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Chapter 26 It was just normal

Bowl 安意如 4426Words 2018-03-18
Finally, there is a quiet night, and I only write about him with nothing else in mind.Not to mention, the random words and phrases in my essay are not used to write about Concubine Yang Gui and Ban Jieyu through his words. It took another night to be so skinny, but for him, it was worth it no matter how deep the dark circles were.This man, saying that he is rare in this world, is not because he is the son of Xiangguo, born rich and noble; nor is it because he loves him, he is handsome and handsome, and he is a handsome son in troubled times.Too many good young men in troubled times are useless idiots, or a scratch on a woman's heart, so let's not mention it.

Even, it's not because he's talented and intelligent, and he's well-educated, or because his words are well written.There are as many well-written words as the gravel of the Ganges River, and I will do what I have done.Chinese men are used to treating women with a whip in one hand and sugar in the other. I still remember the sad and touching story in the novel: "Xun Fengqian and his wife were very loyal. The woman in Dongyue was sick with fever, so she went out of the courtyard to get cold and ironed it with her body. When the woman died, the queen Fengqian also died when she was young." Xun Fengqian and Na Like a man like Lan Ruorong, deep affection is rare in the world.Women, I love their fingers and intestines so much, they are as affectionate as the sea.

Of course, Nalan Ci is really good.Wang Guowei praised his sincerity, saying that he was not infected with the habits of the Han people, and it was not easy to pile up allusions. "Drinking Water Ci" is as clear as white clouds and cangs, flowing and invisible, so Mr. Wang, who is rigorous in his studies and pays attention to artistic conception, said that he "since the Northern Song Dynasty, he is only one person".However, there are also people who look down on Nalan's Ci, saying that Nalan's Ci is too charming and affectionate, but he can't write Ci with vigorous writing, deep emotion and sonorous rhyme.And compare Zhu Yizun's "The Sound of Selling Flowers·Yuhuatai" by Zhu Yizun of the Qing Dynasty——

In Baimen Bay of declining willows, the tide hits the city and returns, and the small long dry connects the big long dry.Geban wine flags are all scattered, only fishing rods are left. The autumn grass is cold in the Six Dynasties, the altar is empty in the rain of flowers, and there is no one to lean on the railing.Swallows come and go in the setting sun, such a world! He also said that Nalan is not as good as his contemporary Huang Jingren in writing about love.Huang is not as handsome as Nalan, but he is more charming than Nalan—— Sit down and play the flute a few times, and the silver man and the red wall look into the distance.

It seems that the stars are not from last night, for whom the wind and dew stand at midnight. The lingering thought pulls out the cocoon, and the heart hurts to peel off the banana. In March and May in 2035, the poor glass of wine never disappeared. ——Huang Zhongze's "Qi Huai" I admit that Huang Jingren wrote this little poem very well. "It seems that the stars are not last night, for whom the wind and dew will stand at midnight." It is a natural punchline, which inherits the poetic meaning of Li Shangyin's "Last night, the stars and the wind, the west side of the painting building and the east of the Guitang", but the meaning is more affectionate.It's a pity that this is a bit of an article, not as good as Nalan's lyrics, from beginning to end.

Reading one of Nalan's poems is not ordinary, but after reading the whole collection of poems, it feels soul-stirring and different.Wen has a literary spirit, like a long river running through the sun, with one breath all the time.Rong Ruo is the only one who can chant the sadness three times and make the sadness last forever.Wang Guowei did not lie when he said that he was "a sad man through the ages". "Since the Northern Song Dynasty, there has been only one person." It can be said that it is Wang Guowei's personal preference, and it is inevitable that he will be suspected of being too beautiful, but his personal opinion is vaguely sad and helpless, but it is clear.This kind of praise is a compliment to Nalan alone, but it is full of accusations against the entire Chinese literary world after the Song Dynasty.After the Northern Song Dynasty, there were many wars and chaos. From the Southern Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the culture of nearly a thousand years withered like a cold autumn, and it was no longer the style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. This is an undeniable fact.

Prosperity is a kind of proud attitude. The Book of Songs and Chu Ci are prosperous, Han Fu and Tang Poetry are prosperous, buying horses with thousands of dollars is prosperous, and drinking and laughing with you for three thousand times is also prosperous.Meng Haoran's sentence "The old man has chickens and millets, invite me to Tian's house" is Sheng, and Wang Anshi's "Spring breeze and the south bank of the green river" can also be Sheng. When flourishing like spring is at its most gorgeous, thousands of flowers are falling, and when you step on it with peace of mind, you regret the intense indulgence.After Song Dynasty, there was no one with such a gesture.Yuanqu, Ming and Qing novels, are the combination of scholars and people. The scholars have withered, and the literature of the people is like stars shining when the moon is dark, which is very good.It's a pity that it can't be called Sheng.

Nalan Rongruo's high admiration naturally has historical reasons that cannot be erased. It seems a kind of helpless appearance. People like him, although they envy the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, have to be born in a family of power and prime ministers, and accept the etiquette. He has the heart to make contributions, and has the ambition to stabilize the country, but his overly prominent family background has hindered his official career, and he has only obtained the false title of first-class bodyguard in his life. battlefield.The emperor has many warriors, so he does not need to fight on the battlefield.What Kangxi loves the most is not his martial arts, but his literary talents.

He was unhappy, born in a family of bells and lanterns, served in the military camp of gold and iron horses, and appeared in the turbulent officialdom, but he was always lonely without the slightest bit of worldliness, just like the snowflakes he chanted and praised —— It's not about being obsessed with light appearance, and the cold place is better.Don't have roots and buds, it's not a rich flower in the world. Who can cherish Xie Niang's farewell, wandering in the end of the world.The cold moon is sad, and the westerly wind blows thousands of miles of sand from the sea. —— "Picking Mulberries · Ode to Snowflakes on the Fortress"

Later, he gradually abandoned the heart of wealth and honor, and the meaning of ascending the dragon.He doesn't love peonies, but is obsessed with snowflakes. He said, it's not that I deliberately prefer the light and agile appearance of snowflakes.Xie Daoyun said, "If the catkins are blown by the wind", Yiren has passed away. The world loves peonies and wealth. Who knows that you have no roots and buds, which are not like rich and noble flowers in the world. Every time I read the poem about picking mulberries, I feel that Rong Ruo is still standing on the fortress of the bleak autumn wind, facing thousands of miles of yellow sand.Snow has fallen on his shoulders, and those eyes facing the snowflakes are as bright as ice and snow.

"Every family is competing to sing the song of drinking water, and Nalan knows what's on his mind." This sentence reminds me of Daiyu.Daiyu's concern about burying flowers is a woman's frailty and helplessness.Rong Ruo, why did he sigh "like a fish drinking water, knowing whether it's warm or cold"?He seems to have some connection with Daiyu; isn't there a saying that Jia Baoyu's prototype is Nalan Rongruo, and even Qianlong laughed when he read it?This is Mingzhu's family affairs! Different men and women, the same gold and jade; two people, the same mind, the same noble and clean poetic soul.The vicissitudes of the world turn, day and night, spring and summer, often look different, but in fact we are still at the same place, the moment we take off the mask, the face behind the mask is still the same as yesterday. In the late spring of the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi, Rong Ruo got sick and got together with his friends, got drunk, chanted three times, then fell ill, and passed away on May 30 seven days later.31 years old. It has been seven days, and I came under this flower tree.The pear blossoms were as pale as snow, and the late spring wind blew up again, tearing the pear petals apart, ruthless.I've been to the gallery where you made a date.I saw Lu Shi's beautiful figure.She gave me the emerald green jade that I often wear.Now I come to this place full of memories, listening to the king, I will be sad all my life. Your stunning cousin, standing in the sun, with black hair like satin, is smiling at you.She is not tall enough, how beautiful will she be in a few years?You thought she could marry you, but instead she was elected into the palace and became the emperor's concubine. The dream of being as beautiful as a butterfly when I was young has fallen lightly. You also have a wife, Lu Shi Yuchan, the daughter of a high-ranking official and famous eunuch, and you are a couple.It's not that I don't love her, it's just that at that time, I still missed my cousin a little bit.Until, she died in depression.You don't know that when you were young and loved deeply, you urged your cousin to die quickly.Your heart is hard to mend, but you are awe-inspiring. The ancients have long said, "It is better to pity the people in front of you than to look far away." Can't live up to one more.People will change from pain to clear memory.I remember the thoughtfulness with which she put on clothes for herself that day when she slept in spring.I remember that she was also a wise person who played flowers, chewed pistils, played ice strings, and gambled books to disappear with the fragrance of tea, so she played with the qin and zither, "When the embroidered couch is free, I blow red rain, and lean against the setting sun at the bend of the railing." Unexpectedly, the love between a good couple doesn't last long, and three years later, Lu Shi died of dystocia. The ancient mourning poems have been cited endlessly since "The Green Clothes". Nalan's mourning poems can definitely be compared with Pan Yue, Yuan Zhen, and Su Zi.Pan Yue is keen on fame and fortune; Yuan Zhen is so flirtatious that sometimes he can't help but say things wrongly; Dongpo is naturally free and easy, he is the son of nature who regards the world as his home, unlike you who are affectionate and willing to spend the rest of his life in the thoughts of his dead wife. You usually look at her portrait and write an inscription—— Tears but silently, only regret to the past.Relying on painting to focus on self-examination, Yingying, a sad painting can't be done. The other words are very clear, wake up early in the dream at midnight.Qing woke up early and Nong dreamed, and more, weeping all the wind and rain bells at night. ——"Nanxiangzi" The aristocratic son of the Prime Minister's mansion who lives in the shadow of his clothes and temples is not a dandy who walks around, but a person with deep affection and nature.Treat loved ones and friends with kindness and loyalty. "A piece of sadness can't be painted", such deep affection is still self-repentant, Rong Ruohe, where do you want to put other men in the world? What would happen if there were no mourning words in your "Drinking Water Ci"?In the eleven years after her death, the person who was with you day and night was not your stepmother, not your concubine, or even that confidante, Shen Wan, a woman from Jiangnan who later became pregnant with your posthumous child.It's just Lushi Yuchan, the woman you Nalan Rongruo loves the most in your life. Three days before Ding Si's Double Ninth Festival, the night was already dark, the moon was shining like water, you gradually fell asleep in the shadow of the shaking candles, and what you thought about during the day fell into a dream at night: "Ding Si, on the third day of Double Ninth Festival, dreamed of a dead woman with light makeup and plain clothes, holding her hands and choking ... There is a saying in parting: "I wish to be the moon in the sky with hatred, and I still have to reunite with Lang every year." "Wake up and do "Qinyuanchun"—— Life is fleeting, life is so unlucky, how can you forget it when you wander low.Remember that when the embroidered couch is free, it plays with the rain; in the curved place of the carving, we lean against the setting sun together.Dreams are so hard to stay, poems can't be continued, win a deeper cry.The remnants of the remains are there, but Ling Biao turned around, but he was not allowed to look at them carefully. Rediscover the vastness of the sky.It is expected to have short hair, and there must be frost in the dynasty.Even in the world and in the sky, the mortal relationship is not broken; spring flowers and autumn leaves, touch the thread and return the injury.If you want to tie the knot, you will be shocked and shaken, and you will lose all your clothes yesterday.It's really helpless, Qian's voice is next to the flute, and the ileum is composed. This poem became an opportunity for Nalan Rongruo and Mao Huanlian to get acquainted in Liang Yusheng's novel.In the book, outside the Great Wall, Nalan Rongruo played this lament on a matouqin, and Mao Huanlian couldn't help but feel his heart sway when he heard it. This kind of unrestrained sadness is exactly where Nalan's poems move people's hearts.As the so-called lamentation and discontent, Chinese poetics emphasizes "pleasure without lewdness, sorrow without injury". Liang Yusheng, who has always respected traditional aesthetics, used Mao Huanlian's mouth to say "good poems and good words" It doesn’t have to be all about moderation.”In the book, Nalan and Mao Huanlian hit it off right away, and outside the book, I also changed my view of Liang Yusheng.Reading his novels, I always feel that his concept of good and evil is too distinct, and the characters have single personalities.However, his views on poetry are fresh and bright. "Dreams are so hard to keep, poems can't be continued, win a deeper cry." This sentence brings out the new ideas of the predecessors, the words are simple, but the affection is written to the extreme.After waking up from the dream, thinking of her, my heart was filled with unspeakable melancholy.You cried bitterly in the middle of the night again, and your muscles and bones were so hurt every day, how could you not die early? On the night of the fourth day of July, there was a lot of wind and rain, and the day before Lu's death, you stayed up all night and wrote "Yu Zhonghao", reminding yourself that tomorrow is the birthday of the deceased woman. The dust is full of sparse curtains and plain belts are floating, it is really dark and pitiful.Several times secretly wiped the tears on the green shirt, and suddenly saw Cuiqiao near the rhinoceros. Only hate turns boring, and the flowers are still falling at five o'clock.Decaying poplar leaves are hard to get rid of, cold rain and bleak wind hit the painted bridge. ——"Yu Zhonghao" Chinese poetry really cannot be explained word by word, otherwise the artistic conception will be completely lost. "A few times I secretly wiped the tears on the green shirt, and suddenly I saw Cuiqiao near the rhinoceros." I still love you these soft words, and there are benefits that illiterate people can understand.The rhinoceros is her makeup box, and the emerald jade is the jewelry she often wears.You think about people when you see things, and secretly wipe away tears in your green shirt.Cuiqiao appeared again and again in "Drinking Water Ci", which became the mark of your love. In fact, how many times have you forgotten that the fourth day of July is her death day?Maybe it wouldn't be so sad if I forgot.On the death day, you wrote "Witch Hazel: Thoughts on the Death Day of a Dead Wife"—— When is this hatred?Dripping empty steps, cold and rainy breaks, and the weather for burying flowers.For three years, the soul has been dreaming, and it is a dream that should be awakened after a long time.The material also feels that the world is tasteless.It's not as good as the night, the platform is separated by dust, deserted, and a place of sorrow.Chai tin made an appointment, but abandoned it. If there are Pisces in Chongquan.I want to know him, who has been suffering and happy in the past years, and who he leans on.I turned around from midnight to night, and listened to Xiangxian's heavy reasoning.To be married, he knows already.I'm also afraid that both of them will die, and if they are destined to die again, the moon will be left in zero wind.The tears are gone, and the paper is ashes. Can't sleep at night.Every bit of life reminds you of her thoughts, worrying about her loneliness in the underworld, wishing for letters to pass on, worrying about her suffering and happiness in the past years, who can you rely on?You are infatuated, but it's a pity that there is no Taoist priest with strong spells to go to Qiongbi and go down to Huangquan to find it for you.So I lamented the poor fate of the two of them, fearing that they would not be able to form a relationship in the next life.In a piece of flying paper ashes, you shed tears. I began to understand why Nalan Rongruo likes to use pear flowers and gold tin, because Nalan Rongruo who lost his lover and Li Longji who lost Yang Guifei are both sad and helpless men. "It's colder and rainy, the weather for burying flowers." Nalan's mourning words are almost sad, and there is a kind of sadness, which makes it impossible to read. Today I came under this flower tree again, to the place where you stood seven days ago.Rong Ruo, if your soul hasn't gone far, please stay for me for a while, and ask Qingfeng to deliver the news, telling about the unfinished love in the previous life. Cuiqiao fell to the ground, a piece of pear blossom fell into the palm of the hand, and the wind picked up again, covering Cuiqiao one after another.Rong Ruo, tell me, where does spring return?Why do you always have to stay away? My favorite is your song "Who reads the west wind is cool alone", the meaning of loneliness comes through the paper without exaggeration; I love the line "At that time, only the way was ordinary", it is straightforward and meaningful, and it breaks people's hearts.Our shortcoming is that we don't know how to cherish when we have it, and our love has turned to ashes when we look back. The autumn wind is blowing again, and you stand sadly in the setting sun.Meditate on the past.Memories cut the throat like a famous sword, precious and sharp. With her weak willow-like figure and sweet smiling face, everything in the past has melted into the west wind, and there is an insurmountable gap between life and death.Death is like a feast, you and I will go to the appointment, but she is just ahead of you, so she can't keep it. Who wants the west wind to be cool alone, the rustling yellow leaves to close the windows, meditating on the past and standing in the setting sun. Mo Jingchun fell asleep after being drunk, and gambling books disappeared with the fragrance of tea, which was only normal at that time. —— "Huanxi Sand" You don't know that today, some people will put reading your words together with watching Zhang Ailing's books and Wong Kar-wai's movies as a sign of petty bourgeoisie.But we love you, Rong Ruo, not because of petty bourgeoisie.Besides, petty bourgeoisie is also an emotion. Although it may seem arrogant at times, it is not shameful, and there is no need to feel humble.Rong Ruo, we love you because we understand your sorrow.Everyone grieves.But many people won't tell. People are animals that know how to remember, and loneliness is because of loss.It's just that many things were only normal at the time.
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