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Chapter 58 The tiger dominates the dragon, the present is better than the past

return of the soul 叶灵凤 881Words 2018-03-18
"The tiger crouches over the dragon, the present is better than the past", this is a line in the seven-verse poem "The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing" written by Chairman Mao in April 1949. "Tiger crouching on the dragon plate" has always been a compliment to Nanjing's geographical situation. Chairman Mao used the three characters "the present is better than the past" here, which is the first two lines of this poem: "Crossing the Great River" came.This shows that the new situation after the People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing is better than before.This not only refers to the geographical situation in a narrow sense, but also refers to the general trend of national liberation at that time.Although the Jiang family dynasty had the victory of "the tiger occupying the dragon", under the encirclement and suppression of millions of troops who crossed the Yangtze River, they have become "poor bandits" who fled for their lives. The situation has completely changed, so the line of this poem Below, the next sentence reads: "The earth-shattering generosity."

It means that everything has turned upside down and an exciting new era has taken shape.This is the joy for the new China that is being conceived. The term "Hujulongpan", "Huju" refers to Stone City, which is the old city of Nanjing and also the old name of Nanjing. "Dragon Pan" refers to Zhongshan, that is, the Zhongshan where "the wind and rain turn pale and yellow on Zhongshan".This mountain is commonly known as Zijin Mountain. It is located in the east of Nanjing City and overlooks the whole city.Chairman Mao's phrase "Zhongshan is pale and yellow from the wind and rain", also borrowed the changing color of Zhongshan Mountain to symbolize the decisive victory of the People's Liberation Army that changed the situation.

"Pale yellow" is not "hasty", it refers specifically to Zhong Shan's well-known changing mountain colors.I once heard someone interpret it as the meaning of "fleeing in a hurry" when the storm approached. This should be wrong. Chairman Mao likes to use the word "Cang" to describe mountains.The lyrics of "Bodhisattva Man" written in 1933: "After the rain, the sun is setting again, and the Guanshan Mountains are bursting with green", and the lyrics of "Recalling Qin'e" written in 1935: "The Cangshan Mountain is like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood". As proof.

The origin of "Tiger crouching on the dragon's plate" is recorded in the general history and geography of Nanjing, and it is said that Zhuge Liang said it.In the "Six Dynasties Deeds Classification" written by Zhang Dunyi of the Song Dynasty, in the records about "Zhongfu" and "Shicheng", it is said: Zhuge Liang talked about the topography of Jinling, Zhongfu and Longpan, Shicheng and Tiger, and the real emperor's house. Since then, the term "dragon, pan and tiger" has become a special adjective for Nanjing's geographical situation.However, for the Jiang family dynasty at that time, what was the use of occupying the "dragon and tiger" and the "royal spirit" of Zijin Mountain?After the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River, everything fell like a ruin.This is just like Liu Mengde's famous poem "Jinling Nostalgia": "Wang Junlou's boat went down to Yizhou, and Jinling's royal spirit was sadly withdrawn. Qianxun's iron chain sank to the bottom of the river, and stones came out of a stream of flags!"

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