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Chapter 254 To Ye Ziming

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1221Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Ziming: I have received your letter.The Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has been in session for three days, and it just ended yesterday.So there will be ten days of busy meetings.Taking advantage of the time today, I will reply as follows: 1. Qu Qiubai’s sentence may not be deleted①.Because the evaluation of Qu has been different since the year before last.Details will be announced in the future. 2. The journey to Japan from the east took place in July 1928.In Japan, he first lived in Tokyo and then moved to Kyoto, as recalled by Comrade Yao Yunyi and others.In 1922, I went to Songjiang Jingxian Middle School to give a lecture. The time was about autumn.

①Yezi Mingzhu (the same below): Refers to several passages quoted by Qu Qiubai commenting on Mao Dun's creation in the 1959 and 1963 editions of my book "On Mao Dun's Forty Years of Literary Road". When the book was revised in 1978, these quotations were retained. Later, the leaders of the publishing house considered that Comrade Qu Qiubai's question had not yet been concluded, so they advocated temporarily deleting it. ② Refers to Comrade Zhai Tongtai’s visit to Yao Yunyi (Yang Xianjiang’s lover) and Gao Ersong in October 1962, Yao and Gao’s memories of Mao Dun’s refuge in Japan.At that time, Yao Yunyi and Gao Ersong were also in Japan.

3. The time to leave Xinjiang should be in June①.Because I got a telegram from Shanghai and learned of my mother's death, I took the opportunity to ask Sheng Shicai for leave to go back to Shanghai to take care of the family affairs, and held a sacrifice in Dihua; the event was at the end of April.On the surface, Sheng Shicai asked Zhang Zhongshi and me to go back to our hometown to visit relatives, and even had a farewell banquet, but in fact, there was no means of transportation (referring to the plane, there were no flights from Dihua to Lanzhou at that time, only irregular ones), and it was delayed. More than a month later, we learned from the Soviet Consul General that the special plane of the Soviet Embassy would go to Chongqing via Dihua, and we got the consent of the Consul General to take this opportunity.

4. I met Commander-in-Chief Zhu in Xi'an. He was going back to Yan'an, so we took his convoy at the end of June.Lived in Yan'an for about half a year, living in Luyi. Shen Xia and Shen Shuang both stayed in Yan'an to study. Shen Xia died in 1945. 5. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it passed through Guangzhou in the winter of 1945 to Hong Kong and transferred to Shanghai.Waiting for a ship in Hong Kong for about a month, during which time I went to Macau and stayed at my cousin's niece's house (her husband is a doctor, well-known in Macau, and a member of the Communist Party) for about 20 days.Arrived in Shanghai in February and March of 1946③.After visiting the Soviet Union and returning to Shanghai, he went to Hong Kong again at the end of December 1947.

6. "Getting on the Job", written in Chongqing (the content is probably about the relocation of private industries from coastal cities to the rear), and it is not finished.I can't remember where it was posted.I am dissatisfied with this manuscript and have not left a comment. My father's name is Yongxi, and his courtesy name is Bofan. 7. The time to go to Guangzhou mentioned in "A Few Old Words" is not necessarily correct.In fact, it was the end of December, 1925.You can find out when the Second National Congress of the Kuomintang will be held.Because Yun Daiying and I were going to a meeting.

8. Xinjiang University did not have a liberal arts college at that time. Zhang Zhongshi's recollection is true, but what I taught was "Social Education", and the lecture notes were compiled by myself. I did not teach "Basic Knowledge of Creation" or "Chinese".I'm new ①According to relevant historical records, Mao Dun's family left Xinjiang in early May and arrived in Yan'an on May 26, 1940.The time of leaving Xinjiang and going to Yan'an mentioned here are all wrong, and Mao Dun later made corrections in his letter to Liu Shangpeng. ②Shen Xia, the eldest daughter of Mao Dun, was infected and infected in Yan'an in 1945 in order to work in the front line and undergo artificial abortion, and unfortunately died.Shen Shuang, that is, Wei Tao, the son of Mao Dun.

③According to the fifth issue of the monthly magazine "Shanghai Culture", Mao Dun arrived in Shanghai on May 26, 1946. There are other miscellaneous affairs in Xinjiang, such as the chairman of the "Xinjiang Federation of Cultural Associations of All Ethnic Groups" (every ethnic group in Xinjiang—including the Han nationality—each has a literary association. After I went, Sheng Shicai said that my main job is not teaching, but To run this federation, the federation was founded by me when I arrived in New Zealand), the president of the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association, which was also established by me after I arrived in New Zealand.He is also the director of the "Cultural Training Class".Go and speak once a week, etc.

Probably so, for reference. Shen Yanbing [1978] February 19th
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