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Chapter 3 Song of Everlasting Regret

Bowl 安意如 3479Words 2018-03-18
If life is only as it was first seen, why is the autumn wind sadly painting a fan?Waiting for leisure to change the old man's heart, but the old man's heart is easy to change. In the Lishan language, it is half past midnight, and the tears, rain and zero bells will not complain.How about Bo Xing Jin Yilang, who will wish for that day. ——This is the full text of Nalan Rongruo's "Mulan Flower Order: Imitating Ancient Jue Ci"."Life is just like the first time I saw it" that I have been thinking about in my heart. When I read Xiawei, it should be time from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty.The Han and Tang Dynasties, these are the most glorious years in the past five thousand years, and they are still the pride of the Chinese nation. The charm left by them shines like gold in our blood.

Like flowers and beautiful family members, like water, how many people have left and come back from Ban Jieyu to Yang Guifei, and what they can't escape is the entanglement of fate.How about, following the graceful figures of these two women, I have watched the flowers bloom and fall for thousands of years, the rise and fall of dynasties, and take advantage of the good time of "Lishan language is half past midnight" to talk about this "disaster for the country" The woman, though, has passed another millennium with the snap of her fingers. That earth-shattering "twilight love" began in Lishan.It was the palace of the royal family in the past dynasties, and it was a very unsafe place. For example, King You of Zhou's Fenghuo play with the princes was done here.As a result, the Western Zhou Dynasty, which had perished for more than 400 years, lost its kingdom.Later, Tang Xuanzong met Yang Yuhuan here, ruining the prosperity of Kaiyuan.

The hot spring palace in Lishan was Li Longji's favorite place, but at that time, his favorite person was not Yang Yuhuan.Therefore, she became the concubine of his son, King Shou, and he became her elder, and because of this, he went around in circles.The woman he liked at that time was Concubine Wu Hui, a shrewd and beautiful woman, the daughter of Wu Youzhi, the nephew of Zetiannv Emperor. Unlike what many people think, Li Longji has a strong appreciation and admiration for his grandmother in his heart.He thought his grandmother was a great woman, even a mighty emperor.Therefore, he also has a strong affection and affection for Concubine Wu Hui, who has a little shadow of his grandmother and aunt.

In the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan, Concubine Wu Hui was seriously ill. Emperor Ming decided to spend the winter in Mount Li, and met Yang Yuhuan for the first time.The accidental encounter had no sparks, it was just a routine audience with the royal family.The childish and bright Yuhuan left a good impression on the emperor.Yang Yuhuan has a fascinating youthful vitality, she is smart, but not sharp, and she is harmonious and very relaxing.For the middle-aged emperor, it was a potential stimulus. This need became more and more obvious after the death of Concubine Wu Hui.The lonely emperor of the Tang Dynasty needs a fresh woman.As Bai Juyi said: "The emperor of the Han Dynasty paid much attention to color and love for the country, and Yuyu couldn't ask for it for many years." Taboo.What's more, most of the people at that time used "Han and Tang" simultaneously, and talking about Han had a deeper flavor.

The fifty-six-year-old emperor secretly fell in love with his daughter-in-law.This is an "unethical" thing, and it will be criticized even today, but he still did it after all.Because Yuhuan is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is as proficient in rhythm as he is.In the past, there was Boya throwing the piano and Xie Ziqi. It can be seen that bosom friend has a majestic and irresistible charm for "musicians", not to mention the charm of love is far more than that. Speaking of the love between "Sanlang" and "Yuhuan", it is inevitable to talk about Bai Juyi, as if listening to the same sad love song for thousands of years.Like Jia Baoyu, he must hold the sheet music in his hand, and listen to someone sing: "Opening up the Hongmeng, who is the love?" It all started in a trance.

Bai Letian.I don't like this man very much now.When I read his "The Charcoal Seller" when I was young, I was approachable, and the old woman could understand it, and I thought he was a first-class good man; when I read his "Pipa Xing", I thought he was a lover who could sympathize with poor and humble women.What did you say, "Who is crying the most in the seat? Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet", it looks like it is real, and I was moved for a long time in vain. Later, when I got a glimpse of his scholar-official background and the colorful side of human nature, I lost that pure liking for him.His official career has declined, and he is not good at being attached to party members. He seems to be an innocent husband, which is good; At the same time, he said, "Ten years of spring crows change the tongue, three times the old and ugly change the eyebrows", and don't think that they are already in their dying years, while Fan Su and Xiaoman are only eighteen or nineteen, and they are young.Does this old guy abuse people like this?

In fact, he was too old to die, and he was suffering from wind numbness, so he sold prostitutes and sold horses, claiming that he "not only understands the customs, but also has a straight voice", in short, he is full of self-satisfaction that cannot be concealed.It's disgusting to do so.Such a person has the nerve to criticize a woman who is determined to be chaste for her husband, causing her to die of hunger strike.It's just because the woman's background is not good - she was once reduced to a brothel and worked as a famous prostitute.However, Guan Panpan has already become a good man, and after his husband died, he was determined to keep the chastity, so what are you dictating, saying that he should die as a martyr for his husband.What good is it to you that she is dead?

When Dongpo was old, he wrote poems expressing the feelings of Chaoyun and himself sharing weal and woe. Among them is the sentence "not like willows, don't be happy in the sky", which means that Xiaoman left Bai Juyi after he got old.But I just want to praise: Xiaoman is finally out of the clutches!It's good to go, it seems that this kind of heartless and ungrateful old disgust who regards women as playthings, staying by his side is the greatest misfortune! Showing talent in youth, showing sharpness in middle age, and enjoying peace and happiness in old age, Bai Juyi walked a life path appreciated and pursued by Chinese intellectuals.However, in terms of his attitude towards women and love, he, who is also a man, is far inferior to Li Longji?

Li Longji is addicted, he is "the spring night is bitter and the day is high, and the king will not go to court early", so what?If it hadn't been for the "Anshi Rebellion" that made people lose their lives, and if they didn't make a living for the common people in the world, no one would have the right to blame him.This world was brought down by him. After Pingwei, Qing Taiping, the glorious years of the Tang Dynasty, the vast rivers and mountains, who can match the merits of Linzi King Li Longji?After ascending the throne, he wiped away the accumulated disadvantages of the late Wu Zhou period, made great efforts to govern, and created a prosperous Kaiyuan era. When it comes to being an emperor, who is he worse than?

Such a man is a talent of the sky, a master of the world, and he should have a peerless beauty to match him.That's why Li Bai said it well: "Famous flowers and flowers are in love with each other, and the king often looks at them with a smile." Why does he love her?We have read a lot of historical materials and novels, and in short, we are a couple who like each other.Both of them like rhythm, he makes jigu, she dances, and they share the same interests; moreover, she is so beautiful that she is so "naturally beautiful that it is hard to give up", and she is so charming that "everyone can live with a smile when looking back".She is simple, she is straight, she is obedient, but she is not lacking in blue heart and wisdom.She would even get angry with him and run back to her mother's house, just because her child was sick and she went to see him, but he was jealous and lost his temper with her.Because...let her face her ex-husband and children alone, what if...the old relationship is affected?

In front of her, he is no longer the Lord of Ten Thousand Vehicles who rules the world, but more like a tender-hearted and affectionate young man, a lover who is both happy and sad. Most of the time their love is equal.After removing those etiquette, she called him Saburo, my Saburo.Such warm and equal love was something he couldn't feel from other concubines.No one dared to provoke him without scruple and please him without difficulty.Treating people like flowers, seeing each other every day is new, he and she, every day together is new. He didn't expect that after half a century, he would be able to live again.So the love has reached the point where it cannot be added.Her sisters, brothers, and clansmen are all grateful.For a time, the wealth and honor of the Yang family made everyone in the world sigh with emotion that "there will be no rebirth of a boy but a girl".However, how many emperors' love in this world can be as pure and fragrant as Saburo and Yuhuan? They are a pair of people from generation to generation, unique. She loves his pet.Not surprised, as if it should be, this calmness is beyond human reach.And she treats him really well, this is really no longer the favor between the emperor and the concubine, but the affection of an ordinary couple from an ordinary family.This is true, even the emperor should cherish it.Therefore, in the Hall of Eternal Life on July 7th, when there is no one whispering in the middle of the night, it is the language of ordinary couples; wishing to be lovebirds in the sky and Lianli branches in the ground is also the vow of ordinary couples; became unusual. lonely.Emperor heart. She is also just a little woman who likes to be pampered and pampered, like being enshrined in the precious flowers in the greenhouse, and has always been suitable for such a life.From King Shou to Emperor Ming, they gave her the greatest tolerance and pampering without exception.She never thinks about it too much, because it seems that she deserves it, and she can get it easily. The so-called confidantes are often innocent.For example, King You broke the silk, bought a laugh with a thousand dollars, and played with the princes in the beacon fire, all of which were not requested by Baosi.When she didn't smile, the man was already insane. When she slightly parted her vermilion lips and smiled like nothing, the man had already gone crazy hundreds of times.The same is true for Yuhuan, she doesn't ask for officials for her family, so naturally the emperor rushes to reward her all over. When a man loves a woman, he doesn't need her to ask, and he thinks of everything for her.He loves to exchange his country for a smile, so what? It is not uncommon for a family to rise to heaven in an instant, and it is not uncommon for a treacherous villain to cling to them, power to the government, and a country that is so rich that it can rival the enemy.If you want to be rich and honored for a long time, you need to spend some brains. If you are not a friend, how can you have power?Haven't the sages for thousands of years demonstrated like this?These are because of her relationship, but not her fault. She is a delicate and simple woman who is not involved in current affairs, and the situation changes in the end, which is all unexpected.Living in blessings, he does not know disasters, and he does not know that he is related to the common people in the world, the dynasty and the country.This is the tragedy of all "beautiful women". Otherwise, Saburo, how can I bear you to travel thousands of miles to get out of Tongguan, how can you bear your imperial ambitions to be turned into ashes in a blink of an eye?Today, it is still "singing and dancing slowly, condensing silk and bamboo, and the king will not be able to see it all day long", but in the blink of an eye, it will be "smoky and dusty in the nine-fold city, and thousands of rides are traveling southwest". She is like the Zixia fairy, and the person she loves is a peerless hero, a Shuhao who gives gifts from the world without frowning.However, after anticipating the splendid beginning, who can see the predestined ending? Yuhuan didn't know it, so she hated it forever. Li Shangyin's poem said: "The spring silkworms will not die until the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry." Too thick entanglement with each other is often the case. It takes a death to stop abruptly.This kind of rupture is the will of God, and no one is allowed to make up for it.That's what it is—forever and forever, this hatred lasts forever. Saburo, I misunderstood you, so "Wan Zhuan Crescent before dying" has nothing to complain about.I just ask the three armies to come together to protect you and return to Chang'an as soon as possible. Yuhuan, I don't feel wronged, I never feel regretful, but I can't save you, I hold grudges all day long! Tragedy often starts without warning.Destiny stretched out its hand, buried the seeds, smiled secretly, and waited for the day when it would blossom and bear fruit. "The hot spring water is smooth and smooth, when there is no one whispering in the middle of the night." When the Daming Palace was at its peak, who would have expected that it would end in front of Mawei Slope with "a pile of loess to gather beautiful bones, and a few feet of white silk to cover up the wind"? Fate reached out and there was nothing we could do.Some love takes a lifetime to forget, and hate will also blur time. If, if life is just like the first time you see it, it would be great.He is still his peerless master, and she is still her peerless beauty, and the beauty of the world does not invade each other.Without a beginning, there is no end.
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