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Chapter 2 born

The twilight is wasted, the sound of the old family is loud Xuanhe old family voice Life is hard to describe, just like peach blossoms are hard to draw.Because the world is fleeting and full of thoughts, it is the most difficult to write about the vastness of people and mountains and rivers.For example, when Cao Xueqin wrote about the Rongguo Mansion, there were so many threads and threads, and it was like a mess. It would be appropriate to start from Grandma Liu and gradually lead to the incident. There are also people who talk about storytelling legends, no matter how complicated the characters and stories are, they are always quiet in their hearts, and they can only speak in an orderly manner.

Although I wrote about Aileen, I wrote it as I wished, without sticking to reasoning, but I still wanted to figure it out from the bottom of my heart.Because, I am just a person who reads stories and talks about legends.Look, life is like a dream, and old dreams are like joy; look, Zhang Ailing's gorgeous relationship. From 1920 to 1995, the time is endless.I saw a river, but I could only take pictures by the water, standing blankly by the river, relative to her in a daze.She is quiet and beautiful, so I can't move easily. However, suddenly, with the grace of God, my pen lightly hit a few people in the dust.Seeing their ups and downs and fuzzy faces, she suddenly understood: her parents, Zhang Zhiyi and Huang Yifan, were her source; her grandfather Zhang Peilun and great-grandfather Li Hongzhang were her heads.

Thus, there is such a legend. Zhang Peilun, who was familiar with the scriptures when he was young, became a Jinshi, and entered the Imperial Academy. With a pen, he defeated many corrupt officials and offended many people.According to the "Drafts of Qing History", after the defeat of Mawei, Zhang Peilun was fined and returned to Beijing to wait for his recovery.Probably it was to recruit talents, or Zhang Peilun really got the favor of his daughter.Although Zhang Peilun later married Li Hongzhang's daughter, Li Hongzhang and him were the son-in-law, so it was inconvenient to protect him.So the couple had no choice but to avoid living in Nanjing and live in Zhang's mansion, where they lived a life of reciting poems, composing Fu, and cooking wine and soup.

In it, Li Hongzhang's Qianjin is good at poems, and there is a poem commenting on the failure of the horse's tail: "On the things in the cage of the prime minister, killing thieves and scholars on paper", he feels pity and love for Zhang Peilun.This is the derivative of the storybook novel, and it is nothing more than talking material.If there is no historical pen of "Drafts of Qing History", I will at most regard it as a piece of red dust, powdered fragrance in poetry and music. Li Hongzhang was really a gentleman, and it was not for nothing that he became the mainstay of the late Qing Dynasty, nor did he get his name in vain.To be able to marry off a daughter regardless of family status, this is a very high-minded person.In ancient times, officials and important officials were not limited to their family status, and they plucked a few feathers on their bodies, thinking that they were phoenixes.Like Li Hongzhang, who is willing to promise his young lady to a Qingliu, and is a defeated minister, how many people can there be?

If it weren't for his adult beauty, Zhang Peilun and Li Ju wouldn't be married to Qin and Jin, and if Ailing's aunt and father weren't born, how could Ailing be attached to Mao?The family blood in China is like a river, inseparable, like the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, flowing endlessly. Counting, Zhang Zhiyi is Li Hongzhang's grandson, and Ai Ling is also Li Hongzhang's great-granddaughter, a real noble queen.Although Aileen was born in Zhang Mansion in Shanghai, her fate and her works are all vaguely connected with her ancestral residence in Nanjing. Regarding this family background, Ailing's attitude is ambiguous.When I was young, I went home on a monthly vacation. My younger brother deliberately told Ai Ling in a casual tone as if he had snatched a piece of scoop: "Grandpa's name is Zhang Peilun. I admire Peilun, Jinglun's Lun, twisted silk edge."

Aileen was surprised that the name was a bit feminine.I am used to looking at the portraits of my grandparents. I only know that they are grandparents. I never thought that my grandfather had a name. Another day when she came back from vacation, her younger brother showed her a new historical novel, and said without any surprise, "It is said that grandpa is in it." She read it earnestly, and she read everything about Zhuang Lunqiao very carefully. . "I was very excited after reading it, so I asked my father, but he just refuted the rumors, saying that it was impossible to run into grandma in the signing room. That poem was also fabricated." Her father asked her to read her grandfather's anthology, but "there are so many allusions, There are countless names, and the letters are all common words. Several sets of thread-bound books make people dizzy", but they are too embarrassed to ask people, worried that others will think that they "like to talk about family history".

Although she had never met the face of this legendary grandfather, she seemed to admire him very much and spoke well of him.This is very different from the attitude of mother and aunt.Maybe it's not because of blood inheritance, but because of admiration for his grandfather's talent.When she read his manuscripts, she might feel that he is a real person with a personality, who can appreciate the ups and downs of that life, and has a vast "sense of life experience". This kind of complex will be revealed in various ways in the future. She didn't deliberately refuse such a birth, and naturally she couldn't refuse.Occasionally, it is natural to take pride in it, and it is not excessive.Common sense, understandable.

However, it has aroused various suspicions from others. "Besides publishing articles, Eileen Chang mentioned that she has 'noble blood', but she was 'honored', and mentioned it again and again for everyone to know." There was even a sarcasm: "What a famous family, what aristocrats! Li Hongzhang is just a dog under Yehenara's seat. When he saw her, he said that Lafayette was auspicious! Such a servile face, what is there to show off?" ?” I rambled on about a bunch of family blood, and I also talked about the same family status, after the nobility, the typical class thinking.But I finally feel that there are differences between people. To those who are cynical, I just sneer: "I just want to show you if you don't have it!" I don't mind if someone criticizes my family background.

I hate this kind of Taoists the most, who seem to be the spokesperson for the hard-working people, but in fact they are just the likes of Lu Xie, who pretend to be noble, and have a hotter heart for fame and fortune than anyone else. There is no need to mention blood, it is innate.There are also ancients who said: "Is there any kind for princes and generals?" After a thousand years, the sound of gold and stone is also heard.However, how can the aristocratic family tradition not be promoted?China's kingly way is hereditary, the words of the family, and the same vein.Good things have been forged over the years and turned into the meridians of China.Time flows slowly in it, and the energy and spirit integrated into the Chinese body can be rigid or soft.

Ailing's grandmother had four poems: "Forty Ming Dynasty has passed, and it is still the glory of the world. The twilight is lost, and the voice of the old family is resounding." A lover sees the desolation, but I, a heartless person, can only smell the fragrance of flowers and flowers in Zhulou and green houses, the relics of prosperity and grandeur that seep from the cracks in the brick walls.I saw the four words hanging on the high lintel - Xuanhe Family Voice.Even if it is old, it is still in the same line. After becoming a nobleman, even if he has declined, what's wrong with having the "excellent old family sound" for thinking about?

Merry can also enjoy themselves.
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