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Chapter 37 Since then, I have no heart to love Liangye, let him go down to the west building under the bright moon

Bowl 安意如 3308Words 2018-03-18
Ever since I learned about the affair between Li Yi and Huo Xiaoyu, every time I read this song "Writing Love", I always feel that this is a portrayal of a pair of poor people. The water patterns are precious and the thoughts are long, and the good times of thousands of miles will rest overnight. Since then, I have no heart to love Liang Ye, and let him go down to the west building under the bright moon. You may have met someone once, you fell in love with him, and thought he was all your needs and the meaning of being.You love him, like life, like death, like fire, like fire, like lingering like breathing; but one day you broke up, you had to be reluctant, you were hurt, your muscles were broken, your voice was hoarse, you were hysterical, angry, sad, quiet and depressed, and that person just disappeared in your world.At the same time, he silently closes your door to his world.

The ladder to the kingdom of heaven disappears among the clouds. You look up and look at the corner of your thoughts, only to see white clouds flowing gently in the blue sky, and the holy door in the sky has been closed.You miss him in the quiet, sweet and dark night, and your thoughts are like water drops, before you shed tears, you will do it. If you have been in pain for someone, you will understand what Li Yi is talking about.He said that since then, he has no heart to love Liangye, and let him go down to the west building under the bright moon.After losing that person, he no longer has a golden moment of spring night, nor the beautiful scenery of a beautiful day when he cuddles with each other under the moon and white flowers.

From then on, Wu Xin loved Liang Ye and let him go, and the moon went down to the west building. Sometimes the more affectionate you are, the weaker and more positive the emotion you express.The better the tea, the less bitter it will be.Like Yuan Zhen's colorful article mourning death is also calm, thousands of words are just a sentence "poor couples mourn for everything"; in Su Shi's article, Xianhao, a husband and wife who have been in love for ten years is as deep as the sea, can only say "caring for each other without words, only a thousand lines of tears" " Li Yi's "Writing Love" is the same, there are all kinds of regrets in my heart, but it can only be transformed into a sigh of "I have no heart to love the good night, let him go down to the west building under the bright moon".

Li Yi's poems are so good, the frontier poems are vigorous and powerful, and the boudoir poems are elegant and elegant. Among the "Ten Talented Scholars in Dali", he is the best.To say that he is good is to be able to say it, and to have a basis for it.I once read his poems, and the wonderful parts made people raise their eyebrows and eyes, and their mood was soaring.His "several places blowing the moonlight night, who leans on the sword and the white sky" ("Yanzhou Guohuer Drinking Horse Spring") has Taibai's bold and unrestrained spirit, "Don't come to the sea, talk about the evening bell" ("Yanzhou Guohuer Drinking Horse Spring") "Happy to See My Brother and Say Goodbye") also got Du Fu's vicissitudes and melancholy taste.There is another poem by Li Yi, which has always been one of my favorite frontier poems.Poetry goes:

The sand in front of Huile Peak is like snow, and the moon is like frost in the surrendered city. I don't know where to blow the reed pipe, and recruit people all night to look at their hometown. ——Li Yi "Wearing the Flute in the Surrendered City at Night" This poem is a representative work of Li Yi's frontier poems. It is vigorous, vigorous and remote.I think the momentum and artistic conception are not like the chaos experienced in the "Anshi Rebellion". Instead, it has the magnificent color of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, which can be compared with Wang Changling's frontier poems.

Longxi, where Li Yi grew up, was once a place of war in the Han and Tang Dynasties.Huo Qubing, a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty, galloped and fought there, leaving many war relics behind.The most famous of these is the "surrender city", which is the site where General Huo Qubing of the Han Dynasty accepted the surrender of the Huns in the Hexi Corridor.When Li Yi was young, he often paid homage to those heroes who had conquered the battlefield at these war relics, and when he grew up, he experienced the "Anshi Rebellion" himself. He is talented, rich in experience and extensive knowledge, is a gifted talent.If he hadn't met Huo Xiaoyu, maybe his life would have been bright and bright.

That was during the Tang Dali period.In that year, Huo Xiaoyu grew up to be a bright and gorgeous young girl. She inherited her mother's old skills and entertained guests as a singing and dancing girl.Delicate and lovely, she is like a flower that came across the wind and water overnight, and her fame moved Chang'an.And Li Yi went to Chang'an to participate in the general examination, passed the Jinshi, and was admitted as a young man, and he was even more proud.Whenever the ink on his poems is still wet, the musicians in Chang'an's teaching workshop do everything possible to ask for them, and compose tunes for singers to sing.Countless rich and nobles in Chang'an invited painters to paint his poems such as "Song of Recruiting People" and "Morning Early" on screens, which are regarded as treasures.In Chang'an City during the Dali period, everyone knew Li Yi and Li Shilang's poem names.

"Tang and Song Legends Collection Huo Xiaoyu Biography" said that he: "The Tsinghua family of the Shengmen family has little talent and thought, and the beautiful words and sentences are said to be unparalleled at the time." You must know that Li Yi's image in the notebook novels is not good, and he is stunning. The life-and-death abnormal love of the beautiful Huo Xiaoyu almost wiped out his poetic reputation.Many people only remember him as the betrayer in the story of "Genius and Beauty", so the evaluation of him in the novel should be regarded as more authentic and credible.

Gradually, Huo Xiaoyu also heard about his talent.She often sang his poems during banquets, and Li Yi's "Jiangnan Song" was particularly leisurely and melodious when she sang it. Whenever Huo Xiaoyu slowly turned her bright eyes, stretched her jade wrists lightly, tuned to the strings, and sang "Married to Qutang Jia, I missed my concubine's date in the court; I knew the tide had faith, and married the tide-player", she looked resentful, just like Lan The petals fall to the jade dew, one chant and three sighs, like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate.Those who sat with her couldn't help being sad and sad, but they were even more overwhelmed by Xiaoyu's fresh and elegant order, and they lingered lingeringly.From the very beginning, Huo Xiaoyu and Li Yi had a kind of explicit and secret involvement, life and death entangled endlessly.After a long time, everyone knew that Huo Xiaoyu, a famous courtesan in Chang'an, sang Li Shilang's poems to the fullest; later on, even her mother saw that she had some interest in this Li Yi.

Huo Xiaoyu can feel the helpless loneliness of the resentful woman in Li Yi's poems because of the desolation that is always shaking in her heart, and she herself is such a helpless person.His father was Prince Huo, a military general in the Tang Xuanzong era, and his mother, Zheng Jingchi, was originally a concubine in the residence of King Huo.When she was pregnant with Liujia, the "Anshi Rebellion" broke out, Prince Huo died in battle while defending against the enemy, and the people in the palace were scattered like birds and birds.Zheng Jingchi took Huo Xiaoyu, who was still in his infancy, to live among the people.When she grew up, struggling to make ends meet, Huo Xiaoyu became a singing and dancing girl.

Sometimes she might think, what kind of life would she have if there was no "An Shi Rebellion"?However, there is not so much room for turning back in life. Once you start, you can't turn back.If she knew the result, her mother, Zheng, would not have asked her neighbor, Eleven Niang, to lead Li Yi to see Huo Xiaoyu. They ended up meeting.Just like the beginning of all the stories about the full moon, they fell in love at first sight and fell in love with each other.Talented people are born in this world to match beautiful women, just like clouds floating in the sky and fish swimming in the water, it is an arrangement made in heaven. Soon the imperial court appointed Li Yiwai as an official.Li Yi planned to go back to his hometown in Longxi to pay respects to his ancestors and visit relatives first, and then to take office next year. After all arrangements were made, he would send someone to welcome Huo Xiaoyu to get married. She was full of doubts, half pleasantly surprised and half worried. Speaking of it, it seemed that she was more worried.She, Huo Xiaoyu, has experienced countless men, men are like kites, she is still vigilant about how easy it is to let go but not how to keep it.In order to appease her, Li Yi took pen and ink and wrote the marriage contract on a piece of silk silk: "March in the next spring, welcome the beautiful woman, reunite in Zheng County, and never separate." I think Li Yi is also sincere towards Huo Xiaoyu.When he wrote the marriage contract, he really wanted to marry her, and he didn't mean to betray his heart.It’s just that people often lose in being too naive, thinking that what is said, the written agreement becomes an unshakable and solid thing; we are all too wishful thinking, forgetting that human affairs are impermanent, and we must leave a little room.On one side he and her swore eternal vows, and on the other side his parents were busy making vows to each other, helping him to make a marriage with the daughter of the wealthy Lu family. The surnames Lu, Wei, and Pei have always been very powerful and wealthy families in the Tang Dynasty.Li Yi may see that the Lu family is powerful and powerful, and the daughters of the Lu family are gentle and virtuous, and his heart is also active, so he married the Lu family. So a whole year passed, and Huo Xiaoyu's worries finally became reality.Even though she looked through the autumn waters, Li Yi was still nowhere to be seen.Huo Xiaoyu was so angry that he was in a trance and fell ill on the bed.After writing this, most people would think that Huo Xiaoyu would die of a serious illness due to infatuation.This is true, but if Huo Xiaoyu is just so weak in the same way, I don't think there is any need to describe the details carefully here.At worst, it's another story of an infatuated woman who betrays her heart, and I've seen enough of it for so many years. Later Li Yi came to see her, but unfortunately she was kidnapped by a knight in yellow shirt in Chang'an City.After meeting Li Yi, Huo Xiaoyu loved and hated him at the same time, knowing that the two of them were already irreparable.Xiaoyu's determination is rare among women.Before she died, she held Li Yi's arm tightly and said: "I am a girl, and my life is so miserable, and it is my husband who is so cruel! She is young, and died of drinking and hating. A loving mother is in the hall, so she can't make offerings. Qiluoxianguan, from now on Eternal rest. Pain in the Yellow Springs is caused by you. Li Jun Li Jun, this is the eternal farewell! After I die, I will be a ghost, making your wife and concubines restless all day long!" These words are harsh enough.She never said "this life is over, and I wish to have a fate in the next life", she just forgives all the way to the end.Extreme love turned into extreme hatred, like three folds of a pipa -- urgently mourning strings, making people breathless.Between him and her is the first half of the poem: the water patterns are precious and the thoughts are long, and the beautiful days of thousands of miles will rest overnight. Later, Li Yi often saw manly people interacting with Mr. Lu in a trance, and mistakenly thought that Mr. Lu had an affair, so he often beat and scolded Mr. Lu. "Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty" said that he: "Yi Shao has out-of-the-ordinary illnesses, more suspicions, guards against idle wives and concubines, is too harsh, and there are talks of scattered ashes and households. He was called 'Jealous Shangshu Li Shilang' at that time." This is not surprising. , People with a little bit of human conscience will be frightened into a nervous breakdown by this death-defying theory.Unless it's completely wolf-hearted, it's a pity that Li Yi isn't that bad. Huo Xiaoyu died young because of her beauty, and later generations showed pity for her, but Li Yi concealed his talent and became a full-fledged image of a heartless person.Although Li Yi has a hateful heart, but because of this injury, he has become psychopathic, and there will be no more happy days in his life. This punishment is worse than death.I think he is more pitiful than Huo Xiaoyu who died of love. The Buddha said that people have three poisons: greed, anger, and ignorance. Huo Xiaoyu's death is hard to say whether it was Li Yi's betrayal or her own heart poison. If the two of them are pitiful, then the other person in this story——Lu Shi is obviously innocent.The orders of her parents and the words of a matchmaker, compared to Huo Xiaoyu choosing her own husband, a girl raised in a deep boudoir has no right to choose her own marriage at all. . Since then, I have no heart to love Liang Ye, and let him go down to the west building under the bright moon.Reading Li Yi's poems, I think he should be a sentimental person.I believe he loves Huo Xiaoyu.It's just because of the invasion of the world, I can't always be firm, but the punishment in this life is enough.He killed her, and she ruined his life.While accusing Li Yi of betraying his heart, who can guarantee that he will be as firm as a rock? Love should be your love and my wish, and the cleanliness of neither owes each other.Don't care about giving each other, and you should be able to forgive resentment.What I appreciate is Huo Xiaoyu's steadfastness, not his desire for revenge.But the grievances and hatreds in this world are as silky as a cocoon. I don't know when the three poisons will be cured, and the world will be liberated?
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