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Chapter 187 To Xu Guangping

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 572Words 2018-03-18
Mr. Guangping: Since August last year, I wanted to write a letter to greet and describe the situation of being away for many years. Unfortunately, my youngest daughter died suddenly, and the child also came to Chongqing for medical treatment due to appendicitis. My personal affairs were complicated and I was in a bad mood.Jingping forgives the crime of laziness.I often learn about the recent situation of the family from the mouth of my friends, and I saw the recent work in the newspaper a month ago, which is both a blessing and admiration.Everything here, I want to hear, so I won't repeat it here.The geese plan to pass the old calendar year, and then make a return plan. During the eight years, the old mother abandoned her and lost a daughter. Looking east at home, there is no joy, so I don't want to return early.Brother Hu Feng came here yesterday and told us all about the custody of the royalties left by Mr. Lu Xun.The custody of the royalties was discussed by colleagues three years ago, and Mr. Shen Junru was entrusted. Fearing that the canal would be redundant, he said that the canal should do all the things, and asked all friends to go on behalf of him.As for how to use the money received and preserve the currency value so as not to suffer losses under the rising prices, Mr. Shen is welcome to consider it at any time.I think Brother Hu Feng also reported on the process.Because the geese live in the countryside, there are many things that are not discussed; in fact, not only the geese are like this, but all the friends are not exhausted.Mr. Shen was busy, so he didn't tell his friends. Only last month, because he had to ask someone to bring it, he didn't know that he had US dollar bills and gold deposits.As for the collection of accounts, those who are at Mr. Shen's place have been urged to inquire several times, because Mr. Shen is busy with business and has no time to check them out, and even "Emei" can't find the payable and paid bills.I am afraid that this matter will be cleaned up after everyone arrives in Shanghai.I despise "Emei" for publishing hundreds of books, which have not been cleared over the years. It seems that the payment method of the writer's bookstore should be followed. I have asked Mr. Shen, but there is no result.In short, Yan Yan can't get rid of the responsibility of being lazy and not asking more questions about the poor handling, but there are also things that are difficult to ask more questions. Brother Hu Feng has experienced this kind of situation.The rest of the items are not detailed in the letter, and will be reported in person in the future.Hurry up and praise Riqi

Goose on the Bing [1946] January 4th
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