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Chapter 36 Wei Jiang keeps his eyes open all night long, and repays his life without raising his eyebrows

Bowl 安意如 1876Words 2018-03-18
The title is the epilogue to the second part of Yuan Zhen's poem "Three Poems of Sorrow and Love", mourning his wife Wei Cong. One afternoon, I was upside down, and only these fourteen words were circling in my mind. I've read "Sorrowful Heart" before, but it's too small, so I prefer "Lisi" No. 4: "Once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud. Take the time to look back at Hua Cong, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king." like.Once a person likes himself, he doesn't like others.Looking back at Hua Conglanlan, there is only one person in his eyes.The heart should be like still water, as quiet as the solitude of an ancient Buddha with a blue lantern for the rest of his life.It seems that it is precious to sacrifice one person in one's life.

But so what?Yuan Zhen, who wrote this poem, went to Chang'an for fame and fame, and gradually abandoned Yingying, his first lover. This Yingying is the heroine of Tang's legendary novel "Hui Zhen Ji" and also the prototype of Li Yingying.Or we can say.Wang Shifu borrowed Yingying's shell from "Hui Zhen Ji". "Hui Zhen Ji", also known as "Hui Zhen Ji", is a realistic work.Yuan Zhen wrote his first love story, which can also be regarded as his confession, that is, his autobiography.He is that Zhang Sheng. 1200 years ago, in the small county to the east of Chang'an, there was a temple in the small county.In the warm spring, a young and handsome man, accompanied by monks, was "rejoicing" everywhere in the temple.Then, he met the flowery beauty in his heart.

Love knocks on the door of the heart in an instant, and fireworks bloom in the heart.After a long time, when many people and many things are blurred, we still remember love, do we remember the person we love, or the pleasure of that moment of brilliance?They are indelible, and it makes people feel that "the sea was too difficult to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud". Then and then, under the matchmaking of the maid and the matchmaker, he and her Miss Passionate lived together in the same tent, and the two lived together.We should be grateful for the great era of the Tang Dynasty, when mothers could appease and monks sympathized.

Like her Yingying, Yuan Zhen's Yingying also had struggles and difficulties, but in the end, she still threw herself into his arms.Must it be against feudal ethics?Pursue the freedom of love?These are far-fetched things for later generations, just like talking about the love between Baoyu and Daiyu.In fact, love is love, something that comes from the heart.Things in the world, and only it can escape all shackles.If it is not liberated, it will eventually fall and perish, most of which will arise from the human body. They are also such a pair of talented men and beautiful women.Shi Zai Yuanzhen was fourteen years old, and he was a brilliant talent at the time; but she was a beautiful woman.I don't think the word "jia" is the word "jia" that was overused in later novels.Yingying has an independent personality, perhaps, she is smarter than him.Even when she went to her passion without hesitation, she seemed calm and calm.For her, love is a solemn sacred place, which doesn't need any obscene reasoning as an excuse, doesn't need any shameful expressions to cover up, and doesn't need any consideration of gains and losses.When she chose to love, she came to him without hesitation.Such a woman, you have to get her, unless you surrender your heart.

He might feel awe of her from this.From this, I thought of Zhang Ailingzhi and Hu Lancheng, and the same is true.Her indifference and calmness made him stand in awe.A woman's love that is too sacred and solemn will be a heavy burden for a man.Often after a short period of joy, I fall into inexplicable emotions, with a slight sense of annoyance and guilt.At this time, he would rather face a frivolous, cheerful, ignorant woman who can be teased. In this way, he only needs to use three points of strength to make her envious and happy, just like Hu Lancheng and Xiao Zhou. Men like women who are smart, as long as they are smart and gentle.They don't need women's talents, they only need them to have aura and be able to understand their own triumphs and depressions.When a man can support a woman with one-third of his strength, there is no reason for us to ask him to stay for the woman who needs to put in a lot of effort.

When Yingying was rushing to his embrace, Yuan Zhen was going to go to Chang'an to his future. "Tongsai can't see each other, and the waves rise separately. Flying away from the king, it's like this." The sadness of love is nothing more than this. He came back later.When he came back, he found that they could never go back again. She no longer gave him what he wanted from her, the proof of his needs. Occasionally she would play alone late at night.Her piano skills are exquisite, and the sound of the piano is miserable, but if he tries to ask her to play a solo for him, she immediately asks the matchmaker to put the piano away and hang it on the wall, and refuses to play again.He was very desperate for this situation. There may be only one meter between them, but this meter, he can no longer get close.

If it was the first time, he would go to the first city in this love, but in this last lonely city, she firmly closed the gate. The sad and beautiful first love cannot be detained like spring, and he is just a flower watcher on the Moshang, so he is nostalgic but not sad. After dawn, he walks lightly on his Chang'an ancient road. All poets are the same, they hurt the spring and then mourn the autumn every year, but they hurt the spring and then mourn the autumn every year. No one can tell whether they are in love with the spring and autumn, or the emotions that come unexpectedly every year.Maybe it's just getting used to doing something at a certain moment to prove your existence.

Love, sometimes just a certain need at a certain moment. Three years later, the 24-year-old Yuan Zhen married Wei Cong, the youngest daughter of the Prince Shaobao Wei Xiaqing; at the age of 30, he met Xue Tao; eyebrows" poem.Two years later, Yuan Zhen was relegated to Jiangling and took his concubine Anxian. At the age of thirty-six, he continued to marry Pei Shu, who was also a lady of the family. He is not ungrateful. "Wei Jiang keeps his eyes open all night long, and repays his life for not raising his eyebrows." It is not a poem that a person with negative feelings can write.He will also do what he wrote: "I still miss my old love and pity my servants, and I also gave money because of dreams. Today's salary is more than 100,000, and I will have a memorial ceremony with the king's camp." He will fall on her grave. Tears, touching the tombstone with hands, there is nowhere to say desolate.

It's just that love is more like a beautiful and desolate gesture after encountering a grand scene.
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