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Chapter 258 To Bao Zuxuan

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 302Words 2018-03-18
Mr. Bao Zuxuan: Please note.Brother Ye Zi talked about Lu Xun and I jointly signed a telegram to congratulate the victory of the Long March. You heard him say it at the time, but your "Women's Monthly" probably didn't record it.At that time, no one described this matter in words, because it would risk beheading. The first volume of "Lu Xun Research Materials" contains my article "My Contact with Lu Xun", which is based on the transcript of my discussion at the Lu Xun Museum on April 26, 1975. Section 5 "About He Changzheng Telegram" has more detailed memories, but it only mentions that Lu Xun talked about this matter with me. He hadn't drafted the telegram at that time, so I didn't see the telegram, nor did I mention the signature. When asked about this matter, Lu Xun did not mention it again.It seems that there is no original telegram in northern Shaanxi, and no one knows the full text of the congratulatory telegram, so far there is only one sentence left.I thought this matter was irrelevant, and that Lu Xun's power generation should be the main thing, and there was no need to implicate me any more.This song is healthy.

Mao Dun [1978] November 28
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