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Chapter 16 greeting card

return of the soul 叶灵凤 1007Words 2018-03-18
Seventh "Did you know she was still going to Luxembourg?" "Not going, sir." "Does she still go to that church to do Mass?" "She hasn't gone there either." "Does she still live in that house?" "No, she has moved away." "Where did you move to?" "No address left." what!What a misfortune that a man should not know where his own soul is! What do you think?What a strange thing! I'm in the dark all day now.Because she left, she took the light with her when she left. Loving remembrance is equal to prayer.

At those times, no matter what your body is like, your soul is always ready to kneel down and bow down to her. Love is the salute of the angels to the stars. spring!Yours is a love letter from me to her. Hugo's Les Miserables has been read for a long time, but these few words still linger in my mind.I couldn't forget it, so I wrote it down like this.Love's remembrance is indeed a prayer, and I seem to see my soul also kneel to one. This is a dream I have every day. I dreamed that a holy lotus blossomed by the beautiful West Lake.I wanted to bow down to this flower from afar, but was stopped.

Someone gave me instructions.I saw a warrior guard next to the lotus. He held a sharp blade in his hand. He declared that he would kill anyone who approached the flower. When the evening wind came, the lotus trembled slightly, as if shaking its head at me, telling me not to die for her. However, such a thing that even God cannot control, who has the right to control himself?I know my soul will soon have his home.For the taste of blood is sweet. That's where my dream ends.I woke up and I told a friend about the situation.The friend smiled silently and just handed a book to my hand. I looked down and saw that the title of the book was "The Sorrows of Young Werther", and I was suddenly surprised.My dream seemed to come true.I saw Werther, dressed in blue and yellow trousers, which I made myself, took out his own pistol and gently handed it to me.

I don't know where the courage came from, but I accepted his gift without any doubts. Since then, my situation has changed, and the light is with me day by day. The eyesight of my soul became clearer, and I saw exactly that lotus, a solitary lotus of Maiting, with the warrior no longer beside her. My wise soul knelt at her feet, bowed down to her, and begged her to give. The heat of godliness is enough to melt cold iron. I seem to see this lotus flower, like yellow wax near fire, gradually bending down, gradually bending down in front of me. I solemnly knelt and raised my head, the lotus gradually approached my...

I felt a cold taste on my mouth, and I woke up suddenly.The lotus is gone. A friend stood by the bed and smiled at me. It was he who put a yellow New Year's bouquet from the postman downstairs on my mouth. The sender of the greeting card is a new friend of mine. Thankful benefactor, I accept your kindness.I have nothing else to answer, but these few lines are my offering. I wish my reward was the bullet that Young Werther drank. January 1927
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