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Chapter 16 sea ​​flowers

"The fall of Hong Kong fulfilled her. But in this unreasonable world, who knows what is the cause and what is the effect? ​​Who knows? Maybe because of her fulfillment, a metropolis collapsed. Thousands of people Dying, thousands of people suffering, followed by earth-shattering reforms... Liusu doesn't feel that her place in history is any subtlety." This is one of Ailes most widely quoted quotes.Ailing's friend and writer Ke Ling interpreted this sentence to analyze the reasons for Ailing's fame, which is very appropriate. He said: "If you don't think it's imitative, just change 'Hong Kong' to 'Shanghai' and 'Tassel' to 'Eileen Chang', I think it's a match made in heaven.

"...I counted my fingers, and the huge literary world couldn't accommodate Zhang Ailing at any stage; the fall of Shanghai gave her a chance. "The Japanese aggressors and Wang Jingwei's regime cut off the new literary tradition. As long as you don't oppose them, some literature and art whitewash the peace, and ask for it, you don't care about giving them anything. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. This provides Eileen Chang A stage for displaying one's talents. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the war was in turmoil and swords were on the verge of breaking out. Literature itself had become dispensable, let alone Cao Qiqiao and Tassel. Zhang Ailing's literary career had only two years of glory and heyday (1943-1945 ), is destined: once in a thousand years, 'after passing this village, there is no such shop'. Fortunately and unfortunately, it is difficult to say."

With this passage, I feel that it is worthwhile for Ailing to have a friendship with him. Aileen's achievement in fallen Shanghai.In 1943, Zhang Ailing of the era was like the last stunning fireworks in the lonely night sky of that "isolated island". Aileen is deeply in love with Shanghai. In her eyes, "Shanghai people are traditional Chinese people who have been tempered by the high-pressure life of modern times. The exchange of various deformed products of old and new cultures may not be very healthy, but there is something here. A strange kind of wisdom.” It was in this kind of soil that her strange flower of wisdom bloomed.

Aileen initially submitted her manuscript to the English monthly "21st Century", a comprehensive publication. The first article she published was "Chinese Life and Fashion", with twelve pictures drawn by herself Hairstyle and dress illustrations.From then on, Aileen made persistent efforts and published nine articles in a row. But it was The Magazine that really made Ailes famous.Aileen's famous works, "Red Rose and White Rose" and other famous novels, as well as some wonderful prose, are published in this publication with a complex background. Then, out of control, Aileen's wonderful pen bloomed in the dark sky of Shanghai in the 1940s, and swept across the Shanghai literary world like a comet.The dream of a genius in his youth has finally become an admirable reality in his prime.

Her achievement has caused a lot of exclamation and wider attention, and many people have well-intentioned her literary path.For example, "Don't publish your works everywhere. If you write an article, you can give it to Kaiming Bookstore for storage, and Kaiming Bookstore will pay you for the manuscript, and then publish it after He Qinghaiyan." Ai Ling expressed her gratitude for this concern in a tactful and decisive way. She has her own considerations and her own understanding of life and times.She couldn't wait to be extremely excited, and expressed it in the preface:

"Oh, you have to be famous as soon as possible! If you come too late, you will not be so happy. When you first published two articles in the school magazine, you were also crazily happy. I read it over and over again, and every time it was like the first time. I saw it once. Now it’s not so easy to get excited. So I have to remind: Hurry up! Hurry up! It’s too late, it’s too late.” In my eyes, Ai Ling under the prestigious name is still a little girl, a girl who is indifferent on the outside but happy on the inside.As she said, "I can still imagine the psychology of ecstatic people; I can't understand you people who are too humble!"

She is straightforward, without any false humility.
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