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Chapter 72 nostalgia of cherries

return of the soul 叶灵凤 916Words 2018-03-18
Recently, freshly ripe cherries have arrived from the mainland. The poet Fan Chengda has a saying: "The neem flower comes to the stone head, and the grain rain ripens the cherry."Cherries are in season in March of the lunar calendar. This year's "grain rain" falls on the fourth day of March, so they should have been on the market in the mainland for a long time.However, this poet of the Southern Song Dynasty who likes to use the scenery of the countryside in his poems, his hometown is Suzhou, and what he chanted in his poems should be the situation in the Suchang area in the south of the Yangtze River.

To the north of the Dajiang River, and even to the Qilu area, due to the different climate, the ripening of the fruits is naturally different from that in the south of the Yangtze River.The cherries shipped overseas this time are not from Jiangnan, but from Shandong.There are many orchards planting cherries in northern my country, no less than those in the south of the Yangtze River.There is a place in Beijing called "Cherry Valley", so named because of the cherries growing on both sides of the hillside. The cherries in the north are slightly different from those in the south of the Yangtze River.The Shandong cherries transported this time have larger particles and oval fruit bodies, like a small purse, unlike the small and round ones in Jiangnan.

Cherry is not a particularly delicious fruit, but its shape and color are very cute, small and round, the ripe ones are vermilion, and the immature ones are waxy yellow. Ancient Chinese poets described the situation when they were served in a large white porcelain dish, Like crushed coral, and cherries ripen very early in spring, so they have always been a highly valued and famous fruit. When it comes to its taste, it has no special characteristics, it is just sweet, and the taste is It is far inferior to red bayberry, loquat and other fruits. But I have always had a special liking for cherries emotionally, and there is another reason.I don't like cherries, and their cuteness doesn't make me want to write about them.When I saw cherries, I felt very affectionate when I mentioned cherries, because Xuanwu Lake in our hometown has always been famous for producing cherries.There are many small islands on Xuanwu Lake, and the residents on the islands are engaged in planting cherries.The cherry tree is not tall, with low-hanging branches and leaves, a bit like a lychee tree.Spring is deep, and the cherries on the island are ripe. Among the fine and dense green leaves, clusters of red cherries are really like coral beads.This kind of scene, from childhood to adulthood, from adulthood to old age, has made me unforgettable.There is poetry, painting and nostalgia in it.

Xuanwu Lake is commonly known as Houhu.When I was a child, it was a big event to play in Houhu once in spring.At that time, the small islands on the lake were not connected to each other, and they had to travel with each other in small boats.Later, when I grew up, I learned painting, and in the spring I returned to my hometown from Shanghai to travel and sketch. Some of the small islands on Xuanwu Lake that are rich in cherries have been connected by embankments, and they are called "Wuzhou Park".The last time I went back to my hometown was more than ten years after liberation. The accent has not changed, but the appearance of my hometown has undergone earth-shaking changes. The wanderer is getting old, but my hometown looks younger.Taking Xuanwu Lake as an example, it is now officially called Xuanwu Lake Park. In the past, it used to be an island where reeds swelled all the year round, but now it is surrounded by wide embankments of weeping poplars, connecting each other.There are certainly many cherry trees, but there are more other flower trees, and a beautiful and quiet park has been built.

Looking at my hometown from a vermilion cherry, I can see the infinitely cordial nostalgia.
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