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Chapter 36 Da Yin Da forgive

After reading "My Neighbor Zhang Ailing" written by Dai Wencai, I was angry and ridiculous. This is a star chasing story more than ten years ago. It happened in October 1988, and it can be regarded as a paparazzi tracking incident in nature.Ms. Dai is not considered a professional reporter, but she has the persistent demeanor of a paparazzi today.She tried to find a way to live next door to Ailing, but she didn't find her. Later, she hooked Ailing's garbage bag with a long pole and studied it carefully in the room. I really convinced her, and thought of digging through Ailing's trash, thanks to her densely written articles, she took out the trash reports and asked someone to publish them.The newspaper that originally entrusted her had its own considerations and suppressed her manuscript, thinking that now was not the time to publish it, and it would cause even more sensation when Eileen Chang published it a hundred years later.Miss Dai was unwilling to be lonely, so she voted for other newspapers.She even decided that the newspaper would definitely use her manuscript, and had already begun to calculate the remuneration.Unexpectedly, Ji Ji, the editor of the newspaper, is very professional. At least she knows to respect other people's privacy, so she also rejected her.

I don't know how this manuscript was published in the newspapers. It's really thanks to her careful writing, otherwise we really don't know what Aileen likes to eat and what to use. What a pity!Although it is human nature to spy on other people's privacy.But Lang Youqingmei must have the intention to do it. It is really wrong to displease Ailing and break the silence of her life.Why bother to break the myth of Ailing's seclusion? So Ailing immediately moved away!And quietly. Ailing's reflection reminds me of an allusion. "Zuo Zhuan" uploaded: In the past, Jin Wengong had an appointment with the king of Chu. If the two countries were at war for a day, I would order the army to retreat for three houses (one house is equal to thirty miles).Ailing's reaction was to retreat, but Duke Wen of Jin wanted to confuse the Chu army and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.Ai Ling was really thankful and insensitive, and she retreated cleanly. She received a call from Zhuang Zhengxin and immediately left with Lin Shitong's help. She was so quiet that even the "hunter" Ms. Dai didn't notice her moving.

Dai Wencai's behavior can be sued according to the laws of the United States.Aileen may be deeply displeased, because she has always resisted the intrusion of strangers, and her own existence is very clear, but she did nothing.Instead of saying that Aileen is tolerant, it is better to praise her for her arrogance.She disdains being entangled with people like Miss Dai. Dongfang Shuo has a saying that "the small hermit hides in the wild, the middle hermit hides in the court, and the big hermit hides in the city". Don't mind, "How can a child know the joy of fish if he is not a fish?"

The old Aileen's heart is really as quiet as a mountain, and she leisurely has the hermit wind of the ancient sages who ride the wind and go home. But Aileen is by no means a cold-blooded animal that says "no strangers are allowed in".For some people she trusts, she is as defenseless as a baby, completely trusting. For example, the relationship between her and Yanying has lasted for more than ten years. In the autumn of 1955, when she came to the United States, she stayed at Yanying's house for a while, and then accompanied her to visit Hu Shi. The three of them talked happily at Hu Shi's house.Hu Shi is a gentle and humble senior who has always been respected by Ai Ling. As early as 1954, when the booklet was published, she sent a copy to Hu Shi from Hong Kong with a short message.Ai Ling, who had always been estranged from others, humbly asked Hu Shi for advice, and Hu Shi's encouragement also brought her great joy.

Although she doesn't have many contacts with Hu Shi, she is very good at communicating with each other. She is also good at observing Hu Shi's heart from details, and knows the loneliness and difficulties hidden in this old man. If it is said that she admired Hu Shi out of admiration, then she trusted Lin Shitong with all her heart.It can be seen that Aileen is not blindly arrogant.She trusts those she trusts. Of course, being able to identify who is trustworthy and trustworthy is also a special ability bestowed by God, and it is considered a talent.Aileen is a person with such ability.

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