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Chapter 210 Sand Wars

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 399Words 2018-03-18
Comrade Sha Zhan: Both the letter and the draft of Tianqiao have been received.I thought that to learn writing methods from an article, we should pay attention to how people express their emotions through things, how to describe scenery so that readers feel as if they are personally there, how to arrange layers, how to use language, and so on.It is not about imitating the form of the article, whether to use rhetorical questions, etc. Only in this way can we learn the "method" from other people's works, not just the imitation of form. Therefore, I don't want to accept your suggestion to revise, explain, and publish this article, so that other students can also learn writing methods in this way.There is no need to use your article as an example to tell others not to do this.Because, I am very busy with work, and I don't have time to do this kind of thing (you should bring this issue to your Chinese teacher).Leaving aside the issue of imitation, this manuscript has the following shortcomings: 1. Because it is not a personal experience, but is based on materials from newspapers, the depiction of the Yangtze River Bridge is not vivid and cannot move readers.2. The discussion in the latter paragraph does not connect with the previous description. I don’t know whether your main purpose is to describe the majesty of the Yangtze River Bridge, or to refute the lies of the rightists.These two points are my simple opinions on your article for your reference.

Hasty reply, Shunzhi salute! Shen Yanbing December 1957
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