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Independent Han Qiu

Independent Han Qiu


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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Preface: Kong Qingdong's Ten Crimes

Independent Han Qiu 孔庆东 1281Words 2018-03-18
The year before last and last year, Yu Ke lived in South Korea to escape the wind and sand.My friend told me that wise and insightful people in China still write articles from time to time denouncing Yu Zhi's fallacious words.I was very worried when I heard it, so I asked my friends to collect the rest of this kind of magnificent writing.Yu Duzhi sweated like a note, and his old illness was healed.So he put on his lapel and held a candle, and roughly classified it into ten categories, and wrote it on the wall impressively, so as to correct the remaining mistakes and regret the remaining sins.

1. Kong Qingdong used to sing praises of Peking University, and Kong himself was a native of Peking University, so Confucius praised Peking University and praised himself, which is really shameless.Kong argued that Xu Zhimo also praised Cambridge, but Cambridge is a foreign university, and it is naturally great and wise without waiting for Xu Zhi to sing. How can it be compared with Peking University?Therefore, Confucius is really shameless. 2. Kong Qingdong once highly praised Chen Pingyuan, Wen Rumin, Qian Liqun, Yan Jiayan and other generations. After verification, these generations are all Confucius' mentors and sages.Husband brags about his mentor, how corrupt!When a man is born in the world, it is a feat to bully his teachers and destroy his ancestors, beat his father and scold his mother, so what is the point of having three or five mentors?Kuang Kong has graduated for many years, and you are really corrupt by fawning on his tutor.

3. Those who satirized and criticized in Kong Qingdong's works have not been verified as the current party and state leaders.I dare not criticize the current party and state leaders, that is, people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, clinging to the handicapped, confusing black and white, and turning right and wrong, that is, the minions of the "Gang of Four" and the local accomplices.If Confucius wanted to argue against this slander, he had to confess it with practical actions. 4. One of Kong Qingdong’s famous books is called humorous, but half of the articles are not humorous or even sad and serious.It should be ordered to compensate readers for their loss of youth, and to return me the happiness and joy of "smiling for ten years".

5. The title of Kong Qingdong's "Crazy Words in the Kongshan Mountain" written by Kong Qingdong is extremely inconsistent.Read from the beginning to the end, the order is clear, the thinking is coherent, and there is no "crazy language".And the beginning said "I'm not humorous", but then it was wanton and humorous, with a hippie smile.This is to blatantly fool the readers, turn the clouds and rains, and use the revolutionary masses as adversaries.It should be ordered to publish in the newspaper and change the title of the book "Manshan Monk Smiling and Happy", so that the common people will be outraged.

6. Kong Qingdong's praise of Peking University is to belittle other institutions, to belittle elite consciousness, to be self-centered, to despise the people of the whole country, to be cultural fascism, to destroy the stability, unity and brotherhood of the educational circle, and to be a disguised form. The authorities of Peking University woo outstanding students.Therefore, people of insight all over the world must work together to insult and deface Peking University in every possible way, so as to eliminate the bad influence of Confucius and Wen, so as to turn the tide from the fall and save the people from the fire.

7. Kong is used to writing so-called humorous articles that are boring and amusing, which proves that he must be a person with no expertise in learning and no skills.All true academic masters must be unsmiling. Every time they utter a word, everyone has to think about it for three years before realizing it. How can someone laugh out loud after reading it?The author of an article that laughs at the first reading must be superficial.Kong argued that Lu Xun's "The True Story of Ah Q" also made people laugh, but he didn't know that this was precisely Lu Xun's stain.If Lu Xun could learn from Hu Shi, Wu Mi, Zeng Guofan, Okamura Ningci and other masters, and make people not laugh all his life, he would be perfect.

8. The obscene and vulgar words of "dog days" appeared in Kong's texts, and there were scenes of collectively watching the obscene scenes of young girls taking a naked bath, which fully proves that Confucius was extremely obscene and vulgar.And such a vulgar and vulgar person is actually a teacher of Peking University, how can he not mislead his children and instigate three thousand hooligans and eight hundred rascals!Hey, Peking University is in danger!Our Chinese nation is in danger! 9. I found Kong's doctoral dissertation "Beyond Elegance and Vulgarity" and some other academic articles are dull, sanctimonious, and not humorous.It can be seen that Kong's "humor" does not come from natural nature, but is actually a fake of artificiality and deception.Is there anyone in the world who can write two kinds of articles with one pen?Unless that person is a split personality.It's time to crack down on academic fakes

10. Kong Qingdong, as a Ph.D. from Peking University who was trained hard by the party and the state, actually handed over his works to idle booksellers in the society for publication.The ancients said that those who are close to the party are red, and those who are close to merchants are black.Kong Zhihei is self-evident.After Kong made huge profits, he still clothed himself with vegetables and food, lived in a shabby house, and rode a broken bicycle, which shows his hypocrisy.The husband is thick but invisible, black and colorless, and his Kong Qingdong calls it 欤!Hey, Weisi people, who am I to return to!

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