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Chapter 5 cucumber

return of the soul 叶灵凤 811Words 2018-03-18
"Shuangfenglou Essays" Part 4 Deliberately going to the West Lake for a long time, finally came true in this autumn season.So on a sunny and warm morning, a soot-breathing monster transported a few not-so-fat cucumbers to Hangzhou from the Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway. Hangzhou, which I haven’t seen for several years, everything is like the language of Hangzhou people. It seems that I am still revisiting old dreams, and I don’t see any fresh smell. There are also small changes, which can be seen from the poles and bridges.Every electric pole, every bridge, always has "no posters" on it, and when it is turned around, it is a pink and blue "Jinxun".

The two-foot-deep West Lake water reflects the reflection of the pink-blue slogan in the bridge hole, and even a small bluegrass will feel that this is indeed a new embellishment. Perhaps it was too late.Several stately and magnificent gatehouses of the Expo have been so dilapidated that the paper tendons and wooden strips inside are exposed.Some people say that the income from the West Lake Expo this time is not enough to pay for it, and I am afraid it will lose money.I feel that if the purpose of the exposition is to make money, it would be a pity to lose the original. Otherwise, if you want to use it to "prosper", then why bother with these few cents?The source of money is the same as the underground coal seam. As long as the "above" people can dig it out, it is inexhaustible.

I have eaten vinegar fish, drunk shrimp, and slimy water shield soup.The skins of the cucumbers were peeled off one by one.But cucumbers are not necessarily thin, and people who plan cucumbers are not necessarily fat. My "humble house" is in Gongchen Bridge, so after I arrived in Hangzhou this time, I also "returned home" once. It is said that Gongchen Bridge was a lively place twenty years ago, but now it is neglected abnormal.The road is uneven and the gravel is like nails. I stayed for a few days and broke my new pair of patent leather shoes. Hiring a "Love Mountain Keshui" car, we ran from Gongchen Bridge to Hangzhou, and drove Feilaifenghupao Liuhe Pagoda for a week.The mountain gate of Lingyin was burned down, and it is currently being rebuilt.The place of the building is probably afraid of danger when tourists pass by, so a sign was hung on the tree to warn, but what he wrote was "No passing here is prohibited."

Cucumbers in the West Lake, as usual, when they go, they are stuffed with banknotes, but when they come back, the stomachs of the cucumbers are filled with vinegared fish and Longjing tea, with an oil-paper umbrella and small wooden fish in their hands, and just around them. Enough to go back to Sichuan capital. Knocking on the vermilion small wooden fish, and by the way, the Tie Kuixing bought from the entrance of Feilai Peak, I still look forward to the grand occasion of temples lined up on Chenghuang Mountain and cigarettes lingering.I saw the many paper ingots piled up in the temple, and I realized why Hangzhou banned sparrow forking but not burning incense.

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