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Chapter 85 Volume 7 About Lu Xun

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 903Words 2018-03-18
written in grief At 3:00 p.m. on the 19th, I received an urgent telegram from my wife from Shanghai, announcing the death of Mr. Lu Xun and urging me to return to Shanghai as soon as possible. It was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky!I can not believe!On the afternoon of the Double Tenth Festival, I went to the Shanghai Grand Theater to watch the Soviet business card "Dublosky". I happened to meet Mr. Lu Xun, his wife and children. We sat together and talked a lot.The double tenth day is only eight days away from the nineteenth day, how can I believe that such a big mess will happen!

However, it clearly says "Zhou is dead" on the telegram. Who else is this "Zhou" if it is not "Mr. Big"?Isn't there another "week" from him that can inspire me to send an urgent call to urge me to return quickly? However, I was lying on the bed unable to move because of the hemorrhoid attack.I hate this time to sneak in a trip!I sent a call back.I still hope that the next morning I can barely get on the road. At night, I lay on the bed, recalling the conversation with Mr. Lu Xun in the Shanghai Grand Theater on the Double Tenth Festival, and recalling that on October 2 (or 3) Mr. G and I arrived Mr. Lu Xun had a conversation in the afternoon when he was photographed at home, and he painfully guessed the reason for this "bolt from the blue".Based on those two last meetings, I can't believe that Mr. Lu Xun will die suddenly on the 19th, although when I came back from visiting him with Mr. G, Mr. Jun said to me in the car: "I saw Lu Xun's face and Mr. G's face today. His spirit is better than I expected, but he will always be in danger if he doesn't go to another place to recuperate quickly." I also remembered that Ms. Smedley said to me when she left Shanghai for the summer in early August: "Although he is fine at this time, There are too many, but it is unreliable, and we must transfer to another place for recuperation! He always said that it does not matter, but people with lung disease are often optimistic!" In mid-August, Mr. Lu Xun decided to transfer to Kamakura for recuperation. .But later it didn't work.Summer has passed.When I met him in mid-September, he said that the summer was over, so he might as well go to Hong Kong for a change of air.Who knew that there would be a sudden thunderbolt in mid-October!Thinking back now, if we could have arranged for the problem of transferring to other places for recuperation early, then Mr. Lu Xun would not have delayed the three-month work due to some actual difficulties. We are too irresponsible. No mercy!We are so useless!

Nineteen days and one night passed in such sad memories.On the early morning of the 20th, I jumped up and decided to take the early boat and then transfer to the train, but the hemorrhoids were so painful that I squatted down as soon as I took a step!I'm so useless!I have no way to look at the remains of the last time! "There is only one Lu Xun in China, and there are only a few Lu Xuns in the world's cultural circles. Lu Xun is so precious!"——this is what Mr. G said when he returned from a visit to Mr. Lu Xun with me on October 2.However, we don’t value Lu Xun too much. We didn’t try our best to fight against Lu Xun’s illness. We only let him struggle with the illness alone, and we even added to his mental unhappiness during his illness!We Chinese are ashamed of those foreign friends who love Mr. Lu Xun!

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