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Chapter 21 Chapter Nineteen

Xi Chunji 安意如 2565Words 2018-03-18
Only later did she know that her meeting with Keqing in the East Mansion was a secret and carefully arranged consequence.She used to naively think that Dong Mansion was her real home. As a young lady, when would she go to see me happy? That was a dream, she couldn't go to the Qin family's golden house now, because there are too many people there.She didn't know what Keqing was worried about, but she looked at Keqing coldly, and she didn't look like the kind of person who made trouble out of nothing.Xichun thought to herself, maybe it's really inconvenient.For example, Big Brother Zhen, every time she comes, he is always not at home, or he is on an imperial errand, or goes hunting with Feng Ziying, Wei Ruolan, Chen Yejun and other sons and grandsons. It stands to reason that the Qin family should be busy when Jia Zhen is away, but She always invites Jia Zhen to play when she is not at home.Xichun didn't ask too many questions, she was a child who was used to accepting things quietly.Moreover, Qin's feeling for her is safe and unquestionable.

According to Xichun's temperament, I think Tianxianglou is good, a clean and elegant place, with lingering and bright sunshine in the afternoon, like golden threads enveloping the intimate two people; rainy days are also good, the fine rain lines under the corridor , is more beautiful than any bead curtains, the rain hits the glazed tiles on the eaves, ding ding dong dong, in the sparse room, the laughter reflects the sound of the rain, the Qing Jue who has passed away from the world. At that time, she was happy without boundaries, and she didn't know why happiness came into existence and why did it die?Now I know that with Keqing, everything can be fulfilled.If the emotional omissions were made up one by one, she would be a complete and pure person, and would not be covered in blood.

That night, Jia Zhen came back suddenly, and someone from outside came in.Sounds like voices from another world.She saw Ke Qing's face tremble. At that time, a candle flower just exploded, and the candle light also trembled - I thought it was the candle flame flickering. Keqing and Xichun slept together, hurriedly put on their clothes and went down to meet them.The hairpin fluttered, the hairpin was hanging loose, and the hairpin couldn't be inserted properly. She accidentally tied her hands, and cried out with a cry. She panicked like an actor who was too late to dress up.The golden hairpin and silver hairpin shoot out fine shimmering light, poking Xichun's eyes like needles.

"Sister-in-law, why are you in such a hurry, take your time, brother won't blame you." "Xi'er, you don't know." She turned her head and smiled hastily: "Stay at ease upstairs, don't come down." After getting along for a long time, she called her Xi'er.After erasing the word spring, all that is left is the tenderness like silk. She was obedient and bored downstairs, and gradually fell asleep without saying a word.There is still her warmth in the bed, and her fragrance beside the pillow. Who can tell her why she has such a deep attachment to her sister-in-law, such a lingering attachment?Her feelings for him are like white cotton sun-baked in the new sun, warm and soft, and she can't wait to plunge into it wholeheartedly and sink in it.

Jia Zhen came up anyway, he was clear about the secret passage from Keqing's room to here.For a long time, he didn't walk, because every step seemed to be stepping on his own heart.This secret path was set up by him back then, and he set up this secret path to pave his way to Qingyun.It also set up a forbidden place that cannot be touched, a dark tunnel that can never be exhausted, and he trapped himself in it. Back then, he heard his wife crying, cursing, and calling for help through the door.Relying on this door, he resisted the conscience in his heart, shut them up, exiled them that were just about to move, released evil thoughts to devour everything, and finally, he was able to let himself extinguish the five sounds and thoughts.The woman in the room has nothing to do with him, everything has nothing to do with him.He was finally able to turn a blind eye.insensitive.

Today, seeing Xichun sleeping soundly, he can no longer turn a blind eye. Jia Zhen is sure that she is a selfish and vicious person, with evil thoughts entrenched in her heart like poisonous snakes.In the room, a faint candle flame by the bedside suddenly burst out, like a letter in the mouth of a poisonous snake. Jia Zhen turned on the candlelight, held the candle to shine on Xichun's face, and smiled: "Yo! I thought you raised a little boy, but you turned out to have a girl, and she is here too. It's hard for her, because it's so chaotic outside, she's so sleepy Sweet." Full candle oil flowed down his hand, hot.He didn't feel any pain either.

"Be careful with your hands." At this point, Qin Shi calmed down and rushed to grab the candlestick from Jia Zhen's hand. "Are you afraid of burning her?" Jia Zhen smiled and handed the candlestick to Qin Shi without forcing her.While reaching out to explore Xichun's face.His face was close to hers.The consequences of fifteen years ago gradually took shape in his eyes.The painful fundus is about to bleed. The pain was like the pain that a god once had - there was a god, he had a beautiful garden, and he had a servant.One day, he added a companion for this servant on a whim. He thought, I will give you life, I will give you love, and I will give you happiness.I give you everything you want.Only you must be loyal and not betrayal.And one day, the servant obeyed his partner's words and plucked the fruit from the tree. After eating it, he thought about it and was no longer single.

God was very heartbroken, so he expelled them.so painful.Even God cannot forgive the consequences of rebellion.do you know?Emotionally selfish. He strangled Xichun's neck, God knows, he didn't know it. "Strangle you bastard! Stretch you!" he finally shouted!He strangled Xichun ruthlessly, wrapping his hands around her neck like dexterous boa constrictors. Have you ever strangled yourself with a silk scarf, to the extent that you almost suffocated?I tried, so I understand how uncomfortable Xichun was. His throat was about to be pinched, his breath was blocked, his eyes were staring, and his ears were buzzing.His face was purple, bruised purple.

Xichun opened her eyes with difficulty, she was no longer sure who that person was.All he could see was a vague, hideous face. The world is getting farther and farther away from her, farther and farther... "Let go!" Ke Qing screamed, coming to tear Jia Zhen apart. "She is my daughter! If you want to strangle her, strangle me first! Whose fault is all this, tell me! Whose fault is it!" She stumbled and threw herself on Xi Chun, screaming with tears streaming down her face. "Get out of the way, I'm going to kill her. It's been thirteen years, she should have lived enough!" Jia Zhen pushed Qin Keqing away, and strangled Chun's neck again.

"Brother..." Seeing that it was Jia Zhen, Xichun was startled and afraid of struggling for life. "I'm not your brother, I'm your enemy, remember reincarnation to seek revenge on me. You remember my face, remember my name, my name is Jia Zhen. Don't find the wrong person." "Bastard!" Qin Keqing, who fell to the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the candlestick—well, if he was going to die, we should all die together!She threw the candlestick at Jia Zhen!Throw it desperately. Jia Zhen flashed instinctively, and had no choice but to let go of Xichun.

Xichun saw Qin Keqing throwing herself on her body, crying and yelling—"Xi'er, I am your mother, mother will not leave you alone!" Xichun felt the hands around her neck loosen, but another pair of invisible hands stretched out, as if holding her, she hugged Keqing and called—Mother. In this life, the only mother who cried out. She remembered Keqing's tears, like an overwhelming flood, covering her face, her neck, and her hands.She felt that the tears were hot, hot like candle oil, scalding her whole body, and she was riddled with holes from then on. In the dream, many things passed leisurely, but Qing died and was buried.In Yuanchun, the noble concubine was promoted, and the family members went back to the mansion to visit their relatives with great grandeur.The Grand View Garden was built vigorously, all the sisters moved in, the poetry club started a few times, Grandma Liu came, and the old ancestor asked her to paint the garden. So many things, how did they pass in such a short time? Hugh imitates short dreams as yellow beams.The old gets old, the young gets old, the lost, the forgotten, the love and grievances are quietly generated over time, but they are finally annihilated in time.Life is such a thorny and smooth fleeting time. Xichun woke up.When she opened her eyes, she saw the white banners covering the sky on Rongning Street, and there were still five-rank deacons and other things in front of the coffin. Could it be that day?When I looked closely again, it was no longer the masonry coffin, the name on the banner of the spirit tablet had been replaced by Jia Jing, and what everyone was holding up was a coffin made of nanmu wood. It seems that many years have passed.Xichun looked at herself in the mirror, smiled and sighed, "Maybe I'm old a long time ago. It's only today that I'm willing to admit it." She turned around and asked Ru Hua behind her, "Are you fifteen this year?" "It's been fifteen, girl. Aren't you all old?" Ruohua answered leisurely while combing her hair.She also has her expectations and thoughts, which are as vague as the shadow of the moon in the waves. "I'm sixteen." Xichun smiled like a rose that has started to wither before it blooms.
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