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Chapter 43 Volume 3 Aspects of Shanghai

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 1019Words 2018-03-18
autumn park The autumn park in Shanghai has its special meaning; it is the old battlefield of urban high-speed love! Pale blue sky.A few wipes of white clouds, shining like tiles.The leaves of the sycamore tree are withered, and the grass is turning yellow.In the summer, both urban modern men and women who are fast-tracked in love come here to pay homage to their old battlefield of love.The autumn light is getting old, and the hearts of lovers are also dyed with this desolate autumn light!They are still hand in hand, but they are just paying tribute to the old battlefield! Spring is budding, summer is flourishing, autumn is fruiting; but it is also decline!Emotionally decadent urban modern men and women can't jump out of this sweet, sour, bitter, spicy net.

I often try to find out the meaning or value of Shanghai's parks outside the love classroom.Unfortunately, it failed repeatedly.The park sells tickets, and people with disheveled clothes are refused to "buy" tickets. Friends in short shirts are refused to enter even if they hold long-term park tickets, because they cannot be used fraudulently according to the regulations.So apart from foreign women and children (they need to breathe fresh air), the frequent visitors of Chinese gardens are modern men and women, and the park is one of their love classrooms (or it can be said that they are their outdoor love classrooms, and they also have many indoor romances. Classrooms, such as movie theaters), are just like playgrounds like "Big World" which is another love classroom for men and women in Shanghai.

Ordinary Shanghai citizens don't seem to feel the need for fresh air, green grass, shade from trees, singing birds... and so on.They also occasionally go to the park, and this is the real "garden tour"; they go around in a hurry and visit the zoo, ah!Not even tigers and lions, disappointing!They left in a hurry.Every afternoon you can see the regulars walking on the grass and talking softly on the shaded chairs. I dare say that Shijiu is a handsome couple in love, almost without exception. Spring is budding, summer is flourishing, autumn is fruiting, which is the prelude to decline; after autumn, there will be few traces of those handsome couples in the park, and they will gradually disappear.

But next year, when the grass grows again in spring, and when the summer green is thicker? Naturally, the modern couple will fill the park again, but not (and in a sense almost not at all) what they were last year.People from last year have either changed their love or had children, and the park has lost its meaning to them.A man or a woman who has undergone a change in love will naturally still come, but it is no longer the continuation of the "old" but the beginning of the "new"; their moods are different.Those who are very happy and have a child may still have to come, but it is not the same as last year.

The park, which is only available in the fall of the year, is a place worthy of wandering and attachment for modern men and women in Shanghai.Maybe some of their romances are already on the ebb, and maybe some of them are reaching their peak and getting old, but the time when they join hands is indeed the only turmoil in the waves of their lives.They are the old battlefield of 100% mourning love! This is the inevitable process of urban high-speed love, and the inevitable process of those who love for love's sake; wonderful poetry materials for sentimental poets!Modern men and women in Shanghai, bless you, cherish, cherish, cherish this moment of golden autumn!Sentimental poets!Work hard, work hard, try hard to sing the fluctuation of emotion!Because such poetic materials will not exist in the future; such scenery will not last long!

November 8, 1932.
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