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Chapter 291 Depictions of Sexuality in Chinese Literature

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 7934Words 2018-03-18
one Under the creed of "Zai Tao" and ascetic ethics in Chinese literature, even works describing love between men and women are regarded as immoral, let alone works describing sexual desire; these books are not enough to be banned Strange.However, despite the strict prohibition, works depicting sexual desire are still spreading and growing, which is "spectacular".And not only in quantity, but also in quality, it is enough to be regarded as the leader of sexual desire literature of all nations in the world.Please do not misunderstand the meaning of this sentence.I am not saying that the works describing sexual desire in Chinese literature can be regarded as the best sexual desire literature in the world. What I want to say is that the description of sexual desire and the naked state of sexual intercourse, like Chinese owners, can be said to be unique in ancient and modern China and abroad.It is true that I am a novice, and I have not read much Western novels, especially novels devoted to sexual desire. However, Western novels that describe sexual desire nakedly are known in the world, such as Maupassant's "Bel-ami" ( ) and the like, although there are passages that are extremely obtrusive to the purpose (the translator is unwilling to translate them), but the description of sexual desire in Fang Zhi's Chinese novels is still insignificant.Maupassant's "Life" also has a few descriptions of sexual desire, which are not elegant and tame, but they are still reasonable, which is not as good as the description of sexual desire in China, which is beyond reason.In Zola's novels, it is said that prodigal sons and sluts like to watch the "yellow book", which means obscene books; but my friend told me that there are no low-level obscene books secretly sold in France, and there are no obscene books dedicated to sexual intercourse like Chinese obscene books state.Maupassant has many short stories, which are extremely sensual, but they are still fictional about sexual intercourse, unlike Chinese novels.Therefore, we describe sexual intercourse realistically, even vividly, with all kinds of manners, like the owner of Chinese novels, as shallow as I am, and have never seen it in the literature of other nations; this is the first thing we talk about when we talk about Chinese sexual desire literature. It's a strange thing.

Why Chinese descriptions of sexual desire have entered into this "magic way" is naturally what we should study, and this is one of the main points to be discussed in this article, but let's put this aside for now, let's talk about China first. The general face of sexuality literature. As a rule, most literature describing sexuality is the study of perverted sexuality.But Chinese sexuality literature is an exception.In China, there are many ordinary stories about the love of a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman often have a real description of sexual intercourse embedded; other novels that describe perverted sexual desires as the theme are all about sexual intercourse.So if you ask what is the general appearance of Chinese works of sexual desire?There are two sentences that can be included: one is nymphomaniac, and the other is the method of sexual intercourse—the so-called sexual intercourse.The sexual intercourse described in all Chinese novels is almost nothing more than the method of sexual intercourse.These descriptions of sexual intercourse are of no literary value, they are not literature in themselves.However, it is also useful in the study of the pathology of perverted sexual desire.As for the description of sexual desire that can be called literature, there is probably no more, except for "Flying Swallow Biography" by Lingxuan and a section of "Remuneration Jane" in "The West Chamber".So to be honest, we don’t have sexual desire literature to study, we can only study the description of sexual desire in Chinese literature—it’s just a description, not literature at all.

two Most of the sexual desire novels that are handed down today—the obscene books—are written after the Ming Dynasty; therefore, there is no doubt that the description of sexual desire in China first flourished in the Ming Dynasty.But I suspect that there were many literatures describing sexual desire in the late Western Han Dynasty, but most of them were not handed down to later generations.Most of the kings of the Western Han Dynasty were promiscuous, such as their fathers and concubines, their sisters, and their sisters-in-law, and so on.The King of Suichuan even made his beloved slaves, eight sons (concubines) and other imperial maidservants to rape him all the time, or participated in the bedding; "Chaos is unknowable", so that his son will be removed. ("Former Hanshu" thirty-eight) This is simply a very powerful sex maniac.Emperor Cheng's palace was dirty and chaotic, and we can no longer deny it.In such an environment, the occurrence of sexually depicted works is possible.Today's biography includes "Feiyan Waizhuan" (the old title was written by Han Lingxuan), "The Remains of Zhao Empress" (the old title was Song Qinchun, and the words were derived from Li Sheng in Tongli, which is similar to "Feiyan Waizhuan"), "Feiyan "Relics" (Que name, a total of five trivia), especially "Feiyan Waizhuan" is the most famous, and the writing is also better.This article narrates the birth of sisters Zhao Feiyan and the reasons for their luck, until Emperor Cheng indulged in lust and died.At the end, Lingxuan told himself that he was Ziyu, a native of Lushui, from a small official to a minister in Huainan; his concubine Fan Tongde was the son of Fan Yan's disciple Buzhou, who could tell the story of the Feiyan sisters, so he wrote "A Biography of Empress Zhao".At the end of the preface, when Xuan was called the captain of Hedong, he humiliated Ban Biao's obedience to his father, so Biao's continued historical records were not included.

(According to the current version, there is no such preface, but this is quoted from "Summary of Siku") The two paragraphs are not connected, and it is not like a preface.Therefore, many people suspect that both the preface and the text are forged.However, in ancient times, ordinary people such as Chao Gong believed in it; although Chen Zhensun may have said that it is a fake book, he also said things such as Tongde's embrace of the bun (see the preface), and scholars used it a lot, but the words of misfortune and fire (see this article), Sima Gong The "Tongjian" contained in it is also for protection.In all fairness, we naturally cannot say that Lingxuanzhi must have a real person, and he must write a good article, but the forgers of later generations did not use other people as their subjects, but chose a Han Cheng Emperor who was not very lewd in official history (according to "Han Book. "Chengdi Ji" only has a light sentence of indulging in wine, and "Wai Qi Zhuan" only records that Zhaohou sisters killed the concubine with jealousy), which is very suspicious; if there were no legends about Feiyan sisters' obscenity at that time, then Why did the counterfeiters pull up Chengdi and Feiyan sisters out of nothing?Therefore, we may as well assume that there may be many articles describing sexual desire in the late Western Han Dynasty with Feiyan sisters as the subject matter (according to the "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" for all three stories about Feiyan, see "Gaizhuan"; "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" The old title was written by Ge Hong, and there is a postscript by Hong who claimed to have obtained one hundred volumes of Liu Xin's "Hanshu". It was written by the school class, with some similarities and differences. It was not taken by Ban Gu, but it was only 20,000 words. However, "Sui Shu. Jing Ji Zhi" contained two volumes of this book, without the author's name; "Han Shu" Kuang Heng passed on Yan Shigu's annotation, saying that the person who now has "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes" came from Lixiang; nor did he say the author Who is it? Ge Hong wrote the first words of "Youyang Zazu Guang Animals and Plants" and Zhang Yanyuan's "Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties", and "Zazu Yuzi" also contains Yu Xin's words, which are said to be written by Wu Jun. In general, this The book was handed down from the Jin Dynasty, and it came out of the alley. It is said that the fragments of the legend were written by Ge Hong or Wu Jun. They all rely on it. However, it can be seen that there are many such stories handed down between the Han and Jin Dynasties. Feiyan The matter of sisters is only one of its themes.) Later, someone compiled "Feiyan Waizhuan" and entrusted Lingxuan as the author.Therefore, although the article "Feiyan Waizhuan" has no value in the history of the Han Dynasty, its value in the history of literature cannot be overstated.According to Chao Gong's martial arts language, and the matter of Tongde embracing the bun is often used by literati. From the two perspectives, it can be imagined that this article has been circulated for a long time, and it may be written by people before the Tang Dynasty.If you ask why there are so many works describing sexual desire at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, why only the story of flying swallows is passed down today, the answer is very easy.First, because the description of sexual desire is a forbidden book, after the invention of engraving, it is still extremely difficult to circulate, not to mention that there was no printing in the Han Dynasty, only hand-copied.Second, Chinese novels from before the Tang Dynasty have always been in the Romance style, and all stories are based on one or two historical figures as the main body; ) less interesting stories gradually disappear, two results.Therefore, it is inconvenient for us to suspect that there may not be many in ancient times—at that time—by the little we have today.

From the perspective of the content of "Feiyan Waizhuan", this short essay can be called the source of later sexual desire novels. "Outside Biography" said that Feiyan had an affair with a bird shooter from Yulin when she was at home. After being invited to the palace, her aunt Fan Yan knew about Feiyan and bird shooting, and she felt chilled because she feared that Emperor Cheng would spy on Feiyan She is already a woman.Later, fortunately, Liu Danjia borrowed it, and whispered to Feiyan, saying: "The one who shoots birds doesn't get close to women?" Really." This is the beginning of the "replenishment technique" in the sexual desire novels of later generations. "Wai Zhuan" also said, "The emperor tasted flea hunting, and he was sick when he touched the snow, and the yin was slow and weak and could not grow strong; every time he held Zhaoyi (Feiyanmei Hede), he was full of desires, and he was violent. Zhaoyi often turned his side, The emperor cannot hold his feet for a long time. Fan Yan called Zhaoyi and said: "The alchemist who baited the great alchemy, seeking grandeur, can't get it. If you get the noble person's foot, hold it and move it freely, this day will be a great blessing for the noble person. I would rather turn sideways and serve the emperor?" Zhaoyi said: "Fortunately, if you don't turn around, you can still keep the emperor's desire; just like your sister taught the emperor to hold it, you will get tired of it. Can you move again?"... The emperor's illness is slow and weak, and the great doctors can't save it. , looking for strange medicine, tasted the spring shirt glue, and left Zhaoyi. Zhaoyi entered the emperor, one pill and one luck. One night, Zhaoyi was drunk, and took seven pills. Unceasingly, in the Ming Dynasty, the emperor took up his imperial clothes, and the yin essence flowed incessantly. After a while, he collapsed. The clothes looked at the emperor, and the rest of the essence flowed out, staining the quilt. In a moment, the emperor collapsed." The propensity to die with the prostitution device and the impotence begins.And the section where Jin Ping Mei writes that Ximen Qing drank too much medicine and died from the sun, seems to be a footnote to the sudden collapse of the emperor in "Gai Zhuan". "Wai Zhuan" writes that the emperor peeped at Zhaoyi's bath, and the servants forced him to say nothing; it is also said that the queen (Flying Swallow) bathed in the Wuyun Qixiang soup, sat on the water with incense, and fell into the gods. Zhaoyi only bathed in cardamom Soup, Fu Luhua Baiying powder; but the emperor privately called Fan Yan and said: "Although the queen has a strange fragrance, it is not as fragrant as Jieyu's body." "The Posthumous Events of the Empress Zhao" writes that this matter is even more obscene: "Zhaoyi took a bath, and the emperor peeped at it privately. The waiter reported to Zhaoyi, and Zhaoyi rushed to hide behind the candle. , the emperor silently gave the waiter a special order not to speak; the emperor himself sat on the screen, the blue soup was shining, and Zhaoyi sat in it, like a three-foot cold spring soaking bright jade. Bathing is a blessing, and it is a bath with soup, so please the emperor to see it. In the past, after entering the bath, he stood naked and fertilized it with water. The closer he was, the more unhappy the emperor was, and unfortunately he left."This simple description obviously gave many hints to future generations. According to the book "Shuo Yu", the book "Remains of Zhao Hou" is titled "Biography of Song and Qin Chun", and there is a small preface saying: "There is Li Sheng in Yuli, who studied Confucianism and was very poor. I have tasted his home, and there is a corner There are dozens of volumes of ancient copied books in a broken basket, including Zhao's trifles, although the paper and ink have fallen off, they can still be read; Yu Li was angry and returned, corrected and compiled them into a chapter, and passed on to those who have good things."Naturally, these words are not immediately recognized as true. I am afraid that the "Remains" was written by Qin Chun and pretended to be Li Sheng's old banknotes; A legend about flying swallows; and it can prove that the ancient "Wai Zhuan" can be called the ancestor of sexual desire literature.

three "Book of Jin" said that Jia's family name Nanfeng, after Emperor Hui, was licentious and unrestrained.There is a small official in Luonan who is beautiful and beautiful. One day, he suddenly met an old woman who said that the family had a disease.So go along, get in the car and take off the curtains, put in the box, travel more than ten miles, pass the six or seven thresholds, open the box, suddenly see a good house in the building, ask where it is, the cloud is the sky; that is, see the bath with the fragrant soup , good food and clothing.When I was about to enter, I saw a woman, about thirty-five or sixteen years old, with a short body, bluish black, and a mole behind her eyebrows; I saw that she was staying for a few nights, and she gave me a lot of clothes and accessories.Later, the little official showed off his clothes a little, and everyone suspected it was theft, so the little official spoke about his encounter.Many people who have heard of it know that the woman is the Empress Jia.At that time, most of the others who entered died, but this little official, who loved him in the future, got all out.According to this account, it can be seen that Empress Jia's licentiousness is unique.However, there are no obscene stories about empress Jia in the sexual desire literature of later generations.This layer seems odd.The simplest explanation is that it was lost due to repeated incidents, but the fundamental reason is definitely not here.I think the fundamental reason is that later generations of literati do not like to use Jananfeng, who is short, black and has moles, as the protagonist of the eclectic sexual novels. It has almost become a rule in Chinese sexual desire literature that the hostess in the "pornographic books" must be a beauty.Empress Jia is ugly and dark, so she can't inspire many literati to write special stories for her; otherwise, setting up a secret room to hunt beautiful men for indulgence is a good material for sexual desire literature.

On the contrary, because there are many beauties in the harem of Emperor Sui Yang, Wu Zetian and Yang Taizhen are peerless beauties, so many stories about them have been passed down in later generations.According to history, Wu Zetian's obscenity may not be more than that of Lu Zhi, but later generations did not use Lu Zhi as a material for describing sexual desires, but Wu Zhao alone ("Controlling Crane Supervisory Records" passed down by Yuan Mei was a forgery). Probably because Lu Zhi is not a stunning beauty. As for the stories of Sui Yang, there are old stories such as "Daye Shiyiji", "Milou Ji", "Haishan Ji" and so on. "Daye Supplementary Notes" is called "Southern Firework Records", the old title was written by Tang Yanshi in ancient times, and there is a postscript at the end, which says that the temple pavilion of the tile coffin temple was built by the monk Zhiche in Huichang. This is the same as "Southern Firework Records".Yao Kuan thought that the "Fireworks Record" recorded in "Tang Yi Wen Zhi" recorded the events of Guangling, and this book had died, so the popular custom forged this book. ("Xixi Conghua") "Milou Ji" and "Haishan Ji" are not written by the author's name, and the Ming Dynasty added that they were written by Han Xie.However, Liu Fu's "Qing Suo Gao Yi" contains these two articles, which can be believed to be written by the Northern Song Dynasty. "Haishanji" describes the events of Emperor Yangdi's Xiyuan, and the songs of Emperor Yangdi recorded-"Wangjiangnan Tune" was originally written by Li Deyu of Tang Dynasty, and there is no such style in the great cause; it is obviously a trace of his forgery. "Milou Ji" said that the doctor He Chou entered the royal girl's car, "The system of the car is extremely small, only one person can fit in it, and the machine will hinder the girl's hands and feet, and the girl's slender can't move. The emperor tried it with a virgin, and he was very happy." .It is also known as the Choufujin turn-off car, "The car can be pulled around, and it can go up to the pavilion, like walking on level ground; in the car, the maid will shake by itself."It is also said that Emperor Yangdi got a black copper pendant, which surrounded the dormitory, and the imperial daughter was in it, and every detail was included in the mirror.It is also said that "in the eighth year of the great cause, alchemists entered the great alchemy, and the emperor obeyed them, and the thoughts became more and more uncontrollable, and dozens of women were courted day and night."All these seven paragraphs are about extreme sensuality. Although it is very brief, it is enough to hint to the later writers of "Sui Yang's Amorous History".

If we assume that sexual desire novels such as "Flying Swallow Biography" came first, and "Milou Ji" came later, then the difference between the two is also worthy of attention. "Feiyan Waizhuan" has two fundamental ideas, one is tonic, and the other is to strengthen the yang and cause death. As for the description of sexual intercourse itself, there is nothing special about it.However, the records in "Milou Ji", such as the royal girl car, the pass car, and the black bronze utensils to take pictures, etc., are all novel descriptions of sexual intercourse itself.Because the description is rather thin because it is only about tonic surgery and spring prescription, so it goes on to describe "Fang Shu".It cannot but be said that this is an improvement in the description of sexual intercourse, but since then it has turned into the devil's way, completely losing its literary value.

Romance novels created by the people of the Tang Dynasty are extremely euphemistic and moving, but there are very few works describing sexual desire.In the book published by Ye Dehui, a modern man, there is "Heaven, Earth, Yin and Yang, Great Joy Fu".This Fu is dedicated to the joy of sexual intercourse, so it is called Dale; the first one is about the eve of the wedding, the second is about the joy of couples in four seasons, and the latter is mixed with "Gentle concubine concubine, light and concubine", "Under the bright window, the day is protracted". ", as well as adultery, wild sex, and even the "masculinity" of perverted sexual desire, are all described vividly and vividly, in extremely classy words.If this fu is really written in Bai Xing Jian's hands, it will be an important material for studying the description of sexual desire in the Tang Dynasty; but I doubt Ye's words, it may not be reliable.And Ye's postscript said that "the annotation (original annotation) quoted "Dongxuanzi" and "Su Nu Jing", both of which were ancient books before the Tang Dynasty... This proves that the differences between the two books come from the same origin, and the belief cannot be forged by later generations. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, it is not surprising that the words spoken by scholars and bureaucrats were circulated in such books in the house."This Fu actually proves that "Dongxuanzi" and "Su Nu Jing" (according to these two books, this book was originally engraved in Ye's "Guangutang Series", and recently published in "Yixin Fang", although it is based on ancient books, it is true. for fake).It is not false, especially suspicious.Kao Bai Xingjian is Bai Juyi's younger brother, his character is known as Tui, he was a Jinshi at the end of the Zhenyuan period, and his deeds are attached in the biography of Bai Juyi.There are 20 volumes of bamboo slips, which are no longer in existence; other texts, such as "Li Wa Biography" can be found in "Taiping Guangji" (volume 484), "Three Dreams" can be found in "Shuo Yu", style and artistic conception They are all different from "Da Le Fu". "Li Wa Biography" said that the son of a giant family in Xingyang was ordered by his father to enter the capital to take the exam, and he was advocating his daughter Li Wa.Even if the wound festers, the same generation suffers from it, and abandons it again; fortunately, it does not die, and the begging is in the middle.On the snowy night afterward, I went to a house to beg for food. The house was Li Wa's new home. When I saw it, I felt pity for her, and I accepted it heartily.There is no description of sexual desire in it, the deeds are tortuous and sympathetic, and it is extremely lingering and impressive, which is enough to be called a masterpiece of romance.Therefore, it is unreasonable to say that the person who wrote "The Biography of Li Wa" would suddenly become erotic at the same time and write a "Fu of Great Joy".As for the dream of three people described in "Three Dreams", it is fantastic and gratifying, not only does it not have the smell of sensuality, it has nothing to do with sexual desire.In the past, Yang Shen forged "Miscellaneous Things and Secrets", and Yuan Mei faked "Kun He Jian Ji", so "Da Le Fu" is just like this.

Four According to the above, it is enough to know that before the Song Dynasty, most of the sexual desire novels centered on historical figures (emperors), and they must rely on historical books. They did not dare to directly describe daily life. This is also a last resort under the strict net of etiquette. .It is also one of the reasons that general novels have not yet deviated from the form of Romance (that is, novels dedicated to emperors and warriors).Until the birth, Fang opened a new path. The engraved edition began in Gengxu (1610) in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and the author is unknown; it is said that it is Wang Shizhen, but because Shen Defu's "Ye Huo Bian" was written by a famous scholar in Jiajing, people in the world think it is Wang Shizhen; or It is said that it was made by the disciples of the king (Xie Yi preface).This book describes the world situation very deeply, especially the naked description of sexual desire. "Feiyan Waizhuan" and "Milouji" are both works in classical Chinese, written in vernacular, so the description of sexual desire is even more explicit and sensational.There are 100 chapters in the book, and 67 out of 10 describe sexual intercourse. Since there are so many and extremely varied, it can be called the culmination of sexual intercourse descriptions.The whole book is full of facts, and the fake Ximen Qing is the clue.The beginning of the story is that Ximenqing had an affair with Pan Jinlian, died of poison at Wuhan University, and took Jinlian as his concubine.Later, Wu Song came to take revenge, but he couldn't find Ximenqing, so he killed Li Waifu by mistake and assassinated Mengzhou;There is Li Ping'er, whose husband, Hua Zixu, met Ximen Qing because of his acquaintance, and his family is rich;

Later, Hua Zixu died of deficiency, and Ping'er took the family property to Ximen Qing as his concubine.Ximenqing also married the widow Meng Yulou, who also had a lot of private wealth.Therefore, Ximen Qing became more and more indulgent.After recovering monk Hu's aphrodisiac, his lust becomes more intense; the house slaves who are quite attractive are all adulterous.Pan Jinlian is especially favored because of her kindness.One night, Ximen Qing came back drunk, and Jin Lian took seven pills of Hu Seng's aphrodisiac, and after a frantic night, Ximen Qing lost his sun and died.Since then, Ximenqing's family has been in decline day by day.Pan Jinlian and her maid Chunmei had an affair with Qing's son-in-law Chen Jingji, and they were reprimanded after the incident; Li Jiaoer, Meng Yulou and others also went to the court to beg.After celebrating his wife Wu Yueniang, he took his son Xiaoge to escape the Jin soldiers, and wanted to go to Jinan, but met the monk Pujing on his way, and led him to Yongfu Temple, where he turned into a dream with cause and effect, and Xiaoge became a monk. After birth, many people imitated it.The famous "Yujiao Li" in Wanli period, Yun also came from the author's hand.This book has been lost. Shen Defu once saw the first volume, saying that it is "filthy and arrogant, with morals and principles...but the writing style is unrestrained and smooth, which seems to be especially good".As for the stories in the book, it is entrusted with karma, which echoes the characters in the book.There is also "Xu Jin Ping Mei", titled "Compiled by Ziyang Taoist", which was actually written by Ding Yaokang in Shandong in the early Qing Dynasty.The meaning of the whole book is similar to "Yujiao Li", and it also describes the reincarnation of the characters as men and women, each of whom will suffer from evil.The description of sexual desire is also imitated, but the writing is weak. Why did sexual desire novels flourish in the Ming Dynasty?This also has its social background.After the Ming Dynasty became civilized, the government and the public competed with each other about "fangshu", which was not ashamed.The alchemist's art in the room is very expensive, and is admired by the world.During the Jiajing period, Tao Zhongwen was lucky enough to enter the red lead, and the official came to special visit Guanglu Doctor Zhu Guoshao Master Fu Shaobao Minister of Rites Gongcheng Bo.Even Sheng Duanming and Gu Kexue, who are famous for their morale, borrowed from the "Chunfang" - Qiu Shifang - to become high officials.Since there are people who get rich by relying on house skills and spring prescriptions, they naturally become a good fashion in society; since this kind of atmosphere exists in society, it will naturally be reflected in literature.Such books are aimed at describing the world situation, depicting decadence, vulgarity, and similarity; the sexual desire description of sensuality is only influenced by the atmosphere of the times, which is not surprising, and we should not focus on this point for evaluation.However, the low-level authors imitated by later generations were unable to observe life and made their best works to make great works. Instead, they focused on the description of sexual intercourse, and even small booklets. From the beginning to the end, there was nothing but sexual intercourse. It's all over.This kind of small books are very popular in the market today when the printing technology is prosperous; they are certainly not worthy of being called literature describing sexual desire, and they are not enough materials for researchers of abnormal sexual desire.Among them is the book "Meat Fu Tuan", which has a slightly better artistic conception, and its purpose is to awaken the world to cut off the desire for love. Fascinate, then hit the nail on the head. However, the short length of this book is still almost entirely about sexual intercourse from beginning to end, and it never writes about social phenomena other than sexual intercourse; this is a huge shortcoming, which greatly reduces its value. Fives In Chinese sexuality novels, there are obviously several strange characteristics: one is the tonic technique rooted in the genital worship thought of primitive people.Primitive people don't understand the scientific meaning of reproductive function, and they think it is mysterious and unbelievable to see two sexes copulating to produce children, so they have a kind of magical superstition about genitalia; this is not surprising in primitive times; but after the prosperity of civilization in China , still retains this original idea, and it is divinely clear, resulting in the absurd concept of "supplementation".The so-called false rumors such as the Yellow Emperor's imperial daughters were able to go to the immortals, etc., have become the historical basis of the art of tonic.There is almost no era in Chinese history that there is no rumor of this kind of tonic spreading in the society, either explicitly or implicitly.The alchemists of the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties were the creators and propagandists of tonic surgery.They don't understand the physiological function of sexual intercourse, and think that the semen of men and women is the most magical treasure, delusional to absorb each other's semen during sexual intercourse to nourish themselves, and even live forever; He is always deceiving others, but half of them are also deceiving themselves.But fornication is still mysterious, and it is difficult for the instructor to hide its hypocrisy, and the learners suffer from confusion and lack of quick results. Therefore, there are rumors that they want to directly use the semen of men and women based on the principle of fornication. It is said in "Ye Sou Exposure" that Li Youquan can strengthen the yang and indulge in sexual desire after drinking men's semen. The alchemists in Ming Dynasty used virgin menstruation to smelt red lead, which are all examples.This can be called the ordinaryization of tonic surgery.But it's even uglier and unreasonable.Probably in the ancient sexual desire novels, there are many heretical and mysterious tonic techniques, but in the modern sexual desire novels, there are only ordinary tonic techniques such as drinking human semen. The second is sensuality—almost every description of sexual desire has an atmosphere of sensuality.There is no one kind of sensuality, but what is common in Chinese sexual desire novels is the kind where men make sexual intercourse to make women feel pain.It is written that Ximen Qingxi "burns incense" on the woman's body during sexual intercourse, thinking it is pleasant.And the most implicit descriptions of sexual desire often refer to the pain of women, which brings out the pleasure of men. The third is karmaism.Describing extremely obscene things, it has to bear a very grand signboard-persuading goodness; and it must be superstitious karmaism.Misfortune to the lustful man is the tenet of all sexual novels—whether the author is sincere or not.Naturally, it is meaningful to write novels describing sexual desire in order to let people know that "the adulterer will be in danger."However, it is not appropriate to punish the prostitute without social or legal sanctions, but to use "retribution" as a punishment.Because karmaism is rooted in the superstition of ghosts and gods, once the superstition is not enough to bind people's hearts, karmaism will lose its effectiveness.At that time, the book of exhortation to good turned into temptation to evil. The above three items can barely cover the general features of Chinese sexual desire novels.As far as I know, these three can indeed be regarded as the unique characteristics of Chinese sexual desire novels.Although the description of eroticism is very common in the sexual desire literature of various countries, it is also unique, as in Chinese sexual desire novels, there is no such thing as eroticism—no eroticism means no description of sexual desire.As for tonic and karmaism, needless to say, they can be called "national quintessence". Another example is the vivid description of sexual intercourse, as I have said, it is actually a specialty of China. Therefore, we have to say that the description of sexual desire in Chinese literature has entered the path of evil from the beginning, so that there is no literature that describes legitimate sexual desire in China.We need to know that the purpose of describing sexual desire is to express sick sexual desire—this is a kind of social and psychological disease, which is worth studying.To express sick sexual desire, there is no need to describe sexual intercourse, especially "sexual intercourse".Unfortunately, Chinese novelists mistakenly believe that the description of "fangshu" is the only way to describe sexual desire, and add the false rumors of alchemists who have picked up mendicant techniques since ancient times, pervading the society, resulting in the current sexual desire novels.No matter how one puts up the signboard of exhorting goodness, and gives an explanation for describing the world situation, so that people will not regard them as obscene books, but these crude and explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse can only lead people to improper sexual concepts, and can never enlighten anyone. Nothing literary.On this point, we feel that those novels about sexual desire should be responsible for the unhealthy sexual concepts prevailing in Chinese society.And the reason why such sexual desire novels occur all over China is the same reason: (1) The reaction of asceticism. (2) Underdeveloped sex education.The latter is particularly the root cause.The evil trend caused by the emperors who have always been good at housing skills, like the late Ming Dynasty, is nothing more than an inevitable phenomenon in a society where sex education is not particular.
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