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Chapter 30 land reclamation

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 790Words 2018-03-18
Let's imagine: hundreds of millions of years ago, a change in the earth's crust completely changed the position of high and low; there is such a long strip in the hinterland of central Asia, which was originally an inland sea, but suddenly became the original high .And so—during the ages of millions of years, regular strong winds from the north brought yellow dust and fell on this plateau, just like our desks will accumulate a cloud of dust every other day; so— -In the long hundreds of millions of years, this yellow light dust will accumulate so much, so thick, enough to bear the task of living for tens of millions of human beings.

This is what we call the Northwest Loess Plateau today. Do you think this is a myth?Think whatever you like.But this is the most scientific hypothesis that human wisdom has reached so far. There are some fossil shells found in the soil to support this "hypothesis"; moreover, the loess plateau stands there impressively, which is really a 100% reality! Let's imagine again: hundreds of millions of years ago, perhaps in the prehistory of this plateau, the protagonist of the prehistoric world - a giant reptile, a reptile (lizard) longer and larger than the current train, once flourished in this place , striding forward; huge ferns once grew in this place, densely covered with green; at that time, it was not as barren as it is now.

Do you think this is a myth?Think whatever you like.However, the remains of a large reptile were excavated the year before last; this was an accidental discovery. When digging a cave dwelling, a section was dug, and later several holes were drilled from the side, and several sections were obtained.Now the remains are on display in the Yan'an Border Region Government, this is a reality! Finally, let us "imagine" again: what kind of people are doing what kind of things in this bitterly cold Loess Plateau?There are young men and women who speak various dialects, come from various families, and have lived in various societies, "opening up wasteland" there.The hands that used to pick powder and rub fat, and the arms that leaned on the green and red, are now holding up ancient farm tools, fighting against the billions of years of loess—"increase production", a slogan that burns with enthusiasm !And there is another side of "opening up wasteland" - eradicating illiteracy, implementing democracy, breaking superstition, developing literature and art, and promoting science

... Do you think this is a myth?Think as you like!However, just as the Loess Plateau is a reality, it is also a reality, a living reality! In the past, the power of nature once created the Loess Plateau; now, people with lofty ideals are transforming the Loess Plateau.Believe it or not, but this is reality!
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