chinese major is full of vitality. In the summer of 2000, I accompanied the novelist Yu Hua to a seminar with Yankee students. The students’ analysis of Yu Hua’s works and their understanding of Lu Xun and East Asian issues put a lot of pressure on Yu Hua.I once went to climb Bukhansan with a group of professors and students after a lecture at Yanda University. My understanding and goodwill towards Korean academic circles was deepened through sincere exchanges with them.

My Ewha University is located in the Seodaemun district of Seoul.There are four universities in this area: Ewha University, Yanda University, Hongik University and Sogang University.The proud Yonsei people do not agree with this statement, they believe that there is only one university, Yonsei University.The other three schools are not considered universities: Ewha University is a women's makeup college, Hongik University is a college of fine arts, and Sogang University is a senior high school.Of course, this was a noble joke, and the three schools didn't buy it.There is a train track passing through the front of Yanda and Pear Gates. On the Yanda side, it passes through the high-altitude flyover, and on the Pear University side, it passes through the bridge hole in the deep valley.So Mrs. Li proudly said: Huh, the train passing over their heads can only pass under our feet.But Mrs. Li has a superstition, that is, when the train passes by, if you make a wish quickly, it will come true.I made several wishes there, but none of them came.Probably because women don't care about men.Or I can only realize this wish: let me find a boyfriend in Yanda!I have listened to the speeches of the professors of Sogang University and read their articles, and the level is not lower than that of other universities.As for Hongik University, the fine arts major is its trump card, which inevitably overshadows the brilliance of other majors.There is a Hongik University station on the subway, and I visited it once.There happened to be a small art exhibition in the small park in front of the door. The theme was homosexuality. The male body drawn from a female perspective exudes a special tenderness and depth.The campus is also filled with an artistic atmosphere, with sculptures and canvases everywhere, and the students’ clothing is also quite individual. Compared with the middle-class pursuits of Ewha University and Yanda University, it is more like a student.Picasso Street in front of Hongdaemun Gate is lined with cafes and clubs full of exotic and artistic atmosphere. It is known as the three youth streets in Seoul along with Sinchon next to Ewha University and Daxue Road.

There are three universities in Seoul whose names all contain the word "Guo", namely Dongguk University, Konkuk University, and Dankook University, collectively known as "Three Kingdoms University".I can't figure out their rankings. Anyway, as long as they are in Seoul, even less famous universities are more attractive to students than famous universities in other places.Dongguk University is a Buddhist university. Several professors I know are quite good in knowledge and manners. There is only one teaching assistant who is too irresponsible to handle things, which makes me unhappy.The cherry blossoms of Dongguk University are very outstanding. Every year in late spring and March, there is an endless stream of visitors.At Jianguo University, I participated in a large-scale international academic seminar near the Han River.The scenery of the campus, not only the magnificent buildings like the New Millennium Pavilion, but also the traditional small bridges and flowing water, is quite impressive.Dankook University, I gave lectures twice, and established cordial friendship with some professors and students.Especially Professor Huang Xuanguo, who has lived in Taiwan for 11 years and is very familiar with Chinese culture.He can cook authentic Chinese dishes, drink tea very tastefully, and is like a big brother to students, which is very rare among Korean professors.I also got along very well with him on Taiwanese literature.

Although Sungkyunkwan University is not big, it is the oldest university in South Korea, because its school history is counted from the Guozijian in the Joseon Dynasty.In this way, 1398 is its founding year. By 1998, a 600th anniversary memorial hall was built, which is the best in Korea.I said that if Peking University does the same calculation, it has a history of at least two thousand years.Sungkyunkwan University attaches great importance to traditional culture. The Confucian Temple is preserved on the campus, and a grand memorial ceremony is held every year.The wood of Dacheng Hall and Minglun Hall are cracked, and it seems that they need to be repaired.In front of Minglun Hall, there are two ginkgo trees that are more than 400 years old, supported by many green painted iron pillars. This is the oldest tree I have seen in Korea.Almost all the wood in South Korea was burned by the Japanese.When you go to most tourist attractions, you will see the words "burned in the Imjin Japanese Invasion". The Japanese are permanently nailed to the pillar of shame in history by the Koreans.In addition, many trees were burned during the Korean War, so although South Korea is now very green, trees that are 20 or 30 years old are considered old trees.There are actually more than 400-year-old trees here. Although they are long-lasting, they are still towering and lush.My uncle Kong Xianke has two lines of poems chanting the ancient wood of the Confucian mansion: "Twice around the sky and the earth, the fire has not changed after the robbery." It is also suitable for this place.I said it was all due to my ancestors.Because the Japanese also worshiped Confucius and went to the Confucian Temple, maybe they will stop acting wild for the time being.In addition, the museum collection of Sungkyunkwan University is also relatively rich. In 2001, the National Day party organized by the Chinese embassy for scholars and students in Korea was held at the 600th anniversary memorial hall of Sungkyunkwan University.We also went to the open-air stage to watch the "four things" performance and taekwondo performed by adult college students.South Korea attaches the most importance to the Confucian tradition in East Asia, so the significance of Sungkyunkwan University is self-evident.

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is next to Kyung Hee University.This is the highest foreign language institution in South Korea, and its Chinese major is not inferior to Seoul National University.I have been to Foreign University many times, or for meetings, or to visit friends.The University of Foreign Affairs is the university that treats Chinese scholars the best among all universities in South Korea, and there is no grade difference between them and scholars from other countries and regions, so it is quite popular with Chinese scholars.This is probably caused by the experience and quality gained from more foreign affairs work.Professor Park Jae-woo there is the president of the Modern Chinese Literature Society in Korea. He is knowledgeable, warm-hearted and has practical organizational skills.He used to be a prominent figure in the democratic movement, but now he is a scholar and is good at combining theory with practice.When I had an article about the national character of South Korea and was besieged by many Koreans, Professor Park Jae-woo said, this can help us understand the national character of South Korea.He was the head of the Hongbao Section of Foreign University, that is, the Minister of Propaganda.Once I went to Daegu for a meeting, and he lived in the same room as me.He went to bed very late at night, and early the next morning, he had to catch a plane to attend another meeting.Famous professors in Korea are very busy.

But the campus of Foreign University is really unflattering, it is pitifully small.Fortunately, Kyung Hee University behind the University of Foreign Affairs gave the University a lot of credit. Some high school students applied for the University of Foreign Affairs after seeing the landscape pictures of the University.Only when I came here did I realize that the beautiful buildings on the mountain belong to Kyung Hee University behind.Kyung Hee University is famous for its oriental medicine major.The "Korean medicine" in South Korea has been carefully observed, and it is Chinese medicine, from looking, hearing, and asking, to acupuncture and massage, from pills and ointments, to decoction and medicine, from Compendium of Materia Medica, to Binhu pulse case, from yin and yang Taiji, to five elements. Gram, nothing special.If there is any difference between Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine, it is the difference between Shandong doctors and Hebei doctors.A doctor of medicine graduate from Kyung Hee University is equivalent to graduating from a rich man's major.It is said that to marry a doctor of medicine, the woman must give the man three keys: a set of keys to a luxury house, a key to a famous car, and a key to a bank safe.Because these "marriage investments" the man will soon earn back.I know the wife of a Korean doctor who works as a teacher in a university. She said that her husband earns her monthly salary in one day.The scenery of Kyung Hee University is beautiful, and people from the University of Foreign Affairs often go for a walk in Kyung Hee University.Several students majoring in Korean at Peking University were sent to Kyung Hee University for exchange.I've had parties with them.In the past, the short-term courses of Kyung Hee University also came to the Chinese Department of Peking University. I took them to Xi’an, Luoyang and other places.The teaching assistants in Korean universities are all part-time graduate students. Most of them have no work experience.The quality of teaching assistants seriously affects the image of the entire university. Anglican University is of course a Christian university.Although this university is small, it has gathered many Korean revolutionary fighters.When Professor Bai Yuandan invited me to give a lecture, he specially invited me to visit their democratic movement exhibition room.There are a large number of manuscripts and real objects collected there. I was very moved after reading it, and uttered a sentence from the bottom of my heart: "Because of the great ambition of sacrifice, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky." Korea Broadcasting and Communication University is not China's Radio and Television University, but is equivalent to China's correspondence university.It can be said to be the "Central TV University" of South Korea.I didn't know this until I went there for a meeting.South Korea does not have a dedicated television university or film school.These artistic talents are directly selected from comprehensive universities.Therefore, the Korean film and television industry is not academic enough, and its professional foundation is not strong.However, almost everyone of the Korean nationality can sing and dance well, never fears the camera, and has a natural desire to perform, so it also has its own advantages of being casual.In addition, the word "broadcasting" includes radio and television. This is a rare example that is more refined than Chinese vocabulary. I will give this example to students to prove that Chinese characters are not China's private property. Chinese characters embody the common wisdom of East Asian people. , so we should all learn Chinese characters well. The name of Chung-Ang University is very bluffing, but it has nothing to do with the "Central" in South Korea.People are willing to be called "Central", just like the baby name of a landlord's child in a novel must be called "Emperor".A Korean friend took me to Chung-Ang University to participate in a grand national rally against globalization and neoliberalism.I didn't have a clear position on this matter at the time, because I didn't think globalization was terrible.But when I saw the angry workers and peasants at the venue and saw their revolutionary performances, I was infected by the "fiery life".Only in the real situation of capitalism can you understand the justice of socialism and understand that socialism is precisely to protect the human rights of millions of people. I have also been to the branch campus of Chuo University.Many universities in South Korea have branch campuses in small cities.The branch campus of Chung-Ang University is in Anseong, a famous place for producing instant noodles in Korea.My Peking University colleague Huang Hui taught there.We went there with some friends in Seoul.Every time I go to a university outside of Seoul, I always think that the university should be built in such a place.Beautiful mountains and clear waters, fertile plains, dog barking outside the classroom, rooster crowing next to the podium.We walked in the seemingly endless campus, and we didn't meet a single person for a long time.On the ground of a square, there are many posters exposing the massacre of Korean people by the US military.We went to dig wild vegetables again, reciting "Cai Cai Yi Yi" from the Book of Songs while digging.I dug up something that looked like ginseng and radish, and asked the guard when I went back.The guard said, this is of no use to you, so he left it.Had a nice dinner and played poker all night.The surroundings were so quiet that the sound of poker falling on the blanket could be heard from thousands of miles away.Unforgettable night in Anseong. Most of the universities outside of Seoul are for meetings or lectures. After a quick look around, the impression is not very deep.The general impression is that the area is large, the style is grand, the house is beautiful, and the equipment is advanced.Chosun University in Gwangju and Chungnam University in Daejeon are all like this.Anyone who sees a group of distinctive and beautiful buildings is likely to be a university.Most of these universities were built after the economic development in the 1980s. The design is very particular, seeking change, and the location is also good. Almost all of them are in geomantic treasures.In terms of space, it gives people a sense of "big" learning.When you look at Korean universities, you realize that this is a country that places a high value on education.In the corridors of many universities, you can see rows of computers, where students use them casually, and there are more computers than students.I remembered that when I was studying at Peking University, there were not as many students as there were even chairs. Students often fought for seats, and I also fought like that.Peking University relies on the hard-working spirit of "fighting for chairs" to push the motherland forward.This is certainly very valuable, but wouldn't it be better if the hardware was better, with more chairs, more computers, and more buildings?Of course it's hard to say.It is said that Peking University was ranked seventh in Asia at its best. If it really comes to a day when there are more computers than students, I hope it will not be ranked 70th.
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