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Chapter 27 Pan Yue's mourning poems

Bowl 安意如 3848Words 2018-03-18
Speaking of Wei and Jin character, I would like to mention Jin Yong's Huang Yaoshi.He is not Tang Wu or Bo Kong Zhou, who regards the secular ethics as dung, indulges his emotions, does his own way, and has the demeanor of a celebrity in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.The jade flute guest in the green robe walks alone in the rivers and lakes.On TV, the moment he took off his mask, his temples were cut like a knife, and his eyes were looking forward. I admit that I was captured by his peerless appearance. In an old saying, it is said that the waist is heavy and the temples wear away, and Huang Laoxie is a model of life.He shouldn't have been in the Southern Song Dynasty, but he should have been in hiding thousands of years ago, drunk with Ruan Ji and Liu Ling, played with Ji Kang's qin and xiao, and then had a clear talk with Wang Yan and Wei Jie, or written poems to mourn his death with Pan Yue; The lonely grave of the dead wife, living in the Southern Song Dynasty, unique in the world, alone.

People in Wei Jin Ziyou and Huang Yaoshi who have been affectionately along the way are all so heartbroken.Pan Yue has aged Huafa for ten years, and when he re-entered Luoyang, he was already a middle-aged man, no longer the uproar of "throwing fruit and filling the cart" when he was young. Pan Yue is a famous handsome man in the Western Jin Dynasty. His name is Anren, and his name is Tannu. He is also the famous Pan An!For thousands of years, the highest compliment a man deserves is "Song Yu, who looks like Pan An", just like the maid named Meixiang Chunxiang and the brothel named Yihongyuan.Fortunately, Pan Yue himself is not vulgar. No matter how the aesthetics of the era of fat, swallows and thin change, he has always been the standard of ideal Chinese men.

For Pan Yue's "Tanlang Yumao", all generations have praised him.In the Tang Dynasty, there was a song "Bodhisattva Man" by Anonymous: "The peony contains pearls, the beauty turns to the front of the court, and asks Tan Lang with a smile, is the flower strong and the concubine beautiful? Tan Lang is annoyed by the past, so he must say that the flowers and branches are good.On the one hand, she was coquettish and angry, and beat people with broken flowers. " "Book of Jin" records that "Pan Yuemiao has a beautiful appearance and a good look. When he was young, he popped out of the Luoyang Road. When a woman meets a woman, he will hang around with him." When he was young, he carried a slingshot except for hunting. Etiquette and restraint, in a large audience, surrounded the handsome young man hand in hand, and threw fresh fruits at him.Once Pan Anren went out, he was able to return home with a small cart full of flowers and fruits.

I fell down laughing when I read another passage in "Book of Jin": "Zuo Taichong (Zuo Si, word Taichong) is extremely ugly, and he also followed the example of Yue Youao. So the group of women spit it out together, and returned tired." The best part of the first sentence is the addition of the word "absolutely", and the latter sentence "spit together in disorder" is even more overwhelming.Thinking about the scene where the female comrades spit at Zuo Si together, how spectacular it is.That's Zuo Si. The literary giant who wrote "Sandu Fu" was treated like this. It can be seen that Confucius said it well, "Only villains and women are difficult to raise."

Zuo Si is also a wonderful person, with the unique innocence and straightforwardness of Wei and Jin people, he took a car to parade in the streets.The result was like a criminal parading the streets, which made people smile.People are more popular than people, this time the blow is too big!If I were Zuo Si, I would write "Sandu Fu" again, which would make Luoyang Zhigui unhappy. It would hurt my self-esteem too much, and I would not go out for at least half a year. Another unlucky guy like Zuo Si is Zhang Zai.He was also a famous writer, but ugly. "Book of Jin" records: "At that time, Zhang Zai was very ugly. Every line, children threw it with tiles and stones, and returned exhausted."

Zuo Si is unkind, the male version of "Dongshi imitation", and he can't complain that he is cast aside by the majority of women compatriots.But Zhang Zai was a bit helpless and sad when he returned tired after being thrown stones by his children. In "Book of Jin" and Zhong Zhong, both Zuo and Zhang died heroically, just to bring out Pan An's brilliance.Compared with the beautiful man Pan Yue, no matter how good his literary talent is, he can't help being overshadowed. No wonder they were born in an era where hues are extremely important.In Wei and Jin Dynasties standards for celebrities, talents and virtues are second to none. First of all, people must be handsome and elegant.Just like Pan Yue "has good looks and a good look", Xie An "has a deep sense of spirituality and a smooth demeanor". In terms of appearance, there is no problem in participating in "Super Boy".

Second, "Wei-Jin demeanor" pays more attention to spirit, character and bearing.Just like that Ji Kang, who is very handsome, bright and clear, he is a man, Yanyan is as independent as a lonely pine, even when he is drunk, he is like a jade mountain that is about to collapse, and he is so drunk. Third, it is best to have good eloquence, eloquence, and good at talking.Zhang Zai didn't know, anyway, Zuo Si was famous for his stuttering, and suffered a great loss in eloquence. The peerless romantic figures in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, if you count them backwards and forwards, Pan An will never be in the top five depending on what standard you use.This is an unforgettable man.

Pan Yue is not only beautiful, but also has a brilliant literary talent. "Book of Jin" stated that "Pan Yue is famous for his talents, and his township is called a child prodigy", "the chief character argues for benefits, and the literature is clear and beautiful". reputation. I don't read much of Pan Yue's poems, but I know that his mourning essays are very well written, and he is Yuan Zhen's predecessor.After the death of his wife Yang, he wrote three mourning poems—— Winter and spring fade quickly, and cold and heat flow suddenly. The son returns to the poor spring, and the heavy soil is separated forever.

Whoever restrains selfishness will benefit from drowning. Strider respected the court's order and returned to his first mission. Wanglu thinks about the person, enters the house and thinks about what he has experienced. There is no fragrance on the curtain and screen, but there are traces of calligraphy and ink. The fragrance has not stopped in time, and the legacy is still hanging on the wall. Disappointed as if to save, return to panic and vigilance. Like the Hanlin bird, it only has two luxuriant ones. For example, when you swim in Sichuan, you can analyze the road in the middle of your eyes.

The spring breeze comes from the gap, and the morning slips and drips from the eaves. When will I forget my sleep and rest, I am deeply worried about the daily surplus and accumulation. The concubine sometimes declines, but Zhuang Fou can be attacked especially. —— "One" The moon in the bright window shines on the south end of my room. In the Qing and Shang Dynasties, autumn comes, and the summer heat follows the festival. When the cold wind blows, I feel the summer quilt alone. Qi said that there is no weight, who is cold at the same age. Suihan has nothing to do with the same, and the moon is so hazy.

Turn around the pillow mat, but the long mat is empty on the bed. The bed is empty and the dust is clean, and the room is empty and there is a sad wind. Without Li Shiling alone, it seems to see Errong. Caressing Jin and sighing, tears stained his chest unconsciously. Touching the chest is safe, and sorrow starts from it. Sleeping Xingmu saves the shape, the legacy sound is still in the ear. I am ashamed of Dongmen Wu at the top, and I am ashamed of Zhuangzi at the bottom. If you want to express your aspirations by writing poems, it is difficult to have a record of this aspiration. Fate can do nothing, long relatives are despicable. —— "Second" Yao Lingyun's secret, the four generations moved away. The morning dew is desolate, and the evening wind is fierce. However, when mourning Shuli, her appearance will never fade away. Reading this is like yesterday, who knows that he is already dead. He changed his obedience to the government and sent his heart to private affairs. In the former house of Zhang Zhang, Shuowang Liner sacrifices. When will you pray, the new moon will suddenly come back to an end. Once the quilt is destroyed and withdrawn, it will never be cited again for a thousand years. Every month and week, Qi Qi Mi meets each other. Sorrowful feelings come, weeping in response to love. Driving to Zhidongfu, looking at the grave and thinking about Zhen. Wandering among the ruins and tombs, I can't bear to go. I can't bear to linger, and I lean on and step back and forth. The fallen leaves are on the side, and the withered grass takes the corner of the grave. The lonely soul is lonely and alone, and I know the spirit and nothingness. Concentrate on obeying the orders of the court, and get on the car with a wave of tears. Who says the imperial palace is far away, the road is extremely sad. —— "The Third" The first two of the three mourning poems are better known.Pan An had a deep affection for his first wife. Yang was the daughter of Yang Zhao, a famous Confucian in the Jin Dynasty, and she was betrothed to the Pan family at the age of ten.The Yang family has a noble family, and both men and women have real talents and learning.Pan An and Yang's husband and wife are harmonious and consistent.Unexpectedly, Yang died young. Li Shangyin's poem "Only Anren can make a lie, why did Song Yu call out the soul" refers to the three mourning poems written by Pan Yue after Yang's death. When I read Pan Yue's mourning poems, it is not so much to love his poems as to praise his integrity of love.Beautiful men are rare, and infatuated beautiful men are even rarer.Pan Yue's "Three Poems of Mourning for the Dead" inherited "The Book of Songs·Beifeng·Green Clothes" and opened Yuan Zhen's mourning poems.Since then, mourning has become the endorsement of husbands mourning their wives. Green clothes, green clothes and yellow lining.Worrying about my heart, I will take care of myself! Green clothes, green clothes and yellow clothes.The heart is worried, and Hewei will die! Green and silky, governed by women.I think of the ancients, but I have no concubine! It's like the wind, it's desolate.I miss the ancients, and I really get my heart! —— "The Book of Songs·Green Clothes" "Green Clothes" is the earliest mourning poem in China.It has a profound impact on future generations.The poem describes a man caressing his wife's relics and clothes, feeling endless grief, reminiscing about the old friendship, thanking his wife for taking care of him and patiently persuading him, and feeling sad that there is no other person who is so virtuous and kind, who can understand his heart. The mourning poems of later generations were obviously influenced by "The Green Clothes" in terms of expression.For example, Pan Yue's first poem "There is nothing like the curtain, but there are traces of ink and ink. The fragrance has not stopped, but the remains are still hanging on the wall", "When will the sleep be forgotten, and the worries will accumulate day by day", which are actually taken from "Green Clothes "The meaning of the first and second chapters; the second song "The cold wind blows, and I feel the summer quilt alone. How can it be said that there is no weight, who is cold at the same age", "The bed is empty and the dust is clean, and the room is empty, and the sad wind comes", "Sleeping to revitalize the eyes and keep the shape, the leftover sound is still in the ear", etc., is the meaning of the third and fourth chapters of "Green Clothes". Another example is Yuan Zhen's "Sorrow and Sorrow", which is also a masterpiece of mourning. The third poem says: "The clothes have been used to see, but the needles and threads are still left." It is also all transformed from "Green Clothes". I don't like Pan Yue's mourning poems very much.Except for the few sentences listed above, which are still read clearly, the others are mostly talking about spring, summer, autumn and winter, changes in the world, etc., which makes people very tired to read.It is true that Yuan Zhen said that "Pan Yue's mourning is still a waste of words". When I read Yuan Zhen's poems, there is a sentence "only the eyes will open forever in the night, and I will repay my life without raising my eyebrows"; The heart is always dimmed in an instant, and the feeling is extremely dull, and the affection in it has to be tortured slowly. Sorrow is brewing.Hurt is release. Reading Pan Yue's mourning poems does not have such a profound feeling, because his strong yearning has been diluted by the excessive profusion of prose.If I read mourning, I still love Yuan Zhen's "Sorrowful Heart", Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi", and Rong Ruo's "Drinking Water". I firmly believe that when one misses another, it should be a quiet thought.This kind of power can often reach the other side of the gray hair in an instant.Mourning the death of love is not a comparison of poems, not a beautiful article that is played in the hands.Therefore, Pan Yue does not have the earnestness of Yuan Zhen, the sorrow of Su Shi, and the lingering affection of Rong Ruo. But it's no wonder he was there.It is due to the writing style of the Six Dynasties, it is beautiful and empty, and it is only decorated and enriched.Pan Lang is also famous for eloquent rhetoric, good at displaying.When he first entered the official career, he praised Emperor Wu of Jin for his "Ode to the Land". His flattery was so wonderful that he was hated by the old officials, so he stayed in office for ten years.Anyone with talent will definitely be jealous at the time.Pan Yue has a wonderful demeanor, picturesque features, and can impress the current emperor with contemporary writing. It is not uncommon for the ugly and dirty ministers around Sima Yan to feel jealous. Many years later, when he re-entered Luoyang, his whole body was broken.He has already learned how to play with the wind. Because of his friendship with Jia Nanfeng's nephew, Jia Mi, he joined the Twenty-Four Friends and became the imperial literati of Jia's relatives group.History says he pays homage to the dust, I may be skeptical.Jia Mi was already on good terms with him, so he didn't have to do that.I would still believe in paying homage to Jananfeng's mother, but that's not necessary.Besides, no matter how bad a person is, the basic strength of character is still there.This is probably attached by descendants who don't like Pan Yue.Because he once wrote a book for Empress Jia to frame the prince, resulting in the extermination of the family, but this is a real thing. Empress Jia has no children.The crown prince Sima Yu was born to Emperor Hui of Jin and the court lady Xie Mei, or he was directly the son of Emperor Wu of Jin.No matter who it is, Empress Jia cannot tolerate him. One night, Empress Jia sent someone to get the prince drunk and coax him to copy a cursive script.This wild grass was written by Pan Yue.The prince was so drunk that he couldn't tell what was written, but he was forced to copy the strokes according to the strokes under the power of Empress Jia. Then, the prince's calligraphy went through some behind-the-scenes processing. The strokes should be added, and the imitation should be imitated. In short, it is turned into a crime of treason.And this "expert" in technical processing is none other than Pan Yue.He is good at imitating handwriting. It was the most earth-shattering thing he had ever done in his life.It's a pity that Empress Jia was defeated soon.The current situation was unpredictable, and after the crown prince was deposed, the third of the "Eight Kings"——Zhao Wang Sima Lun launched a rebellion into the palace and killed all the followers of Empress Jia.Pan Yue was originally a member of the Jia family, so it was hard to escape.What's more, when he was young, he had humiliated Sun Xiu, a close friend of King Zhao, several times, so he was doomed. "Do you remember what happened in the past?" He tentatively asked Sun Xiu. "Keep it in my heart, never forget it for a moment." Sun Xiu said with a sneer. Pan Yue was sad, knowing that he would die.Soon he was "Yi San Clan" and implicated his mother.Before his execution, he cried and said: "Love my mother!" I pity him for being such a pure and filial person.The "Eight Kings' Rebellion" in the Western Jin Dynasty was originally a messy mess. The current situation was overturned, and scholars were just pawns in the hands of politicians.He is a genius, but also a negligible bargaining chip struggling in the vortex. He has been up and down in his career for ten years and cannot be redeemed. Although the Wei and Jin Dynasties were good, they did not belong to ordinary officials.It is not as good as being a county magistrate in Heyang County, maybe life will be simpler and happier.The peach blossoms he planted in Heyang County back then will bloom now, right?It's just that Tan Lang from back then never came back.
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