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Chapter 17 girl like green

Ailing said in the article "I See Su Qing": "Comparing me with Bing Xin and Bai Wei, I really can't be proud of it. I am only willing to be compared with Su Qing." Ailing's sentence can be seen Su Qing is a good person.So, I earnestly went to look for Su Qing.So, I discovered a person and a legend who are similar to Aileen but also quite different. Su Qing, whose real name is Feng Yunzhuang, also known as Feng Heyi.The name Su Qing, I was delighted the first time I saw it, and I was so delighted.Su's characters are clever, and Qing's characters are handsome and elegant. A person like me who is not familiar with mediocrity can make up two lines of poems: Liren Liu outside Gusu City, don't dream Qingqing to Xu's house.It also reminds me of the artistic conception in the Book of Songs, "I have gone in the past, and the willows are Yiyi. Now I am coming, and the rain and snow are falling."I also like the name Feng Heyi. It is elegant and majestic, and it means "Feng Lai Yi".That's what Hu Lancheng called her in a book.I am impressed.

Su Qing was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang in 1914, six years older than Ailing.The same rich and prominent family background.My grandfather was a Juren, he was a businessman first, and later he became a landlord from a wealthy merchant. His family owned several thousand acres of fertile land.Although Ningbo is not as good as Shanghai, it was opened earlier. It is the gateway to Shanghai and the first to open civilization. Although her family is a scholarly family and a wealthy family, in the eyes of her parents, reading is not a serious career for her daughter after all.Although Su Qing was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of National Central University (now Nanjing University) in 1933.But she still had to drop out of school early and married Xu Chongxian as his wife.The two were studying in the same high school, and had communicated with each other for two years, but they hadn't even met face to face.It's called free love, but in fact it's just that the two of them in the letter have gradually become intimate.

Although isolated, the old-fashioned marriage has a strange mystery.As a newlywed, Xu Chongxian loved her very much. However, that misty love could not last long after all. When the two got closer and touched each other, they coldly dispersed. There is a comparison between Su Qing and Ai Ling: the average has received higher education, the average grew up in a favorable environment, and the average is completely incapable of life. Aileen's grievance is internal.As far as love is concerned, Hu Lancheng's sudden appearance caught her off guard.Her puberty was truncated.From the hands of parents to the hands of lovers, although the process is short and immature and pale, it is simple and clear.Although there is a marriage contract, the two are still "a golden boy and a jade girl".Both of Hu Lancheng's parents died, so he didn't have to serve his in-laws, and Cheng Huan was at his knees, so he lost a lot of gossip.This is naturally a good thing for Aileen who is not sociable.

Su Qing was not so lucky.This new-style-educated young lady is often in a hurry and impatient when dealing with housework.Moreover, her parents-in-law were still alive, and she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, which failed to continue the incense of the Xu family.There are three kinds of unfilial piety: having no offspring is the greatest, not being tolerated by your husband internally, and not being tolerated by your parents-in-law externally.Her situation is like stepping on the ground in the attic, and she can't go up or down. If her husband helped her, it would be okay, at least someone would recite "The Hairpin Head Phoenix" and sing "Flying to the Southeast" together.Although my mother and my grandma are at odds, my father loves her, so I am not alone.In fact, it was the most sensible thing for my father to do this, because you want to live with your wife, and if you help your wife, there is room for things to turn around, that is, you are helping your mother.

It just so happened that Su Qing's husband had a new love, and she wished she would take the initiative to go invisible.It's useless to rely on your natal family. Marrying a daughter is like splashing water. She is already Xu's wife, so let's do it by myself!Parents have also become spectators. When love dims, life reveals a mottled and ferocious complexion.The husband only cares about spending time and drinking outside, does not support the family, and is also irresponsible. Out of face, he does not allow her to develop professionally.No matter how many rings she has, she can't afford to sit and eat like this.In desperation, she asked him for money for family use, but she was slapped by her husband.He didn't love her at all, his heart was hardened into a stone, and then weathered into powder, when the wind blew, it fluttered and scattered.

Regarding Su Qing's marriage, Aileen has her own opinion: "Actually, her husband is not bad, but he is just a young master. If they can stay at home as a young master and mistress for the rest of their lives, their relationship can be maintained. Su Qing is loyal by nature. , she is willing to be attached, as long as there is a banquet that lasts for thousands of years, and she is asked to work as hard as the granddaughter-in-law in the movie to take care of and greet others to eat, she can also be very busy." "Let's get a divorce! Let's live better together." Ten years later, Su Qing finally said boldly to the man she called her husband one day.She is going to find her new life.

In 1943, Su Qing began to serialize the autobiographical novel "Ten Years of Marriage" in "Storm Talk".There are many true descriptions of women's sexual psychology in married life in the book, which are nothing now but avant-garde at the time.At one time, she was called a "bold female writer" by the society, and she became very popular, and her limelight greatly overshadowed today's group of beautiful writers who write with their bodies.In fact, the title and content are used very boldly, but the writing is very clean when you actually read it.Just as Hu Lancheng commented: "My lady's writing is so generous and neat, it's hard for her."

Speaking of which, I haven't finished reading "Ten Years of Marriage", but I really like Su Qing, very much.She has gathered almost all the characteristics of women I like: straightforward, independent, firm, generous, and loyal. Su Qing is straightforward, and he doesn't even like to use the second and third person pronouns when writing, and he goes straight up with "I, I, and I".Both she and Ai Ling were popular writers during the "isolated island" period in Shanghai.After Japan surrendered, both were criticized.Su Qing once made such a confession: "I sold my essays during the fall of Shanghai, but that was the right time for me, and Gai had no choice but to start writing on this auspicious day."

Su Qing has an independent personality. It is really difficult for a woman in troubled times to take care of her family.As she said: "Everything in my room is bought with my own money."However, the next sentence is: "But when I look back, what is there to be happy about?" A sad but not hurtful sentence, perhaps tears are pouring down my back.It is also said that she is the mistress of a high-ranking official, and one man after another walks around her, admiring her beauty, her talent and straightforwardness, but no one is willing to stay for her. In the early summer of 1946, when the situation in Shanghai eased a bit, someone asked Su Qing to edit the supplement. There was only one condition, and that was to change her name.Aileen comforted her calmly and objectively, saying: "Reality has to be considered! If you become the editor-in-chief, I have a way out! I don't mind changing my name. I always think it's tacky, so I'd better take the opportunity to change it! "

Su Qing looked very depressed, and the spirited spirit of founding "Tiandi" has disappeared.She said sadly: "You are considered good! There is an aunt who will stand in your way and lean on you. When I turn around, I am old and young. Who will let me rely on it? Now that I have such a bad reputation, I will not marry again." If anyone dares to ask a price, I am going to hang myself on a rope, and let it dry like this!" The world is vast, who do I rely on?Who can I rely on?Even in such bleakness, she survived.Ailing went away to another country, but she stayed behind.She still has to support her, and her children depend on her.But what about relying on her?Later, due to her involvement in the "Hu Feng case", her close relatives and flesh and blood drew a clear line with her and cut off contact.The husband is negative, but in the end it is still a "negative".It is shocking and sad to think about the debt of children for a lifetime!

Su Qing's evening scene is bleak, she is old and sick, and does not take medicine, but wants to die quickly.With a closed door, some grass and flowers were planted, "These flowers are my companion at the end of life".she says. In 1982, Su Qing was sixty-nine years old.die alone. "This article was originally about Su Qing, but I said a lot about myself. I'm really sorry, but there are a lot of things that need to be explained, and I can only explain by myself." This passage is from Aileen's "I see Su Qing". This book is about Ailing, but it says a lot about Su Qing.Because I also have a lot to explain, I can only start from Su Qing.Because Su Qing is really important to Ailing. Su Qing is older than Ai Ling and became famous earlier than Ai Ling, but she is widely remembered because of Ai Ling.Although Aileen's evaluation of Su Qing was lavish, it was forgivable, probably because of some kind of kindness. Borrowing the words of a certain lady, although vulgar, can tell the whole story. "Zhang Ailing was discovered when Su Qing was running the monthly magazine "Heaven and Earth", and she submitted a manuscript to Su Qing. Seeing that this person's writing skills were extraordinary, Su Qing wrote to meet him, and became friends from then on. Entering the literary world, I highly recommend it, and think it is a good left and right hand. Sure enough, Zhang Ailing is also grateful for Zhijin, and lived up to expectations. After entering the literary world, she wrote several articles one after another. Counting it again, Su Qing is the matchmaker for Ai Ling and Hu Lancheng's shocking love.Being able to be liked by Ai Ling and Hu Lancheng, who are two elegant people with different personalities and regarded as a close friend, shows that she is really good.When Hu Lancheng was imprisoned for something, it was she who dragged Ailing to intercede. (Ai Ling didn't know Hu Lancheng very well at that time, and only heard about his talent occasionally.) She was sincere, and she didn't necessarily gain any benefits afterwards, and her words were meant to show off.Su Qing is so chivalrous, even a man should feel ashamed of himself.Those born in ancient times were really like Xue Hongxian and Zhang Hongfu.Even in the filthy Shanghai Bund, she is still resounding like gold, stone and jade. As for the relationship between the two, it can be said that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship is shallow and deep. "It may be closer to the truth to say that she and I have only a business relationship, and she perfunctory me for getting manuscripts, and I perfunctory her for manuscript fees, but I always feel that I can't say that I have no feelings at all. I think I like her more than she likes me because I know her more deeply. It's not because she's easy to understand. It is generally believed that her personality is very clear. She talks a lot and speaks directly. , but she is not a person who is so shallow that she can see everything in everything. People can not understand her goodness and still like to be friends with her, just as her book can have many readers who do not understand its goodness.” Ailing said Say. Aileen is free and easy but lonely, gorgeous and desolate, and is favored by everyone.And Su Qing, as Ailing said: too normal, too ordinary, too simple, and of course kind, with a kind of ubiquitous wife and motherhood throughout the ages. I think, in the desolate world of the Republic of China, there are two women like this, and it is not in vain to be a lively scene.Between the hustle and bustle and loneliness, the two unexpectedly forced Xiao Zhong's "Chai Dai" to end.
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