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Chapter 252 To Yuan Liangjun

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 255Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Yuan Liangjun: Thank you for your kind letter.Cheng pointed out that my book (published in "Learning from Lu Xun" in "World Literature") was one-sided in Lu Xun's evaluation of Nietzsche, and I was very impressed.The rest of the theories are generally inappropriate in terms of the development of Lu Xun's thought, etc.I have been ill for a long time, I am blind in my left eye, my right eye is only 0.3 vision, and I have cataracts, and I have difficulty reading. When I wrote this article, I couldn’t read Lu Xun’s papers at that time carefully, so I made this mistake.It is suggested that you write an article on the arguments in your letter and send it to World Literature to set the record straight. I wonder if you intend to?So far [to] myself, I have been neglected for a long time. On this occasion... when the "Gang of Four" was smashed and literature and art were liberated, I dare not do my best to follow the comrades in the literary and art circles.Also look forward to the index, learn from each other, and praise health in a hurry

Shen Yanbing [1977] December 20
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