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Chapter 74 what tight shoes i used to wear

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1154Words 2018-03-18
When I was in elementary school, I liked painting the most.The gentleman who taught us painting is a Chinese painter in his sixties.His specialty is painting "Zunfeng". He painted my great-grandfather's "Picture of Carnival", and everyone said it looks very similar.He taught us to copy "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book", so we all bought a lithographed "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book".He said: "After finishing the "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book", whether it is plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, landscapes, and birds, we have all the skills."

He never draws by himself, he only corrects our drawings; if he thinks something is wrong, he will give a red line, and the big book "come again". Later, I went to middle school, where the drawing teacher was also a traditional Chinese painter, and he was also a little old.But he is not a "respect expert".His teaching method is different.When he was in class, he first drew a picture on the blackboard, and asked us to copy it while drawing; I want you to follow one by one; remember the order in which I wrote the pen!" Sometimes he was very "hardworking", and after finishing the "demonstration" picture, he would pick out the difficulties in the middle and put them on the blackboard. Draw another "zoom-in" in one corner of the picture, just like the "close-up" in the shadow.

This gentleman was really kind and warm, and I miss him to this day.Needless to say, he probably worked hard on the "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book" in the past, but he didn't give us the "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book" intact, but taught us in different ways. Rare. However, my enthusiasm for painting at that time was much lower than when I was in elementary school.There are probably many reasons, but the biggest reason is that I am busy reading novels.All the time after school is spent on old novels, and painting is just a scene during class. The Chinese teacher praised my development of writing and thinking, but said dissatisfiedly: "It's a bit of a novel tone, so I should refrain from it!" This Chinese teacher is "Xiaolian Gong" and my "father". Yes, he knew that my reading novels were allowed by the adults in the family, so he said to me: "I don't take your old man's idea seriously. I read novels, so there are good articles in novels, but I have to wait for yours." The article established the pattern, and then read the novel, there will be no abuse." After a while, he touched his chin and said: "Read more and more Korean!"

At that time, I naturally respected the teacher's opinion, but the feeling of reading "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book" in elementary school came back.When I read "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book" before, I was very interested in it for the first few months. My husband only asked me to copy a certain picture, but I read the painting book from beginning to end, "I am glad if I get something"; Later, I got tired of reading a picture book, and my husband still designated those few pictures for me to "come again".Once again, I felt extremely bored.But the intention of this old painter is the same as that of the "Xiaolian Gong" Chinese teacher: I want to establish a pattern first!Naturally, it is far less interesting than novels, but if someone appointed me to read a certain novel at that time, and had to read it until I "established a pattern", I think I would hate novels too?Furthermore, if I read more novels, I will unknowingly pick up the "novel tone", but if I am appointed to copy the "tone" of a certain novel, I am afraid that reading novels will become a chore, right?

But the old gentleman in the past wanted people to wear such "tight shoes".Fortunately, the "1911 Revolution" came soon, and the old gentlemen were embarrassed by the great "world changes", so they "seeed through" everything, so I no longer encountered well-intentioned guides asking me to wear those "tight shoes" up.Speaking of it, this is not the gift of the "revolution".
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