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Chapter 28 Seeing the flowers full of tears, not sharing the words of the king of Chu

Bowl 安意如 2845Words 2018-03-18
Argued with others, got angry, and fought coldly.The flowers in the yard were blooming, and when they fell to the bottom of my eyes, I remembered two lines of Wang Wei's poem: "Looking at the flowers full of tears, I don't share the words of the king of Chu." Suddenly being so hypocritical, I felt awkward thinking about it.After thinking about it, since I thought of Wang Wei, I might as well write another article.Except for the mention of Wang Wei in the previous chapter, there is not much talk about this outstanding poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.However, Wang Wei, no matter his poetry or character, is worth writing.He is a man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Du and is as gorgeous and profound as the Tang Dynasty.

Although he also had the exuberance of "meeting and drinking for the king" when he was young, Wang Wei still has a clean and diluted foundation in his bones, a good Buddha, and a Zen mind.The achievements in poetry are very high, and the five-character verses are especially written in Tsinghua University, and they have been studied hard by later generations.His person is like a modest Clivia flower, a tree blooms, and the courtyard is full of fragrance, even when he walks through the back door, he walks very gracefully. During the banquet between King Qi and Princess Taiping that day, Wang Wei appeared holding a pipa.The princess saw that Wang Wei was "pure and beautiful in his youth", so she asked King Qi, "Who is this?"

Wang Wei is proficient in temperament.Someone once showed Wang Wei a picture of "According to Music", and Wang Wei said after seeing it, "This is the first shot of the third stack of "Neon Clothes".This person didn't believe it, so he asked someone to play it, and when he played it here, he looked at the picture, and it really was such a posture.Wang Wei's talent in music can be seen. That day was the day when he was in full bloom.Wang Wei swayed the strings with his hands, with a natural and unrestrained attitude, and the tunes he played were sad and sad, touching and soul-stirring.

At the end of the song, the princess asked Wang Wei, "What's the name of the song?" Wang Wei stood up and replied, "Yu Lun Pao." The princess listened and praised her very much. King Qi also said: "In this life, I am not only proficient in rhythm and playing the pipa, but also in terms of writing, I am afraid that no one in the world can match it." The princess asked Wang Wei for a poem, and Wang Wei presented the poem that had been transcribed in advance.The princess was amazed by his talent, so she ordered him to enter the room to change clothes, and arranged a banquet, and invited him to be the first seat.During the banquet, the princess watched with cold eyes, and felt more and more that Wang Wei behaved decently, had a dignified demeanor, was also elegant and elegant, and had a fresh conversation, which she secretly praised in her heart.In the imperial examination that year, Wang Wei successfully took the lead and won the first place.

Speaking of it, Wang Wei is a lucky man, born in a prominent family in Shanxi, and he was proud of his youth.Others may be just a poor man all his life, but he has a smooth official career, and his official career has reached Shangshu Youcheng. If he wants to resign, the emperor will not let him go. , and put his love between the mountains and rivers, leaving behind many well-known poems and sentences.His life only suffered a little setback during the "Anshi Rebellion", but it was also like the strange peaks rising one after another in the mountains and rivers, adding a sense of painting for nothing.The chaos filled his soul even more.

During the period of house arrest in An Lushan, there was a musician Lei Haiqing who died unyieldingly and generously.Wang Wei lamented his integrity and wrote a little poem: Tens of thousands of households are sad and smoke wild, when will all the officials go to the sky again? The leaves of autumn locust trees fall into the empty palace, and the head of Ningbi pool is decorated with orchestral strings. ——"Private Slogan of Bodhi Temple" This poem is sad and moving, which perfectly reflects Wang Wei's grief, indignation and helplessness, and implicitly expresses the secret loyalty of the bureaucrats who had to fall into the puppet court.This poem was gradually spread to the ears of the emperor who fled to the west. Later, when the two capitals were recovered, Wang Wei was given a lighter punishment for this poem.

Prosperous in the spring breeze, but also through hardships, wealth is not easy for his heart, it is difficult not to seize his ambition, such a man is used to meeting the Chinese standards.For a man, it can be a spiritual model; for a woman, it is a talent in a dream. Back then, it was also at the banquet of the kings that everyone talked about Mrs. Xi in the Spring and Autumn Period.Someone asked Wang Wei for a poem at the banquet, and Wang Wei then wrote a poem "Mrs. Xi"—— Don't forget the past kindness by favoring the present. Seeing the flowers full of tears does not share the words of the king of Chu.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Xihou's wife, Xigui, went to Cai to visit her sister, but her brother-in-law Cai Aihou treated her rudely.In a rage, Xihou led Chu soldiers into the country and destroyed Cai.Cai Aihou, who became a prisoner, hated Xihou, and spoke highly of Gui's beauty in front of King Wen of Chu, praising her: "The eyes are like autumn water, the face is like peach blossoms, the length is moderate, and the behavior is ecological, which is second to none in the world!" : "No woman in the world can compare to Xigui!" The king of Chu was delighted when he heard the color.In 680 B.C., King Wen conquered Xi, exterminated the country, and took Xi Gui as his wife.Mrs. Xi came to Chu and did not say a word to the king of Chu for three years.The king of Chu asked,She said: "I am a woman, and I am a second husband. Even if I can't die, what face do I have to talk to others?"

The two countries were defeated by a woman one after another, which seems to confirm the truth of the saying "beautiful women are in trouble".Therefore, the defenders of the later generations blamed Xigui one after another, thinking that when Xihou was captured, she had to hang herself with a rope and commit suicide.As if this could turn the tide of history.Even Du Mu said nonchalantly: "There are new peaches in the palace with a thin waist, and the pulse is silent for a few times. After all, what is the fate of death? Poor Jin Gu who fell from the building." He used the green bead of martyrdom to irony lady.However, he himself is a poor man in a brothel.

Wang Wei doesn't think so.He was able to put himself in Xigui's shoes and sympathize with her situation; in just twenty words, he wrote Xigui's dilemma: facing two men who loved him, one was a slave because of his subjugation, and the other treated him in every possible way. She is spoiled and has two sons, she can't love her, she can't wait for her, no matter how deep the pain is, it can only be like ice and snow flying into the sea, the water is deep and silent. Breathing GUI is tough.It is a one-time event to wait for a tree of peach blossoms until the peach blossoms, but it is only a momentary shock to cut it off. It is more difficult to be firm with a person, firm with a relationship than a change of heart.Persistence is often a person walking in the desert, under the scorching sun, with little help and no hope.The feeling of going on.

"Looking at the flowers full of tears, I don't share the words of the king of Chu." Silent and persistent Xi Gui, the sadness in her heart can only be compared to Zhou Muyun's loneliness in finding a tree hole and muttering to himself in front of the tree. Who told her not to be a person who "could forget the kindness of the past with the favor of the present"?Being able to be a treacherous person is also an ability, and being a traitor requires more talent.Some people, however, are as clean as gardenias, and wither overnight, decaying glaringly.Personality is doomed to be gold and jade, and you can't have both.No matter how the years stack up, this kind of person's soul is always sharp and clean. Zhou Zuoren once commented on Xi Gui, which was sincere.He said: "She has been queen for two terms with her beautiful appearance. She gave birth to two sons for the king of Chu, but she didn't say a word to the king of Chu. The Chinese literati who like to hang their arms with the dead ancient beauties are so They made a lot of special poems, some said she was good, some said she was bad, and each played their own smugness, but the reputation of Mrs. Xie was also increased. To be honest, this is really a tragedy in women’s lives. Not only is it a matter of one person at one time, one place, but it can almost be said to be a symbol of the destiny of all women." We now know that snatching marriages, in which one takes another's wife for oneself, is a common phenomenon in the early marriage history of mankind, and it was not uncommon in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period;Those righteous gentlemen in later generations who clamored that "women are harming the country" all belonged to the category of standing and talking without backaches, and they are not worth mentioning. In the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, Wang Wei was able to compare his heart to his heart, and understand the ups and downs of women in the chaotic era, but it was not easy.No wonder Wang Wei never married after his wife's death.Before and after him, around him, there are all men with three wives and four concubines.And Wang Wei, whether he cherishes feelings or understands women, surpassed that era.This man can not only play the piano for you under the pine tree in the forest, walk with you under the bright moon and clear stream, but also hold your hand to keep you warm in the cold night. He is the one who will never forget you after you die . A master of both poetry and painting, a musical prodigy, a handsome son, and a secular husband, the reason why Wang Wei is Wang Wei is that he is irreplaceable and hard to find in the world.Man, wit, son, gentleman.Although there are not many people who can combine the four in one body, Wang Wei must be one. I think that when he was under house arrest by An Lushan and named a "false official", Wang Wei must have had a similar feeling of "seeing flowers full of tears, not sharing the words of the king of Chu".The loyalty that is secretly insisted on, the emotion that cannot be compromised and reversed, it is not only love, but also the thought of the homeland and homeland.The Chinese people's concept of integrity is indeed tireless in destroying people, but every time a major event is encountered, it can also cultivate people, strengthen hearts, and strengthen the soul of the country.Wen Tianxiang's "No one has died in life since ancient times, keep the pictures to reflect the history" is the chastity of men, and Mrs. Xi's "Looking at the flowers full of tears, not sharing the words of the king of Chu" is the firmness of women. Xi Gui's ending is untestable.There is a legend that finally one day, taking advantage of King Wen's hunting trip, she slipped out of the palace and met Xihou.The two knew that it would be difficult to reconcile after breaking the mirror, and both committed suicide in love, with blood everywhere.Later generations planted peach blossoms all over the place where their blood was spilled, and built a peach blossom cave and a peach blossom lady's temple to commemorate them.The Chu people took Mrs. Xi as Mrs. Peach Blossom, and set up a shrine to worship her.Later generations named her the goddess of peach blossoms. "Through the ages, the only one who dies is the only one who is sad, and the only one who is sad." Xi Gui's helpless life is more pitiful than simply dying.It's hard for Wang Wei to watch her pain coldly, but he can see it so clearly.
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