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Chapter 18 lie

return of the soul 叶灵凤 1847Words 2018-03-18
Nine He hadn't returned to his home country for a long time. On the first night of staying in the hotel, before visiting any friends, he was guided by the waiter and walked into the Golden House dance hall.Tonight is Saturday and it's Fancy dress. Mask, black eye-covering, evening dress, dazzling and frightening makeup, powder fragrance, alcohol smell, smoke, trembling body, dazzling costumes, everything fluctuating in this red light, he is used to up. Inadvertently, he found a woman with a black mask covering her eyes on the corner table, dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes, but she had no companions and was sitting alone.All the activities in the field seemed to disdain to draw her attention.She seemed to have come here only to pass the time with great sorrow.Although her eyes were covered and her face could not be seen clearly, judging from the beauty of the rest of her body, it can be concluded that she must be an extremely beautiful woman.

His attention was immediately attracted to her.The empty heart that came back from the country was inadvertently occupied by her, and he looked at her intently.When she moved, he also moved, and when she went to the corridor, he also went, and finally she went to the roof garden, and he still followed her.After a long time, he felt that this woman was strange.He knew there was a "Romance" about to happen tonight. The bright moon is in the sky, the shadows of flowers are all over the ground, and there is no one on the roof.She probably knew that someone was following her from behind, and suddenly turned around and stood upright facing him.

It is impossible to describe the graceful figure of this woman under the moonlight.With sufficient experience, he gave her a luxurious salute without panic: "Excuse me for being abrupt, may I speak to madame?" She nodded her head gracefully, stretched her snake-like seductive long arms, took the clothes and sat down on a chair, expressing that she agreed to his request. "Excuse me for being abrupt. I've been paying attention to Madame for a long time, and I can't stop my own attention." "I knew it a long time ago." The voice is so beautiful again!

"I just came back to China, and I know very few people here." "I knew it earlier." "From Madam's behavior, excuse me for being abrupt, I think Madam seems to have something on her mind." "If so, it is probably because you want to make trouble yourself." The moonlight came and went, and speaking to such a mysterious woman, he felt as if he were in a dream.Judging by her words and dress, he knew she must be a melancholy grand lady. "Dare to ask Madam..." "Don't ask me. I tell you, I belong to no one." "Really?" He was not only curious now.

"You trust me." The solemnity of her attitude made one want to bow down under her skirt. "Please tell me the address. Can we meet often?" Why couldn't he hold it any longer. "No, we can meet here every night." "Here?" "Yes, you can see me here every night, until you don't want to see me." Her voice also had such a desolate tone, he couldn't stop himself at all, he boldly stretched out his hand to shake her hand.She didn't refuse, and let him hold it, but her body remained as still as a stone statue. The night wind blew faintly among the flowers, bringing the intoxicating music from below.He looked at her face covered with black eyes, and his heart was completely fascinated by her.

In this way, the two looked at each other for a minute. "Can you remove the blindfold for a second?" "..." She lowered her head slowly. "Be merciful!" She still doesn't move. "I beg you, save me! Don't you trust me?" He took a step closer, squeezed her hand, and said to her, his mouth almost touching her face. She suddenly raised her head again.Seeing him not moving, she slowly removed the black covering eyes on her face. It's so touching!If a man dies before he sees her face, his life is in vain! In just a moment, she put it on again.

It wasn't until one o'clock that night that she said she wanted to go back.When he sent her to the car, he held her hand: "Again, you belong to no one!" "I'm yours now." He saw her smile for the first time. The next morning he went to visit an old friend of his recently married, a prominent banker.Magnificent residences, gorgeous living rooms, are well-known instant riches here. "Oh! Welcome, welcome. When did you come back? I think your career has made you a capitalist!" Seeing him, his old friend came out, shook hands, and ushered him into his home. den.

"Only the owner of such a house is a capitalist!" He said, pointing to the gorgeous furnishings around him. "I heard you're married, aren't you?" he asked again. "Yes. If I were a capitalist, my new wife would be all of my capital." He said and asked someone to go upstairs to invite his wife. The new lady is here! He couldn't believe his eyes.He rubbed his eyes a few times and opened them a little wider, but he still saw the same thing.He immediately seemed to be hit violently on the head by someone suddenly, and everything was in chaos before his eyes.He didn't know anything about his friend's introduction, the lady's greeting, or his own answer.

"Haha, why are you so restrained! We are close friends, so there's no need to be like this..." The banker looked at his friend and then at his wife. He didn't understand why they were so flustered. At this time, it happened that the servant came to announce the arrival of another guest. "Meena, he is my old friend, please entertain me, don't be restrained, just talk casually..." The banker hurried out again. He couldn't bear it anymore, like a beast, he suddenly went to stand in front of her. "Say! You belong to no one! Why are you lying?"

She slowly raised her lowered face.her face!her eyes!She is so beautiful.She is so blue.She raised her face and shook her head and said: "If I'm lying, it's because I love you. I can't bear to let you know that I already belong to someone else..." A condensed tear dripped down, and she slowly turned her face away.
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