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Chapter 233 To Dingsheng

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 658Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Dingsheng: Thank you for your attention on November 11th.The masterpiece Land Poetry has already been received, and it is too busy to read it immediately.I took the time to read it a month ago, and I dare to tell you my impressions after reading it. I don’t know if it is worthwhile? 1. This book describes the historical facts of the heroic struggles in the old areas of western Fujian in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. It is very useful in educating readers on class struggle; One hour to two hours), I was deeply moved after reading it; the reason for this is that the heroic images of the main characters in the book are very attractive; Er Tie, Chun Hua, Chun Hua Niang, Ya Gui, Yin Xian, etc. Third, the layout of the whole book is extremely ingenious; at the beginning, "Looking at the dowry" reveals the revolutionary history of Ertie and Chunhua in the past, and at the same time reflects the fierce revolutionary struggle and the strength of the people in this area. This article, It is very powerful and full of momentum. The following chapters are divided into various aspects, dense and dense, and magnificent.

Fourth, the description of the environment can mostly set off the story and characters; writing tense scenes (faces) and writing quiet scenes are equally moving.However, fifth, I think that classical Chinese is often included in the description of the environment, sometimes a little too much, which will damage the unity of literary language in the whole book. (In the description of the environment, two or three couplets are often used. This point may be appreciated, or it may be thought to be sick, but we see it differently; but today we seem to think that there are few classical Chinese couplets. What do you think?) Also, the dialogue between the characters The Longyan dialect cannot be used, and it is not suitable for the characters to speak the northern dialect. Therefore, the so-called vernacular of the May Fourth period has to be used. This makes the dialogue part slightly less colorful, which is a last resort. It's better if you see the person.I don't know Hokkien well, so I don't know any way to make the dialogues of the characters in the book have local flavor without inconveniencing the readers.Please consider this question.As for the content of the whole book, since I have no life experience in this area, I cannot praise it.I look forward to the rapid publication of a sequel to satisfy the eagerness of those who read this first volume.The above discussion is very superficial, and it is just a question and a chat.Hurry up and praise your health.

Mao Dun [1964] December 8, Beijing
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