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Chapter 135 gossip

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1207Words 2018-03-18
We don't care about the objective rights and wrongs of the "new" and "old" disputes and the "wen" and "white" disputes; It is a good literary work, and we all cherish it equally; let us evaluate literary works with the standard view of "the humble is not very high"; then, when we appreciate literary works, we should at least follow the following principles. (1) The more precise the organization of the text, the better. (2) The more "original" the description method is, the better. (3) The more obvious the personality of the characters and the atmosphere of the background, the better.

For any good work, the above three conditions must be met.If we try to measure the "novels" that are flooding the market according to these three conditions, we can see that the "so-called novels" that are flooding the market not only fail to meet one or two of these three conditions, but are also completely opposite to them. The so-called "novels" that are now flooding the market are crude collections of factual facts.They think that their writing is simple and seems effortless, but in fact this is a shallow and poor confession.If human beings seek simplicity and effortlessness in everything, they should destroy all cultures and return to the era of ruthlessness and blood drinking.The reason why human beings want works of art is to satisfy their complex emotional requirements; the purpose of literary and artistic novels is to be simple and effortless, isn't it a joke!

A collection of rough journal-style facts does not matter "description" originally.Let us lower our eyes for the time being, assuming that there are one or two passages in their works that can be regarded as "description", then this method of description is completely plagiarized. "Water Margin" describes Lu Zhishen's "reckless monk's tune" with a Zen stick and a knife as a foil, which is "created" by him, and it is valuable; when writing a hero in an old chapter novel, he always uses the word "only seen" to hang a The descriptions of faces, figures, and clothes are always annoying to us now, but the first person to use this description method was also a novelist with creative genius.So the description method does have its advantages and disadvantages, as long as it can create.Unexpectedly, the bad novels that are flooding the market today can't even do this. Not only the "method" of description is plagiarized, but even the words and sentences of description are plagiarized.Since the predecessors created the two sentences "Chao Zhao Han Shi Ye Ye Lan Lan" to describe the prosperity of the city, they are still copying it.There are countless examples of this.The "description" in literary works goes so far, no wonder the cynics say that the national spirit has degenerated.

The personality of the characters and the atmosphere of the background are naturally a further step in art, and of course they are not what "novel craftsmen" dare to hope for.Moreover, in the collection of journal-like facts, it is impossible to speak of the "individuality of the characters" and the "air of the background".However, the backbone of the novel lies in the "personality of the characters" and "the atmosphere of the background".Without both, the writing of the novel is eventful.To put it another way, to make a good novel together, it is rare to succeed only in terms of plot layout, but in terms of characters and background. The form of "plot" is limited, and the tragedy of love is nothing more than a man and a woman or several men and women falling in love and ending in sadness or joy: this is always the case.The reason why two good love stories have their own features and can move people is because the personalities of the characters in them are different, and the atmosphere of the background is different; what readers appreciate in them is the struggle of the soul and the strength of personality. Development is by no means a dreamlike "plot".

The above three levels were originally words within the scope of "common sense", but the so-called "novelists" on the market seem to have never understood it, and ordinary readers have never understood it, so last year there was a period of bad journal-style fact collection. Things, and the authors of these collections are also "novelists"!A friend of mine thinks that they should take the honorific title of "novel craftsman", but I think it is extremely wrong for those people to use the word "novel" for fraudulent use!
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