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Chapter 255 To Ye Ziming

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1413Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Ziming: I have read the letter on March 28 and the letter on the 5th of this month. After receiving the letter on the 28th, I just ran into some things. Such as the question of the status of Boss Lin, I should not answer), so let’s put it aside for a moment, as for what I said about "Jan. That is, what I wrote at this time was the word "Trust" when I wrote the article at that time; it was in the 1920s when I went home for the funeral (grandmother withdrew her spirit), and when I wrote "Lin", I no longer had the freedom to return to Wuzhen.These short stories① are written based on what I saw and heard before I settled in Shanghai (that was the third year after I entered the business).It is written because my grandmother likes to raise silkworms (that is, I did not enter middle school), and I wrote it personally.During the Anti-Japanese War (probably in Chongqing), I wrote an article "How I Write "Spring Silkworm"" (I was forced to write it at that time because I wanted to support a publication "Youth Knowledge" at that time).After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Shanghai published a monthly magazine "Wen Cui" (published on October 9th in the 34th year of the Republic of China) which reprinted the article "Youth Knowledge"

① Ye Ziming’s note (the same below): Later, with the help of Comrade Wei Tao, Mr. Shen recalled and confirmed that after the "January 28" Shanghai War in 1932, Mr. Shen’s family returned to their hometown Wuzhen for the funeral for about a week. article.As for who edited "Wen Cui", the magazine does not publish it. Judging from its content, more than half of it is the text published in newspapers and periodicals published in Chongqing, Kunming, and Chengdu on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The content is complex.I had long forgotten that there was this "Wen Cui", and someone showed it to me recently, and only then did I know how I wrote it.If you can find "Wen Cui", the Shanghai Library (a special library specially collecting some old newspapers before and after the Anti-Japanese War) may have it.

The death of Mrs. Wu is a metaphor. I did not say this when I gave a speech in Xinjiang. It was only at the beginning that after the death of Mrs. Wu, Fan Bowen (or someone else) said: The ancient feudal zombies will naturally be weathered in Shanghai of the semi-colonial comprador class bankers and industrialists. (The original text has not been checked, this is written from memory). "Economic masterpiece" and so on, I didn't say it at the time.At that time, I only talked about the debate on China's economic issues in 1930. This is explained more clearly in the "Few More Sentences" after the original postscript of the new edition.Regarding what you said about party history (my activities during the Great Revolution), the editorial department of Shanghai Publishing House plans to delete it, so let it be deleted.In fact, since five or six years ago, people from various revolutionary libraries have sent letters to interview me about my experience and work in Guangzhou in 1926 and Wuhan in 1927. They all said it was for reference. .Since this year, there have been more visitors and I have been overwhelmed. The preface "I encountered some things", this is one of them.Qu Qiubai still has no definite conclusion.Xu Guangping recalled writing after liberation, there may be inaccuracies and inconsistencies in his memories, and Xu may not always be present when Lu Xun had long or short talks with his friends, and Lu Xun did not seem to repeat the details to Xu afterwards.I said in the previous letter that I can say more about Qu's question if I have time, but I will talk about it in the face-to-face, because many people are involved, and the main Zhou Jianren strongly denied what he said to the foreign guests that was rumored at that time.The above is an answer to your letter of February 28.

I wrote on the 4th of this month, saying that you will strive to preserve the original order of the group, but there is no need to strive; the issue of the group has not yet been concluded, because there are many cases that need to be rehabilitated, and there are many in Shanghai.Now it is against those who were imprisoned, persecuted to death, or disabled by the "Gang of Four" in the early stage.Suicide, in the eyes of the party, is rebellion, and the crime is the same as treason; to be rehabilitated, it has to be put later.Putting Yiqun's preface on your book does not necessarily restore your reputation, but the publishing house naturally dare not do it rashly without clear instructions from your superiors.The matter of Qu Qiubai has been mentioned before.I won't talk about it anymore.You heard that the chairman said a word to Qu before his death. I have never heard of it, and no one has mentioned it here. It seems to be a rumor.

"Brightness" has been published as his masterpiece.If the "Lin" article is also written by "Guangming", I am afraid that it may not be published and will be transferred to other publications. "Guangming" will be used as a special issue on science and technology and education in the future. This has been seen in the "Guangming" Reform Declaration. Hurry up and write praises Shen Yanbing [1978] May 7th The past two months have been busy and chaotic, unprecedented.And in the middle of this month, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Writers Association will call for a resumption meeting. All provinces will send people here, so it will be busy for a while.

① Refers to my book "Picture Scroll of Chinese Society in the Early 1930s——Re-reading Mao Dun's "Midnight"" published in the "Literature" supplement of "Guangming Daily" on April 15, 1978. ② Refers to my book "Comment on <The Linjiapuzi>", which was written by the editorial department of "Literary Review" and published in the third issue of "Literary Review" in 1978.
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