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Chapter 90 On Lu Xun

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 15196Words 2018-03-18
one Over the past few years, I have often seen Lu Xun's articles in various magazines and newspapers.I have nothing to do with him and have never met him, but I like to read his articles and praise him.Because I have never lived in a fixed place, and the place where I live, in the past two or three years, the transportation is inconvenient, and it is rare to see outside books and newspapers, so I haven't read Lu Xun's works completely.I recently saw a book called "About Lu Xun and His Works"—it was published last year, but I didn't read it until this year—and I know that there are so many different opinions about Lu Xun and his works in the world.From this book, I know that most of Lu Xun's works have been published in separate volumes, and it is not difficult to get a glimpse of the whole leopard. This prompted me to buy all his published works to read.Two months ago, while recuperating in a mountain, I actually read all of his works. I was quite impressed, so I wrote them down and wrote this article.If the title is "What I see in Lu Xun", or "My opinion about Lu Xun", it will be more beautiful. Unfortunately, I don't like such long and awkward titles, so I frankly use the old historical theory. The old tune is called "On Lu Xun".

two What kind of person is Lu Xun?Those who saw him described their impressions: A thin person with an unattractive face, neither parted nor flat head.Wearing a gray-green gown and a pair of broken leather shoes, they are old and dull, and Different children are the same.He was always holding a cigarette in his hand, as if he was always in his mind. It's like thinking of something engraved there. ("About Lu Xun and His Works": "Meeting Mr. Lu Xun for the First Time", Ma Jue) This is the impression of a primary school student.Another woman described her impressions:

I began to know that Mr. Lu Xun loved to tell jokes. ...however Lu Xun When Mr. tells a joke, he doesn't laugh himself. ...I only remember Lu Xun deeply A lot of what Mr. said makes people laugh.However, Mr. Lu Xun did not laugh.pity I can't write Mr. Lu Xun's jokes. (Ms. Shutian: "Interview with Mr. Lu Xun") Speaking of portraits, I suddenly remembered the "Beijing News Supplement" on the 23rd of this month Mr. Lin Yutang's "Mr. Lu Xun Beating a Pit Dog Picture".if you didn't watch I have seen Mr. Lu Xun, I advise you to get a copy and have a look.Look at his mustache

with a leather cap on his head and a thick cloak on his body, it can show a The bureaucratic look comes. ("Zhi Zhimo", Chen Yuan) This is another description of a university professor. There is a recent portrait of Lu Xun in front of "About Lu Xun and His Works".Mustache, thin face, really not pretty; if it was winter, this man would also wear a fur hat and a thick cloak.It's a pity that I lost a little weight, otherwise, I would not only be "very good at expressing", but also "a born bureaucrat". The above three articles are worth reading for those who have never met Lu Xun.In the eyes of elementary school students, Lu Xun is unexpectedly not beautiful, not lively, old and dull; in the eyes of a lady, Lu Xun is unexpectedly not "dull and brave", he loves to tell jokes, but he doesn't laugh; In the opinion of a university professor, Lu Xun "could show the look of a bureaucrat"—hasn't bureaucrat become synonymous with disgust for a long time?

Well, since everyone sees things differently, and what they see must be different, let's find my impression from Lu Xun's own writings. three Zhang Dinghuang told us in his "Mr. Lu Xun" (see also "About Lu Xun and His Works"): Mr. Lu Xun stood by the road and saw us men and women walking on the street Come and go, tall and short, old and small, fat and thin, laughing and crying, one A large crowd was squirming there.From our eyes, our countenance, our actions, from our In us, He sees our obstinacy, meanness, ugliness, and hunger.hungry Hungry!Was there not a man who was famished in front of him?up to you

Take him by the hand and tell him that you are saving the country, or going to the people, or are advocating the rights of men and women, or advocating humanism, or doing this If you do that, you'll spend a long time talking about it in vain.He doesn't believe you.he is at least Ignore you, at most, from behind his little cigarette he calmly Your left abdomen glanced at you, and didn’t bother to tell you that he had studied medicine, but And know that yours is the same as that of ordinary people, stomach trouble. ……we know He has three characteristics, which are also the characteristics of doctors who are old and experienced in surgery,

The first one is calm, the second one is still calm, the third one is still calm. Don't try to intimidate him or deceive him.Before you open your mouth to speak, his pointed A sharp eye has taught you that he knows you maybe better than you know Still more clear.He knows how to obliterate the subtleties on the surface, how to So to check the basic and brief.what are you wearing, what are you posing He doesn't care about that kind of airs, what kind of oral cavity he is talking about, he just To see you naked, he wanted to, so he almost did, though Of course you will dress up beautifully and fashionably, and wrap up tightly, although you

Stand for gentlemanly decency or feminine dignity.Thus, with this bold force Hard and even cruel attitude, he saw Zhao's dog in us, Zhao The look of the noble man, seeing the woman who said "bite you a few bites", seeing the blue-faced dog Grinning, seeing Kong Yiji stealing, seeing Old Shuan buying red steamed buns for Xiao Shuan Healing a disease, seeing the red-nosed Lao Gong and the blue-skinned A Wu, seeing the nine-pound old lady, seven Mrs. Jin, Liu Jin and others saw Ah Q shot to death—in a word, look at Meet a group of Chinese fleeing starvation.ever been so honest

Exfoliation of anger?Has there ever been such a silent spectator? ……Lu Mr. Xun told us that these extremely ordinary, extremely ordinary personnel There is all eternal sorrow in it.Mr. Lu Xun did not make this clear To write in vain to tell us that he is not that kind of person.But this sad It was there, we all felt him.We can't say no to him.he already It is not the sentimental unrestrainedness of the eloquent youth, but Zhouzi's In the voyage of life, the sigh after suffering a lot of sorrows is very small, At the same time, the place where it comes out is very deep. This is a good article, and I copied a whole section of it. "Honestly peeling off" and "silent onlooker", Lu Xun's name is Lu Xun, let's just use these two words.However, we should not forget that Lu Xun stood by the roadside, honestly and unceremoniously stripping us men and women, and at the same time, honestly and unceremoniously stripping himself.He is not a "Superman" standing on the clouds, with a solemn sneer on the corner of his mouth, to criticize the stupid and despicable people of the world; he is not such a "sage!" He is really rooted in our stupid and despicable human world In this world, holding back the tears of pity, with a sarcasm smile, he explained to us over and over again how fragile human beings are and how contradictory the world is!He never forgot that he, too, shares in this inherent fragility and latent contradiction. "A Little Thing" (page 63) and "Dragon Boat Festival" (page 189) are very in-depth self-analysis and self-criticism. The meaning in "A Little Thing" is very obvious. Here, there is no old song praising the sanctity of labor, nor the most revolutionary slogan of the proletariat, but we can see the stupid and despicable human figure in the shape of a dove-headed prisoner. , but has a simple heart, hot and beating heart.In front of this, Lu Xun felt that he was "small".He confessed sadly:

Even now, I still remember this from time to time.I suffer from it all the time Painful, trying to think of myself.Over the past few years, the rule of law and force, in my As early as the "Ziyue Shiyun" I read when I was young, I can't recite half a sentence up.Only this little thing, but it always floats in front of my eyes, and sometimes it is even worse. enlightened, taught me to be ashamed, refreshed me, and increased my courage and hope. So I am concerned about this "and that is called "a small essay" which is very poorly written. "Things",—as one critic put it, but felt profoundly interesting and

strongly moved.My views on "Dragon Boat Festival" are also different.This One critic said: I read this "Dragon Boat Festival", only to feel that our author has given me When we return, He is resurrected and filled with renewed life.And most What I think can be noticed is that the expression method of "Dragon Boat Festival" is exactly the same as Several of my friends have the same style.Our brilliant author certainly does not have to under our influence; yet one thing is certain, that It was our author who was originally in the same situation as several of my friends, Subject to about the same influence, essentially the same possibility.regardless How, our author, by his efforts to express himself, meets us near.He is resurrected and filled with renewed life.At this point, The novel "Dragon Boat Festival" is really of great significance to our author, Those who appreciate this work should not forget this point. ("About Lu Xun and His Works", page 80, Cheng Fangwu: "Comments on "Scream"") Although this passage is repeatedly chanted, it does not seem to explain what the so-called "self-expression" refers to in "Dragon Boat Festival" (in my opinion, the Dragon Boat Festival is still a work that exposes people's weaknesses, which is exactly the same as "Hometown" " are similar, so there are many meanings in it), but after searching, I think—of course I just think—or allude to the sentiments such as "cynical, underappreciated" as the "self" of "Dragon Boat Festival". The "effort" of performance.If the conclusion of my deduction is correct, I have to say that the impression I got from the original text is quite different from this one.I think "Dragon Boat Festival" looks like the author venting his grievances on the surface, but the main meaning inside is to expose the weakness of human nature, and use "almost to say" as a means of expression.Here, the author subtly portrays the self-interest of human beings who say "every place is the same"; and tells us frankly that he himself is not an exceptional saint. "Dragon Boat Festival" writes that after Fang Xuanchuo was rejected for borrowing money from Jin Yongsheng, there is a passage like this: Fang Xuanchuo lowered his head, thinking that this was not surprising.Moreover since Ji and Jin Yongsheng were originally estranged.Then he remembered the events of last year's New Year's Eve, At that time, a fellow villager came to borrow ten yuan. He had obviously received the money from the Yamen. The receipt of the money from the door, because I am afraid that this person may not pay back the money in the future, so Putting on a look of embarrassment, he said that since the yamen could not receive the salary, he would learn to The school didn't pay him any salary, so he was "unable to help", so he was sent away empty-handed. Although he didn't see what kind of face he was putting on, he felt awkward at this moment. Hurrying, his lips moved slightly, and he shook his head again.And at the end of "Dragon Boat Festival" Yes, there is another passage: At this time, he suddenly remembered what happened after he was dispatched by Jin Yongsheng up.At that time, he walked through "Daoxiang Village" bewilderedly, and saw a lot of The advertisement in big characters said: "The jackpot is tens of thousands of yuan", as if I remembered it in my heart. Move, or maybe slow down, but it seems that because of unwillingness to hide The only sixty cents left in the folder, so he resolutely walked away.this again It was a deep and frank self-criticism. I think these two passages moved me more than the impassioned and weeping righteous voice; they also made me "try hard to think of myself, teach me to be ashamed, and urge me to rehabilitate."Human beings are very incomplete things, and there are no perfect saints.But it is a pity that there are not many people in this world who have nakedly exposed themselves to the world.Lu Xun put on a straight face and only stripped off other people's hypocritical coats. However, we don't find it disgusting, just because he also strictly criticizes and analyzes himself!The gentlemen resented his talkativeness; he was regarded as a crow, and when he opened his mouth, it was "ominous".And regard him as "the old fire crow", and wherever he goes, he will be on fire.However, Lu Xun was not timid and did not compromise.In "Such a Warrior" (p. 77), he exclaims: There must be such a warrior! It is no longer ignorant like the African natives with sharp muskets on their backs; Not as tired as Chinese Green Battalion soldiers but wearing box cannons.He has nothing to pray for A suit of cowhide and scrap iron; he has only himself, but takes what a savage uses, and throws off Throwing spears. He walked into the formation of nothing, and everyone he met nodded to him.he knows Said that this nod is the enemy's weapon, a weapon that kills without blood, and many All soldiers perish here, just like cannonballs, making the warriors useless. Those with all kinds of banners on their heads, with all kinds of good names embroidered: philanthropist, student The scholar, the scribe, the elder, the youth, the refined person, the gentleman....under the head Coat, embroidered with all kinds of good patterns: knowledge, morality, national quintessence, public opinion, logic Series, justice, oriental civilization. But he raised his javelin. He smiled and threw a throw, but it hit their hearts. Everything was slumped to the ground—but only one coat, with nothing in it. The nothing has escaped and won the victory, for he has now become the murderer of the benevolent Sinners like good families. But he raised his javelin. He strides in the formation of nothing, nodding in the same way goodbye, all kinds of flags, coats of all kinds….But he raised his javelin. He finally aged and died in the nothingness.He's not a fighter after all, But nothing is the winner. In such a situation, no one has heard the cry of war: peace.Taiping... But he raised his javelin! After reading this short article, I thought of what a pungent and stubborn old man Lu Xun was!However, it is still necessary to read a few sentences in the "Postscript": As for others,... I would like to make those who hate my words happy. to the point of throwing up—I know, I'm not generous, those things are I'm texting while vomiting, and I'm happy with it. ... I do dissect from time to time Others, however more mercilessly dissecting myself, post a little, People who love warmth already feel cold, if all my flesh and blood are exposed Come on, I don't know what to do at the end of the road.Sometimes I also want to drive away others because of this. Those who didn't spurn me back then, even owl snakes and ghosts, were still my friends. That's really my friend.If there is none of this, then I am alone also.But now I don't.Because, I have not been so brave, then the original The reason is that I still want to live in this society.There is another small reason, first It has also been stated many times before that it is to make the so-called honest and gentlemen more numerous. I felt uncomfortable for a few days, so I specially left a few pieces of iron armor on my body, stood, Give them a little more flaws in the world, until I am tired of it, I want to take it off until it falls. ("Written Behind the Grave", p. 300) Look!How charming is the old boy's tone! Four If you have read Lu Xun's Miscellaneous Sensations Collection carefully, you will probably not object to me calling him an "old boy"!Zhang Dinghuang said of Lu Xun: It is no longer the sentimental unrestrainedness of the eloquent youth, but It is Zhouzi's sigh after suffering a lot of sorrows in the voyage of life. It's very tiny, and at the same time the place where it comes out is very deep.This statement is certainly true; we open,,, evidence can be obtained anytime and anywhere.But we must not forget that this boatman who "has suffered a lot in the voyage of life", although he said: I thought that now I am no longer a person who can't be said up. ("Scream Preface") and then said: But I have no fountain-like thoughts, great and beautiful articles, neither There are doctrines that need to be propagated, and I don't want to launch any kind of movement. (Written later) However, there is a youthful fire in his chest, and spiritually, he is an "old boy"!He has no doctrine to promote, nor does he want to start any kind of movement, but in his works, there is no sigh of "life is impermanent", nor is there the envy and comfort of the temporary peace of old age (like many writers often have) , On the contrary, his works are full of voices of resistance and ruthless exposure.Resist all oppression and expose all hypocrisy!There were too many sores in old China, and he couldn't help stabbing himself with a knife over and over without knowing the world.If we look at the three collections of miscellaneous feelings by Lu Xun, the first part of the collection of miscellaneous feelings is mostly to pick out the "national sores" of the Chinese nation. From time to time there is a new indignation that "the years have passed, but the sores remain." Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, etc. of "Suddenly Thought" (see), "This and That" (pp. 142-153), "The Flowerless Rose" No. 3 (118), "Idle Tales at the End of Spring" (page 213), "Re-discussion on the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda" (page 201), "Thinking in the Mirror" (page 207), etc., are all full of this color .Lu Xun said angrily: Is the so-called national character really so difficult to change?if In this way, the future fate can be roughly imagined, and it is still a well-known saying: It has existed since ancient times. (p. 11) He added: Look at the newspaper forums, the atmosphere of "anti-reform" is extremely strong, The car is full of "ancestral", "conventional", "national quintessence" and so on, all want to pile up on the road On the way, completely bury all the families alive. ...I think, the current The method, first of all, has to use what was said in "New Youth" a few years ago "Ideological Revolution".This is the same sentence, although it is sad, but I think There is no other way. (page 15) collected are miscellaneous thoughts written from 1918 to 1924. During these six years, we saw the outbreak of the "thought revolution" movement, and saw its invincible moment. Seeing it gradually soften, being used, and being misunderstood, by 1924 Gaiji had disappeared.Has the sore of old China been gouged out?no!Lu Xun said in "The Great Wall" with miscellaneous feelings: I always feel surrounded by the Great Wall.The composition material of this Great Wall is Old bricks and new bricks added.The combination of two things creates a city Walls surround people.When will we not add new bricks to the Great Wall? (55 pages) The combination of the old and the new has created a solid Great Wall that binds people's hearts, which is exactly what happened after 1924.In another place, Lu Xun has a wonderful sarcasm: In the corners of newspapers, we often see the earnest teachings of young people: respect Writing paper; pay attention to Chinese studies; Ibsen is like this, Romain Rolland is like that.Time The time and the words are different, but the meaning is very familiar to me: just as I The teachings of the elders that I heard when I was young are average. (Page 119) However, Lu Xun is almost the only voice attacking the national sores of old China.The miscellaneous thoughts he made in 1925, now included, are more important than those in the six years from 1918 to 1924.In 1926, there seemed to be more. The spirit of the old man in "loneliness" is in striking contrast with the "decline" of most young people. Lu Xun refused to consider himself a "soldier" or a "mentor" for young people.He said in "Write Behind the Grave": It is even more difficult to lead the way for others, because even I myself do not understand How should we go.There are probably quite a few "predecessors" and "mentors" of young people in China, but That's not me, and I don't trust them either.I only know exactly one end point, which is: grave.However, this is known to everyone, and no one needs to guide it.The problem is from here to there the way.Of course there is more than one, I just don't know which one is good, although sometimes Still looking.In seeking, I am afraid that my unripe fruit will poison those who love me People who are fruitful, but those who hate me, such as the so-called gentleman, are all hale and hearty, so Since I often speak in a nonsensical manner, I stop and think to myself: For the gifts of readers who prefer me, Or better yet a "nothing".Printed copies of my translations, originally, printed The first time was one thousand, then five hundred was added, and recently it was two thousand to four thousand. Every increase, I naturally I am willing, because I can make money, but it is also accompanied by sorrow, and I am afraid that it will harm the readers, so I write Wen is often more cautious and hesitant.Some people think that I write in letters and express my feelings directly, but In fact, it is not always the case, and I have many scruples.I knew it was not a war after all. I'm a scholar, and I can't be called a pioneer, so there are so many scruples and memories.remember three Four years ago, a student came to buy my book, took money out of his pocket and put it in my hand, The money still has body heat on it.This body temperature has imprinted my heart. So far, when I want to write words, I still feel the warmth. It often makes me afraid of poisoning such young people, so I hesitate to write.i speak without hesitation I am afraid that the day of the day may not come to an end.But sometimes I think about it, but I still have no scruples To speak honestly is worthy of such a young man.But so far I have not decided to do so. But we must not be fooled by Lu Xun, thinking that he really did not guide the way, and he did not. There are doctrines that need to be propagated, and I don't want to start any movement.He never poses "I am Qing He is the face of "a young mentor", but he does guide the young people with a big goal: how to live Living, how to act the big goal.Lu Xun would never propose to appeal to young people Before, he may have taught them with a straight face, but many of his writings are guidelines How young people should live and act.In his creative novels there are opposites To explain, there are positive explanations in his miscellaneous feelings and essays.Just read Lu Xun's When writing novels, one may not be able to fully understand his intentions, one must also read his miscellaneous works. sense set. What did Lu Xun say to modern youth?Let's find out: If there are people in the world who really want to live, they should first dare to speak, dare to Laugh, dare to cry, dare to be angry, dare to curse, dare to hit, fight back in this accursed place cursed ages. (40 pages) Our immediate priorities are: first, survival, second, food and clothing, and third To develop.If there is anyone who hinders this future, whether it is ancient or modern, human or ghost, It is three tombs and five classics, one hundred Song Dynasty and one thousand yuan, Tianqiu River map, golden man and jade Buddha, ancestral pills Scattered, secret ointment pills, all trampled him down. (43 pages) In another place, we saw Lu Xun explaining it again: ...But if you must ask me what kind of goal the youth should aim for, then Well, I can only say what I designed for others, that is, to survive, The second is food and clothing, and the third is development.Anyone who dares to obstruct these three things, no matter who they are, We all resist and destroy him!But a few words must be added to avoid misunderstanding, Yes: My so-called survival is not just living; the so-called food and clothing is not luxury. luxury; the so-called development is not indulgence. ... Although the Chinese have thought of various The ideal land of living, unfortunately, has not been realized in the end.But I found it for them Yes, as you probably know, it is the No. 1 Prison in Beijing.this prison In the open space outside Xuanwu Gate, you are not afraid of the fire from the neighbors; Worry about cold and hunger; have a stable daily life, which will not hurt life; the structure is strong and will not collapse; prohibition If the soldiers are in charge, there will be no more crimes; robbers will never come to rob.live in it, How safe is it?but few Just one thing: freedom.This is the way of life taught by ancient teachings.teach People don't move. ... I think that human beings, in order to develop upwards, that is, to develop their views, should It doesn't matter if there are some mistakes in activities.only the half-dead To live is a complete mistake.Because he hangs the signboard of life, but actually Lead people to a dead end! (49 pages to 50 pages) These words seem to be ordinary, but it is these ordinary words that young people need most, and they are most neglected; Lu Xun also said: Why should young people look for mentors with golden signs?it's better to find friends Friends, unite and walk in a direction that seems to be survivable.you all There is a lot of vitality. When you meet a deep forest, you can make flat land; when you meet a wilderness, you can Those who plant trees can dig wells and springs when they encounter deserts. (page 54) Some people will probably shout out again in response to these words: "This is also ordinary!" Not bad!It is indeed ordinary, but even ordinary things cannot be realized, and the reason lies in "not doing".Lu Xun said more analytically: The first requires memory.Poor memory is beneficial to oneself but harmful to children Sun's.Because people can forget, they can gradually get rid of the past. pain, but also because I can forget it, so I often repeat the mistakes of my predecessors. mistake. (Page 167) Second, "resilience" is needed.Lu Xun has an interesting metaphor: I sometimes go to see the school sports meeting occasionally... When walking At this time, it is probably the fastest three or four people, once they reach the decisive point, the rest will relax. Yes, some of them even lost the courage to finish the scheduled number of laps, and squeezed halfway. into a crowd of spectators; or feigned a fall, causing the Red Cross to stretcher He carried it away.If there are occasional people who run behind even though they are behind, everyone will laugh at them he.Probably because he is too unintelligent and "not ashamed to be the last".Place In China, there have always been few failed heroes, few resilient resistance, few There are few warriors who dare to fight single-handedly, who dare to caress and cry traitors; Gathered one after another, and fled one after another when they saw signs of defeat. (p. 150) Lu Xun encouraged young people to go out and get rid of old innovations, saying: I just don't understand why the Chinese are so calm in the old situation, and why they are so calm in comparison. The new luck just frowns so quickly; Just ask for complete blame for the first thing! Gentlemen of great intellect and far-sightedness teach us: Born If it is not a sage, hero, or genius, do not live; if it is not written Don't write immortal works; if reformation is not suddenly become bliss The world, or, at least, can give me (!) more benefits than never Move! ... So, is he a conservative?It is said: not really.he is leather Fate.He alone is just, just, sound, perfect, peaceful, without A corrupt reform law; it's being studied in the laboratory now,--but Haven't researched yet. When should I do my research?The answer is: not sure. In the eyes of adults, the first step of a child's toddler is indeed childish and dangerous. Dangerous, ugly, or downright ridiculous.But no matter what kind of fool people, but always watch him take this first step with earnest hope, and decide He will not be "forced" just because his way of walking is naive, and he is afraid of blocking the rich man's route. "death" him; never confine him to a bed, and make him lie down and study until he can Get off the ground when you can fly.Because she knows: If you do this, even if it grows to A hundred years old still can't walk. (Page 152) His opinion on the current literary and art circles is also to encourage young people to work hard and boldly to create, and not to be afraid of childishness (see the page-by-page "Before There Are Geniuses"). Regarding the so-called deceitful young people like honest men, gentlemen and scholars, he said in "A Little Analogy": ... I have only seen such a goat once, and it was indeed walking in a herd of bearded goats In front of the head, there is also a small bell hanging around the neck, as a symbol of the intellectual class. chapter. ... There are also many goats like this in the crowd, who can lead the crowd safely and peacefully. Walk quietly until they are where they should go.Yuan Shikai understands a little It's a pity that this kind of thing is not used very skillfully,... However, "after one thing, one grows Wisdom", a quarter of the twentieth century has passed, Cong with a small bell around his neck People of the Ming Dynasty will always have good luck, even though it is still a little bit small on the surface. frustration. At that time, people, especially young people, followed the rules, neither Arrogant, not floating, moving towards the "right way" wholeheartedly, but not People ask—— "Where are you going?" If a gentleman said: "Sheep are always sheep, if they don't become a long line of obedient people, they are still Is there any other way?Don't you see your husband?Delaying, fleeing and shouting, Running and rushing, he was finally caught and taken to the place where he had to go. Moving is just a waste of energy. " This is to say: Even if you die, you should be like a sheep, so that the world will be peaceful and each other will save effort. This plan is of course very appropriate and admirable.However, don't you see Husband wild boar?It has two teeth, so that the old hunter can't help but retreat.this tooth As long as the pig gets out of the pigsty made by the hog slave and walks into the mountains, it will soon be grow out. (Pages 32-33) However, Lu Xun did not approve of unnecessary sacrifices, such as "petitions".After the "March 18" tragedy happened in Beijing, Lu Xun wrote about it in several articles. In "Death", he said: But I sincerely hope that the petition can stop from now on.if With so much blood, it was exchanged for such a consciousness and determination, and it will last forever. If you remember it from afar, it doesn't seem to be a big loss. (91 pages) In "Empty Talk", Lu Xun said in more detail: I have always disapproved of petitions, but not because I was afraid The massacre on March 18th.Such a massacre, I really have no dream I see, although I have always used the meaning of "sword and pen official" to spy on our China people.I only know that they are numb, have no conscience, and are incapable of speaking, let alone The petition, moreover, was done with bare hands, but I didn't expect it to be so vicious and cruel. ...something—what shall I call it, I can't think of—says: the group Leaders have a moral responsibility.These things seem to admit to the disciples The masses should shoot, the front of the ruling government was originally a "dead place", and the dead are like suicide The net is general. ... Of course, reforms often involve bloodshed, but bloodshed does not mean reforms.Blood The application of money is like money, of course it is impossible to be stingy, and it is also a waste of money. Big miscalculation.I feel very sad for the victim this time. I hope that such petitions will stop from now on. ... This time, the merits and virtues left by the deceased are torn away many things. The appearance of the person, revealing the unexpected and vicious heart, taught us to continue to fight Fighters fight in other ways. (Pages 109-111) In the eighth section of the second part of "A Rose Without Flowers", Lu Xun has these words: If China does not perish, the historical facts of the past have taught us, The future will be beyond the expectations of the slaughterer—— This is not the end of one thing, but the beginning of one thing. Lies written in ink can never conceal facts written in blood. Blood debts must be paid in kind.The longer you are in arrears, the more you will have to pay. Interest! (eight or eight pages) Fives Get rid of Lu Xun's miscellaneous feelings and read Lu Xun's novels.As I said before, people who like to read Lu Xun's creative novels should not ignore Lu Xun's miscellaneous feelings; miscellaneous feelings can help you understand the meaning of the novel better, at least, I have this kind of experience myself. Fifteen articles were collected, and eleven were collected, with a few exceptions, such as "Buzhou Mountain", "Happy Family", etc., most of which describe the thoughts and lives of "sons and daughters of old China".When I say "old China", it does not imply "has passed away". Logically, this should be left behind and become "past". "Sons and daughters of old China", we can still meet anytime and anywhere today, and we will definitely meet often in the future.We have read so many novels, met those characters whose ideological life is completely different from ours, and have very kind sympathy; we grieve with Mrs. Shan Si, we love that lazy Kong Yiji, and we can't forget the man who is responsible for life. Runtu, who is numb with heavy burdens, our hearts are heavy for Mrs. Xianglin, we follow Aigu's adventures nervously, we despise yet pity and love Ah Q... In short, the ideological life of all these characters is very important. The emotional reactions that arouse us, whether it is hatred, love or pity, are all mixed together and cannot be distinguished.We only feel that this is China, and this is exactly the thinking and life of 99% of the people in China, and this is the life of the big China that surrounds our "small world"!And the reason why we feel a kind of lonely sadness deeply is the reason.The souls of these "sons and daughters of old China" bear the heavy burden of thousands of years of tradition. Their faces are abominable, and their lives can be cursed. Self-reflection whether one's soul has completely cast off the burden of thousands of years of tradition.This is the fundamental reason why I think it is worthwhile and forces us to read it over and over again without getting tired. People's views are rarely the same, and often have very opposite views; so the above is just "I think".But the following paragraph must be copied and read: ...Among the 15 works in total, I think the first nine are related to The following six articles are not the same in terms of content and style.editor unknown Whether it is intentional or unintentional, the directory is divided into two sides according to my division method.Such as If we use simple words to mark the two different parts, then, the previous Nine are "representation" and the last six are "expression". Strictly speaking, the "Hometown" of the first nine articles should be classified as However, the following "The True Story of Ah Q" is also the work of the former part. product, and it is a very important one of the previous ones, so it might as well be the same as the previous one in terms of cheapness. All works are juxtaposed. The previous works have a common color, which is the narrative of reproduction. Not only, "The Story of Hair", "The True Story of Ah Q" is like this, even the other kinds are just some descriptions (description).The purpose of these descriptions is almost Most of them are building up (buildup) various typical characters (typicalcharacter); author's effort It seems that they are not in the world he described, but typical of the inhabitants of this world. So each of these models was built, and the world they lived in reflected is very vague.The world says the author's success is because of his The typical example of this book has been built, but I don't know the author's failure, which is here. The author is too anxious, too eager to reproduce his typical, I think if the author can If he is not so eager to pursue the "typical", he can always find a little "general" The "(allgemein) comes out. We see these typicals keep moving blindly in their world, just like me They ran to a country they had never been to, and saw all kinds of strange things. 人在无意识地行动,没有与我们相同的地方可以使我们 猜出他们的心理的状态。而作者起起好像非如是不足以 再现他的典型的样子。关于这一点,作者所急于筑成的 这些典型本身固然应该负责,然而作者所取的再现的方 法也是不能不负责任的。 (《〈呐喊〉的评论》,成仿吾,见《关于 鲁迅及其著作》七四至七六页) 我和这位批评者的眼光有些不同,在我看来,中间的人物并不是什么外国人,也不觉得"跑到了一个未曾到过的国家,看见了各样奇形怪状的人在无意识地行动",所以那"里面最可爱的小东西"以及那引起多人惊异的《阿Q正传》,我也不以为是"浅薄的纪实的传记","劳而无功的作品,与一般庸俗之徒无异"。 这位批评者又说: 文艺的作用总离不了是一种暗示,能以小的暗示大 的,能以部分暗示全部,方可谓发挥了文艺的效果,若 以全部来示全部,这便是劳而无功了。只顾描写的人,他 所表现的,不出他所描写的以外,便是劳而无功的人。do 者前其中的,,《明天》等作,都是劳而 无功的作品,与一般庸俗之徒无异。这样的作品便再凑 千百起扰来,也暗示全部不出。艺术家的努力要在捕住 全部——一个时代或一种生活的——而表现出来,像庸 俗之徒那样死写出来的东西是没有价值的。 (引同上)这意思若曰:,,《明天》等作,所以成其为劳而无功的庸俗作品,即因它并不能以部分暗示全部。又若曰:孔乙己,单四嫂子,老栓,小栓,仅的小说中有此类人,其于全中国,则成为硕果,初无其匹,故只是部分的。不错,我也承认,孔乙己,单四嫂子,老栓等,只是集中间的一个人物,但是他们的形相闪出在我的心前时,我总不能叫他们为孔乙己,单四嫂子等,我觉得他们虽然顶了孔乙己……等名姓,他们该是一些别的什么,他们不但在的纸上出现,他们是"老中国的儿女",到处有的是!在上海的静安寺路,霞飞路,或者不会看见这类人,但如果你离开了"洋场",走到去年上海市民所要求的"永不驻兵"区域以外,你所遇见的,满是这一类的人。然则他们究竟是部分的呢?抑是暗示全部的?我们可以再抄别一个人的意见在这里: ……鲁镇只是中国乡间,随便我们走到那里去都遇 得见的一个镇,镇上的生活也是我们从乡间来的人儿时 所习见的生活。……他(鲁迅)嫌恶中国人,咒骂中国 人,然而他自己是一个纯粹的中国人,他的作品满薰著 中国的土气。 ... (张定璜:《鲁迅先生》) 现代烦闷的青年,如果想在里找一点刺戟(他们所需要的刺戟),得一点慰安,求一条引他脱离"烦闷"的大路:那是十之九要失望的。因为所能给你的,不过是你平日所唾弃——像一个外国人对于中国人的唾弃一般的——老中国的儿女们的灰色人生。说不定,你还在这里面看见了自己的影子!在内亦复如此——虽然有几篇是例外。或者你一定不肯承认那里面也有你自己的影子,那最好是读一读《阿Q正传》。这篇内的冷静宛妙的讽刺,或者会使人忘记了——忽略了其中的精要的意义,而认为只有“滑稽",但如你读到两遍以上,你总也要承认那中间有你的影子。你没有你的"精神胜利的法宝"么?你没有曾善于忘记受过的痛苦像阿Q么?你潦倒半世的深夜里有没有发过“我的儿子会阔得多啦"的,阿Q式的自负?算了,不用多问了。总之,阿Q是"乏"的中国人的结晶;阿Q虽然不会吃大菜,不会说洋话,也不知道欧罗巴,阿美利加,不知道……,然而会吃大菜,说洋话……的"乏"的"老中国的新儿女",他们的精神上思想上不免是一个或半个阿Q罢了。不但现在如此,将来——我希望这将来不会太久——也还是如此。所以《阿Q正传》的诙谐,即使最初使你笑,但立刻我们失却了笑的勇气,转而为惴惴的自不安了。况且那中间的唯一大事,阿Q去革命,"文童"的"咸与维新",再多说一点:把总也做了革命党,不上二十天,抢案就是十几件,举人老爷也帮办民政,然而不在把总眼里……这些自然是十六年前的陈事了,然而现在钻到我们眼里,还是怎样的新鲜,似乎历史又在重演了。 他拿着往事,来说明今事,来预言未来的事。 (尚钺《鲁迅先生》,见《关于鲁迅 及其著作》三一页)鲁迅只是一个凡人,安能预言;但是他能够抓住一时代的全部,所以他的著作在将来便成了预言。 中的十一篇,《幸福的家庭》和是鲁迅所不常做的现代青年的生活的描写。恋爱,是这两篇的主题。但当书中人出场在小说的时候,他们都已过了恋爱的狂热气,只剩下幻灭的悲哀了。的悲剧的结果,是已经明写了出来的,《幸福的家庭》虽未明写,然而全篇的空气已经向死路走,主人公的悲剧的结果大概是终于难免的罢。主人公的幻想的终于破灭,幸运的恶化,主要原因都是经济压迫,但是我们听到的,不是被压迫者的引吭的绝叫,而是而是疲茶的宛转的呻吟,这呻吟直刺入你的骨髓,像冬夜窗缝里的冷风,不由你不毛骨悚然。虽则这两篇的主人公似乎有遭遇上的类似,但《幸福的家庭》的主人公只是麻木地负荷那"恋爱的重担",他有他的感慨,比如作者给我们的一段精彩的描写: “……莫哭了呵,好孩子。爹爹做猫洗脸给你 Look. "他同时伸长颈子,伸出舌头,远远的对着手掌舔了 两舔,就用这手掌向了自己的脸上画圆圈。 “呵呵呵,花儿。"她就笑起来了。 “是的是的,花儿。"他又连画上几个圆圈,这才歇 了手,只见她还是笑眯眯地挂著眼泪对他看。他忽而觉 得,她那可爱的天真的脸,正像五年前的她的母亲,通 红的嘴唇尤其像,不过缩小了轮廓。那时也是晴朗的冬 天,她听得他说决计反抗一切阻碍,为她牺牲的时候,也 就这样笑眯眯的挂着眼泪对他看。他惘然的坐著,仿佛 有些醉了。 “阿阿,可爱的嘴唇……"他想。 门幕忽然挂起。劈柴运进来了。 他也忽然惊醒,一定睛,只见孩子还是挂着眼泪,而 且张开了通红的嘴唇对他看。“嘴唇……"他向旁边一偏, 劈柴正在进来,"……恐怕将来也就是五五二十五,九九 八十一!……而且两只眼睛阴凄凄……"他想着,随即 粗暴的抓起那写着一行题目和一堆算草的绿格纸来,揉 了几揉,又展开来给她拭去了眼泪和鼻涕。"好孩子,自 己玩去罢。"他一面推开她说;一面就将纸团用力的掷在 纸篓里。 (六五页)这一段是全其中最明耀的一点,好像是阴霾中突然的阳光的一闪,然而随即过去,阴暗继续统治着。从现在的通红的嘴唇,笑眯眯的眼睛,反映出五年前,可爱的母亲来;又从现在两只眼睛阴凄凄的母亲,预言这孩子的将来:鲁迅只用了极简单的几笔,便很强烈的刻画出一个永久的悲哀。我以为在这里,作者奏了"艺术上的凯旋"。 我们再看,就知道的主人公不像《幸福的家庭》内的主人公似的,只是麻木地负担那"恋爱的重担"。的主人公涓生是一个神经质的狷介冷凄的青年,而他的对手子君也似乎是一个忧悒性的女子。比起涓生来,我觉得子君尤其可爱。她的温婉,她的女性的忍耐,勇敢,和坚决,使你觉得她更可爱。她的沉默多愁善感的性格,使她没有女友,当涓生到局办事去后,她该是如何的寂寞呵,所以她爱动物,油鸡和叭儿狗便成了她白天寂寞时的良伴。然而这种委宛的悲哀的女性的心理,似乎涓生并不能了解。所以当经济的压迫终于到来时,这一对人儿的心理状态起了变化,走到了分离的结局了。我们引一段在下面: 子君有怨色,在早晨,极冷的早晨,这是从未见过 的,但也许是从我看来的怨色。我那时冷冷地气愤和暗 笑了;她所磨练的思想和豁达无畏的言论,到底也还是 一个空虚,而对于这空虚却并未自觉。她早已什么书也 不看,已不知道人的生活的第一着是求生,向着这求生 的道路,是必须携手同行,或奋身孤往的了,倘使只知 道槌著一个人的衣角,那便是虽战士也难于战斗,只得 一同灭亡。 我觉得新的希望就只在我们的分离;她应该决然舍 去,——我也突然想到她的死,然而立刻自责,忏悔了。 幸而是早晨,时间正多,我可以说我的真实。我们的新 的道路的开辟,便在这一遭。 (二○○页)涓生觉得"分离"是二人惟一的办法,所以他在通俗图书馆取暖时的瞑想中, 往往瞥见一闪的光明,新的生路横在前面。她勇猛 地觉悟了,毅然走出这冰冷的家,而且,——毫无怨恨 的神色。我便轻如行云,漂浮空际,上有蔚蓝的天,下 是深山大海,广厦高楼,战场,摩托车,洋场,公馆,晴 明的闹市,黑暗的夜……。 ……觉得要来的事,却终于来到了。 (二○三页)子君并没通知涓生,回到家庭,并且死了——怎样死的,不明白。涓生 要向着新的生活跨进第一步去,我要将真实深深地 藏在心的创伤中,默默地前行,用遗忘和说谎做我的前 导……。 (二一三页)涓生怎样跨进新生活的第一步,我们不知道——作者并没告诉我们。可是我以为这个神经质的青年大概不会有什么新的生活的。because he is 一个卑怯者,应该被摈于强有力的人们,无论是真 实者,虚伪者。 (二○八页)《幸福的家庭》所指给我们看的是:现实怎样地嘲弄理想。的意义,我不大看得明白;或者是在说明一个脆弱的灵魂(子君)于苦闷和绝望的挣扎之后死于无爱的人们的面前。 中还有两篇值得对看的小说,就是在《酒楼上》和。这两篇的主人公都是先曾抱着满腔的"大志",想有一番作为的,然而环境——数千年传统的灰色人生——压其他们,使他们成了失败者。在《酒楼上》的主人公吕纬甫于失败之后变成了一个"敷敷衍衍,随随便便"的悲观者,不愿抉起旧日的梦,以重增自己的悲哀,宁愿在寂寞中寂寞地走到他的终点——坟。他并且也不肯去抉破别人的美满的梦。所以他在奉了母亲之命改葬小兄弟的遗骸时,虽然圹穴内只剩下一堆木丝和小木片,本已可以不必再迁,但他 仍然铺好被褥,用棉花裹了些他小兄弟先前身体所 在的地方的泥土,包起来,装在新棺材里,运到我父亲 埋着的坟地上,在他坟旁埋掉了。……这样总算完了一 件事,足够去欺骗我的母亲,使她安心些。 (四二页)的主人公魏连殳却另是一个结局。他是寂寞抚养大的,他有一颗赤热的心,但是外形很孤僻冷静。他在嘲笑咒骂排挤中活着,甚至几于求平地活着,因为他虽然已经灰却了"壮志",但还有一个人愿意他活几天。后来,连这也没有了,于是他改变了;他说: ……然而我还有所为,我愿意为此求乞,为此冻馁, 为此寂寞,为此辛苦。但灭亡是不愿意。你看,有一个 愿意我活几天的,那力量就这么大。然而现在是没有了, 连这一个也没有了。同时,我自己也觉得不配活下去;别 What about people?也不配的。同时,我自己又觉得偏要为不愿意我 活下去的人们而活下去;好在愿意我好好地活下去的已 经没有了,再没有谁痛心。使这样的人痛心,我是不愿 meaning.然而现在是没有了,连这一个也没有了。快活极了; 舒服极了;我已经躬行我先前所憎恶,所反对的一切,拒 斥我先前所崇拜,所主张的一切了。我已经真的失 败,——然而我胜利了。 (一六四页)愿意他活几天的,是什么人,爱人呢,还是什么亲人我们可以不管,总之这不是中心问题。总之,他因此改变了,他以毁灭自己来"复仇"了。他做了杜师长的顾问。他这环境的突然改变,性格的突然改变,剥露了许多人的丑相。他胜利了!然而他也照他预定地毁灭了自己。这里有一段写出他的“报复"来: “你可知道魏大人自从交运之后,人就和先前两样 了,脸也抬高起来,气昂昂的。对人也不再先前那么迂。 你知道,他先前不是像一个哑子,见我是叫老太太的么? 后来就叫老家伙。唉唉,真是有趣。人送他仙居术, 他自己是不吃的,就摔在院子里——就是这地方,—— 叫道:老家伙,你吃去罢。 "... “可是魏大人的脾气也太古怪",她忽然低声说:“他 就不肯积蓄一点,水似的化钱。……他就冤里冤枉胡里 糊涂地化掉了。譬如买东西,今天买进,明天又卖出、弄 破,真不知道是怎么一回事。 " (一七二——四页)作者在篇末很明白地告诉我们: 隐约是长嗥,像一匹受伤的狼,当深夜在旷野中嗥 叫,惨伤里夹杂着愤怒和悲哀。 (一七六页) six 上述《幸福的家庭》等四篇,以我看来,是中间风格独异的四篇。说他们独异,因为不是"老中国的儿女"的灰色人生的写照。 鲁迅的小说对于我的印象,拉杂地写下来,就是如此。我当然不是文艺批评家,所以"批评"我是不在行的,我只顾写我的印象感想,惭愧的是太会抄书,未免见笑于大雅,并且我自以为感想者,当然也是"舐评论骨"而已。 然而不敢谬托知己,或借为广告,却是我敢自信的。It's over.
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