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Chapter 126 Miscellaneous Writings on Rainy Days Part 3

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 2891Words 2018-03-18
It was reported that Hitler wanted France to hand over all documents from Naon's invasion of Russia.At a time when the battles between Europe and Africa are in dire straits, others don't have to guess what they think of this gag news, but in my opinion, this is just a short essay.Generally, when a person suddenly wants to read something special, or suddenly hates something, his motives are sometimes quite complicated, and sometimes they are really simple and ridiculous.Ah Q, for example, knew that his scaby head with dysentery was a defect, so he didn't want to be brought up by others. From tabooing dysentery, he tabooed "bright" and then "bright". He is also angry.Fortunately, Ah Q is just Ah Q, otherwise, he would probably prohibit people from using safety lamps, or even prevent the world from being "lit"?If we draw an analogy from this, then Hitler's seizure of Naon's invasion of Russia documents probably has a strong premonition of failure, so he hates hearing the old story of "hero failure" in history, and because he hates hearing about it, he wants to merge this document. Destroy it—though his second actions after taking those documents have not been "reported", but his unwillingness to leave them in the hands of the French he enslaved has now been declared by himself.

①Naon: Refers to Napoleon. But Hitler has the power to order France to hand over the documents of Naon's invasion of Russia today, but there is no way to erase this history from the memory of the French.Freedom-loving French still have to memorize this historical lesson repeatedly and come to the conclusion that Hitler will eventually fail.It cannot prevent people from thinking, cannot destroy their memory, and cannot make people think this way but not that way. Although his kung fu has come back to perfection, but at this point, he is not yet satisfied. I don't know if this news story has also been published in the newspapers of the Axis countries and European countries enslaved by them. If so, wouldn't this be a wonderful irony?Just like at the beginning of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union last year, if Petain and others respectfully presented Naon's documents, it would be a wonderful event worthy of the records of the historical museum.If they really did that, then I think Pétain is still 100% desirable, but Pétain and the like are finally Pétain, so it must be left to Hitler himself to go.

There are some people in history who often like to describe themselves to the great figures of the previous generation.For the first time in European history, a great ambitious Alexander appeared, and later Caesar wanted to outdo him.As for Napoleon, he was thinking of following Caesar's legacy.The horsewhip that fell from Naon's hand is really rotten, but there is still a poor Hitler who can't learn to paint, insisting on performing the doomed tragedy comedy again.Alexander's majestic figure has shrunk in the hands of Caesar, but if it is said that Alexander's archers brought ancient Greek culture to the semi-civilized tribes in Europe, Asia and Africa at that time, then Caesar's brave cavalry has at least bathed the barbarians on the British island. The glory of ancient Roman culture.It is Naon who shrunk Caesar's ambition again. His personal ambition was burned to the ground by the fire of Moscow and the ice and snow in Europe and Russia, although it was compared with Alexander and Caesar. , he is a failed hero, but why didn't his Guards bring the spirit of freedom, equality, and fraternity of the French people, and the ideals of the French Revolution, to the European people who were still under the oppression of feudal lords at that time? "Napoleon's storm" is indeed destructive, but if we talk about the merits and crimes in history, isn't the large feudal dump in Europe from the Middle Ages at that time also destroyed and cleaned up thanks to this "Napoleon's storm"?That is to say, as far as Naon’s personal actions are concerned, his "Code of Napoleon" became the basis of the "civil law" in continental Europe. He also paid attention to the cultural activities in Paris during his invasion of Russia. He stayed in Moscow for a week, but in In this short period of time, he also laid the foundation of the French theater, and the scale of this theater has become a model for other theaters in Europe.We do not approve of the life of Napoleon, who began as captain of the artillery of the "Republic" and ended as a monarchy—no, we would rather think that his life was enough to warn the treacherous and cunning later, but we cannot The failed attempt to obliterate him played a role in advancing European history; no matter what his subjective intentions were, objectively he did not turn back the wheel of history, but pushed it forward.Napoleon was a failure, but he was a hero!

Judging from this, Hitler is not even as good as the mud on the soles of Naon's feet.Hitler's failure was doomed, but his failure to be a hero was also doomed.His armored divisions swept across fourteen countries in Europe, but what did he bring to the European people?It is the darkness of the Middle Ages, it is the destruction of the plague, it is the moral depravity like syphilis!His pig's paw trampled the gardens of Soviet Belarus and Ukraine, and what did he get?It is the bones of thousands of Germans and more orphans and widows!His failure is doomed, and isn't his unworthiness to be a "failed hero" also doomed?And now, he wants France to present the documents of Naon's invasion of Russia. If Naon knows about it, he must hit his shin with a stick and say: "This kid is too stupid!"

Some time ago, I had a chance to visit Qindi in Xing'an.This project of 2,000 years ago seems to be nothing special in today's eyes, but 2,000 years ago, it was extraordinary to have such an idea (to connect the two rivers diverging from north to south at their source), and It is not easy to succeed in the end.Friends say that Dujiangyan in Sichuan is much greater than this, and the Chengdu Plain relies on it for prosperity, and Dujiangyan is also a project of the Qin Dynasty.The Qin Dynasty is too far away from us, and the history is not very clear, but this water conservancy project makes me "think of the old days".Qin Shi and Han Wu are known together, and now praise Han Wu and derogate Qin Shi, this is an old tune that has been heard badly, but in all fairness, Qin Shi Huang has done a few immortal things for the Chinese nation, and Qin Di and Qin Di Dujiangyan is still one of the smallest and smallest ears!Not to mention that "tongwenshu" is a major event, even in terms of laws and regulations, the Han Dynasty could not but "due to" the Qin system.It is difficult to ascertain the reality of the theory of burning books and burying Confucianism, but it is also a fact that doctoral officers preserved and studied the academic thoughts of various schools in the Warring States Period.Qin Shi and Han Wu also implemented a policy of cultural and ideological control. Although Qin Zhi's doctoral officer was no longer openly lecturing in the Warring States period like the story of Qi Jixia, all academic schools were treated equally, and they could be found in "central research institutions" A chance to catch one's breath.Han Wu didn't even give this opportunity, and he regarded Confucianism as one, and didn't allow other people to study it at all.From this point of view, although I don't like Li Si, I especially hate Dong Zhongshu!Li Sishang is a legalist who understands the trend of the times, but Dong Zhongshu is an alchemist who is crowned with Confucianism!However, "East Gate Yellow Dog", there are no people who imitate Li Si, but there are still many people who want to imitate Dong Zhongshu. This is also something worth pondering.I have an immature opinion, thinking that in the era of Qin Shi and Han Wu, China's social economy had the conditions to take a step forward and start a new era, but they were all destroyed by these two "talented and bold" monarchs; but the former is still unintentional , the latter is planned.Qin unified the world on the basis of the development of commercial capital in the late Warring States period, so the abolition of the land division system was actually in line with the trend of economic development at that time. However, Qin conquered Zhuxia and Jingchu with a single nation in the northwest, which is the legacy of future generations However, the national policy of "Great Qinism" was adopted, and the "rich people" of the six countries were relocated to the pass, in order to consolidate the economic foundation of the "central government", but at the same time, it could destroy the economic centers of various places.As a result, after the Six Kingdoms period, the peasant uprising could still be used to restore the Qin court, but the commercial capital that had flourished at the end of the Warring States period was destroyed.Qin Shi did not take any actions to restrain merchants, but objectively he still destroyed the development of commercial capital.

①Qin Dike: Lingqu. From the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the "ban on merchants" was strictly enforced.But "Taiping" has been going on for a long time, and commercial capital still has to rise.By the time of Emperor Wu, the great merchants of salt and iron possessed raw materials, production tools and means of transportation, as if they had the embryonic form of a bourgeoisie.It is not difficult to imagine how serious the threat felt by the feudal nobles at that time.Just look at those kings and princes at that time, it is said that they are still dwarfed in "luxury", and you can know.However, the system of "equalization" and "equal loss" is not beneficial to the common people, but it is actually a kind of oppression for the merchant class. The state-run policy of salt and iron has shaken the giants of the merchant class.When it came time to "calculate money", hundreds of thousands of merchants went bankrupt, and the thriving commercial capital force fell into a slump.At this time, Dong Zhongshu's Confucian philosophy was also "created" and established a situation where "thought" was the only one.

① "Calculation of money" is the tax system implemented for merchants, handicraftsmen, usurers, and vehicle and boat owners in the Han Dynasty. "缗" is the tax unit, and every 缗 is consistent (one thousand dollars). Therefore, from the perspective of the historical process, the pros and cons of Qin Huang and Han Wu can't be compared with each other?But this is only about the merits and demerits in history.For example, in today's world, Qin Shi and Han Wu are also not what we need. Just as Napoleon is more heroic than Hitler, but Napoleon's ghost can never be resurrected.

Guilin, June 27, 1942.
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