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Chapter 157 To Zhang Weiqi

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 261Words 2018-03-18
The meaning of criticizing creations is just to introduce the creations to the readers, not to assign grades like the examiners; it is natural to summarize all the creations criticized by Fan, just because the space of "Fiction Monthly" is limited, So I will make a little of it, and I can only follow the appearance on the 4th. The reason why the creations published in the "Fiction Monthly" are not complete is because those who read the "Fiction Monthly" have already read it, so there is no need to point it out.It's not that "familiar faces" are inconvenient.The letter said: "The person being criticized should not have a special emotion based on a familiar face." This is naturally as it should be, but now people in China always feel that the word "criticism" is "unfriendly". My own attitude is very fair, for example, why can't people forgive me? "Bringing new faces" is a last resort!

Lang loss ① [August 1921] ①Lang Shun is one of Mao Dun's pseudonyms.
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