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Chapter 11 Wei

return of the soul 叶灵凤 892Words 2018-03-18
of two "Please let me in!" It was a snowy night in mid-winter, outside the paper window of a dormitory for female students in Kuno Town, a young man stood and said this to the window.The north wind roared outside, and the reflection of the snow-covered snow looked like moonlight. "Please let me in!" The young man pleaded repeatedly. "Let him come in." Mei in the window was not satisfied with what she heard, and said the same to Wei. "Leave him alone!" Wei Ruo was reading a book nonchalantly. "Let me in, I just want to say a word to you."

"It's very poor, let him in." "Hmph, you defend men like this, your happiness is in the back!——I didn't invite him here." "It's not good. It's all my fault. Please let me come in and say something. I don't dare to disturb you anymore." Wei took the fire and simmered the charcoal in the bowl again, but she didn't seem to hear the sound outside.In the warm interior, the lights cast shadows heavily on the window paper. "Let me in, let me come in and apologize to you. I didn't mean to break the appointment." "What appointment?" Mei asked in a low voice.

"Who knows! It's him who wants to be nervous, let him shout, don't worry about it." "Let me come in and say something, I am willing to die! Are you still angry? I swear I will never do that to you again." "It's cold outside, let him come in for a while." "Don't worry about it, let him stand. Are you afraid that he will be cold? The taste of love is bitter. He wants to dream of love. Let him suffer." "Have pity on me, Wei Jun, this kind of punishment is enough." "Let me in for a while!" "I won't say a word to you today, I won't leave even if I freeze to death!"

He stomped his feet outside like this, and he seemed to be crying. "You tell him to go away!" Mei really couldn't stand it anymore. "I didn't invite him here, why should I send him away? He has the ability to come, doesn't he have the ability to leave? It's ridiculous!" "If you don't let me in today, I won't leave even if I die!" "Liu Jun, it's getting late, you can go back, tomorrow..." "Don't speak!" Wei rushed to cover Mei's mouth with her hands. "I won't leave! She won't let me in today, and I won't leave even if I die!"

"Listen, he's getting stronger." Wei pointed out the window in anger at Mei. "So cruel!" "Are you so hard-hearted? Are you so unforgiving? Forgive me once! Let me in and say a word! A word!" "You can't come in today, and you can't leave this place today!" Wei is still reading a book very comfortably. "Men trained in such a situation don't dare to play with women anymore." Wei said with a smile.The begging outside the window continued. Suddenly footsteps came from far away again, she heard it and immediately stood up and turned off the lights.

"This is the female dormitory, who violated the school rules, why are you standing here!" This is the cold voice of the dormitory supervisor.Wei couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing inside. Mei said to me: Wei, this woman is really amazing.She was able to deceive a man to death, but the poor man didn't know that he was deceived by her until he died.
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