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Chapter 108 Zhu's "Pictures of Jinling Ancient Sites"

return of the soul 叶灵凤 847Words 2018-03-18
Today, when people talk about the history of the Six Dynasties in Nanjing and the special books on historical sites and places of interest, they cannot but recommend two works by Zhu Xie: one is "Photo Collection of Jinling Ancient Sites and Scenic Spots", and the other is "Pictures and Researches on Jinling Ancient Sites".Both books were published around 1936, with one picture and one text. There are more than 300 pictures and more than 200,000 words in text. They complement each other and confirm each other.On the remaining historical sites and places of interest in Nanjing, he made a field investigation report, which was very detailed, accurate and reliable, and corrected many mistakes that the predecessors kept using the old theory.Zhu's family is not from Jinling, he lives abroad, and it is really commendable to be able to complete such a work down-to-earth.

A few years ago, I heard that Mr. Zhu was still continuing his investigation and research on cultural relics, history and geography in the Nanjing area.The working conditions now are naturally better than 20 or 30 years ago. I hope he can publish new books to comfort me, a wanderer who is wandering around the world. Overseas, where old books such as historical books and local chronicles about my hometown are not easy to come by, I have the opportunity to read "Jinling Monuments Map" and look at the hundreds of photos. Chewing", chat for a while.Not only can it make up for the hatred of not being able to read those old books, but it can also comfort the homesickness of wanderers.

"Jinling Monuments and Scenic Spots Photo Album", according to Zhu himself, took three years and took more than a thousand photos, and selected more than 300 of them for printing.He himself said in the "several examples" of "Jinling Monuments Map": The author lived in Jinling from the 22nd to the 24th year of the Republic of China, and gathered three fellow friends to conduct actual investigations on the historical sites of Jinling and engage in photogrammetry.According to the survey scope, it reaches Danyang in the east, Dangtu in the west, Hushu in the south and Puzhen in the north.You can see all the ancient city walls, palaces, mausoleums and tombs, Xuanguan temples, ancestral bridges, gardens and mansions.There are more than 1,000 photographs collected from photography, and 320 photographs have been selected, which will be printed in "Jinling Monuments and Scenic Spots Album" and published.There are only pictures and examinations, and they complement each other, so the pictures and pages annotated in this book all refer to the "Photo Album of Jinling Ancient Sites and Scenic Spots".

I have these two works by Zhu Shi in my hand, and I bought them from a second-hand bookstore by chance.At the same time, I also bought "Illustrated Research on the Tombs of the Six Dynasties of Jiankang Lanling Mausoleum", which is also Zhu's work.In addition, there is a copy of Zhang Huiyan's "Ming Dynasty Dabaoen Temple Pagoda Records".It seems that the old owners of these books, if not from the same hometown, must be fellow enthusiasts.I don't know how it fell to the cold stall, so I didn't get it by accident, it can be said to be rare. A few years ago, when I went back to my hometown, I remembered the old house I lived in when I was a child. I wanted to go and have a look. After asking, no one even knew the name of the street, which made me feel sad for a while.Facing these pictures of Mrs. Zhu, it is not difficult to understand that he may have obtained them casually at the time, but today, thirty years later, it seems that things have changed, and each picture is precious.

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