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Chapter 170 To Zhou Zuoren

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 582Words 2018-03-18
Mr. Qiming: Thank you for your letter on the 24th.Qingshe has now published a kind of "Evergreen", I wonder if you have seen it?Their sales method is very good, and they are sold on consignment in every small cigarette paper shop, newspaper seller, and even the concierge of various schools in the city.Recently, it was also heard that a sly school newly opened this summer, "Shanghai Technical University", also colluded with them.The founder of this "technical university" is a young man. Chen Zhiyun, a student who graduated from a junior college in Shanghai, was completely deceived. There were more than 8,000 yuan collected, and Mr. Chen probably wanted to get some more, so he didn't leave.But the matter was not confidential, and the students had already seen the flaws, so they put him in private custody.He was locked in an empty house for a day, and later he was released, but someone was sent to follow him to prevent him from escaping.At this time, Chen changed his tactics. On the one hand, he alienated the student group, and on the other hand, he sought out someone to "support" the school (because as long as the students have teachers and books to study, they will be successful).It just happened to meet Hu Jichen and the others.

They have fooled many provincial youths in this school, and their influence has been greater than the publication of a few copies of "Saturday."Such schools should be ordered to close down, but Shanghai's "concession authorities" are really lenient in such matters, so there is no way.Yesterday, I saw a miscellaneous article by a teacher in the "Morning Post Supplement", talking about the lack of middle school Chinese teachers.Last month, a friend of mine from Qiongzhou Tuodai introduced a new Chinese language teacher, but he was not found.There seems to be a shortage of new talent, everywhere.As long as there are people, there will be opportunities for development.The same goes for publications.Most of the newly opened newspapers in Hangzhou also came to promote new trends of thought—what their intentions were, I had no choice but to ask, but they were indeed eager to promote—and it was hard for no one to help them write better articles for them.Ode to health

Shen Yanbing [1922] October 2
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