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Chapter 44 iron and snow

return of the soul 叶灵凤 564Words 2018-03-18
"The Night of the Sun" No. 5 Hear me tell an old story: For many ages there have been such fighting groups in the world. This is a battle between camps against each other, and there is absolutely no possibility of compromise. Colors are vibrant.On one side are fat and fair-skinned people, which represent the class of authority, wealth, force, and licentiousness.On one side are thin and dark-skinned people, which represent the class of toil, hunger, oppression and exploitation. Because they don't work all day, receive rich nutrition, live in luxurious and comfortable houses, have vehicles that transport effortlessly when they move, and are not exposed to wind and rain, and are not exposed to the scorching sun, the skin of these people is particularly sensitive. white.

Because of working all day, receiving insufficient nourishment, sleeping on a hard board, overwork, and overexposure to the scorching sun, the skin of these people is extremely dark. On the surface, fair-skinned people hold the authority in this world, and it seems possible to conquer the powerless and oppressed black-skinned people, but secretly the dark-skinned people really hold the key to the death of the opponent. Although the battle is not over yet, precise observers are already predicting the outcome of the future with certainty. Because they are close to me all day long, I love these people who work under my light.

Because they stay away from Me all day long, I hate those rebellious people who hide from My Light. Let them hide, let their skin be as white as snow, as easy to dissolve as snow. You stand under my light a lot, and I will tan you until you are as black as iron and as strong as iron. Waiting for the day to come, you only need to stretch out your iron hands, stretch out your iron hands, and you can crush them like snow. Children, prepare yourselves for this day by working hard in My Light.
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