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Chapter 241 To Xipei

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 429Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Xipei: Received your letter of April 26. There were a few days before "May 1st", the weather was very hot, but in the last week, the northwest wind suddenly blew every day, the highest temperature was only 18 degrees Celsius, and the room felt colder than in winter.The climate change is the same as yours in Chengdu. Comrade Ai Wu has already sent a letter, dated April 18.Now I am writing a reply letter attached to this letter, please send it to him. You write that I am in good health and think I will live to be ninety or more.But in fact, although I can still walk around the house, I have to be helped when I go out of the yard.Moreover, he often suffers from shortness of breath, so he still spends most of his time lying in bed. Visiting the garden and watching fireworks during the "May 1st" festival doesn't take much effort, and you don't need to walk any distance, so you won't be tired.If you can't even participate in such small activities, then you will be like Ma Yinchu and Liu Wenhui, even if you don't die immediately.Of course, there are also those who participated in activities in the morning and died suddenly at night (such as Ding Xilin).So I don't take life and death seriously.

Peanuts and soybeans are still available in Beijing, so please don’t worry about them. This letter was ghostwritten by a family member, and only these few sentences were written.I look forward to hearing from you from time to time. About Lu Xun's old style poem "Lianpeng Man", Ai Wu also mentioned it in his letter.I have read all of Lu Xun's old-style poems, so you don't have to bother to copy them to me in the future.Well, my best wishes! Shen Yanbing [1976] May 4th
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