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Chapter 246 To Wang Dehou

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 423Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Wang Dehou: I have received your letter on June 26. I have never read "Lu Xun's New Theory of Old Poems" published by Chongqing Wenguang Bookstore in 1947, and I don't know who the editor and author Sikong Wuji is. Huaisha's pseudonym is also unknown.Wen Huaisha has seen it before, but I have never read the manuscript. The so-called "the first draft of this poem [book] has just been completed, and Mr. Cheng Mao Dun corrected many mistakes" is not true.After May 1947, I returned to Shanghai from the Soviet Union and immediately went to Hong Kong.Wen Huaisha is frivolous, and we all avoid him.As for the surname of the painter Wang, I remember it. I once talked about it with others, or I learned about it through Wen Huaisha.However, I said at the time that Wang Jun would go to the Soviet area (the seat of the Ruijin Soviet government was called the Soviet area at that time), not the Soviet Union.Wen Huaisha said that the Soviet Union thought it was a misinformation, and added the word "advanced studies", which shows that he is catching wind and shadows.Whether a poem given to a painter in Lu Xun's diary is a gift to a king or not, I am not sure.I remember talking about Wang Jun at that time, not to interpret Lu Xun's poem (usually in Chongqing during the Anti-Japanese War), and I have never seen this poem.

There are Japanese who go to the Soviet Union, but I am afraid that the painter Mochizuki will succeed. As for the Soviet area, I dare say that there is no such thing.Mr. Mochizuki must have never been to the Soviet area, or wanted to go; when Lu Xun presented the poem, he was about to return to Japan."Chunshan" in the poem seems to refer to it in general, so don't designate it as a revolutionary base. Yan Bing [1977] July 1st
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