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Chapter 266 To Zhao Puchu

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 165Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Pu Chu: Has your illness recovered?Nian Nian.I am very grateful for my humble work on cutting the axe.I read it again recently, and I feel that there are still some unevenness in it.It is proposed to change the original "architectural magic center collection" to "architectural magic in detail", the original "return to benefit people and learn Qihuang" to "benefit people and return to learning Qihuang" and the original "burning incense to pay homage to the lotus platform" to "sacrificing incense and burning under the lotus seat".

I don't know if you think it is possible?If yes, how about having your secretary contact the printing house that printed the brochure?This is it, and I salute you! Shen Yanbing [1980] February 10
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