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Chapter 25 baptism of fire

Mao Dun's Prose Collection 茅盾 662Words 2018-03-18
I met many eyes, all strangely wide open: Although there is grief here, there is also a cold light like steel; there is anger, but there is also the strength of a sage who is righteous; there is hatred, but there is also the heart of a Buddha who "saves oneself and others"; However, there is also the passion of "Yu and Ru die together". It's been ten days of fierce fighting, three days and nights of fire in the eastern district of Shanghai, imprinted on the souls of Chinese people, brewing, tempering, and purifying to produce a big and strong, determined goal, regardless of success or failure,—— worthy of taking on the mission of this great era

Do you feel sorry for the burning of the essence of Hudong District?Yes, there is the crystallization of blood and sweat of our compatriots and the fortress of our national industry over there, and we cannot but grieve.But the enemy's fire could burn our huts and factories, but it couldn't burn our nation's unanimous resistance!No, the enemy's fire has melted our thousands of hearts into a huge iron heart! Yes, there are the blood and sweat of our compatriots there, and the fortress of our national industry, but that is also the enemy's nest, and it is also the powerful outpost of the enemy's economic aggression; is it a pity?We never!Our enemies fell together, and then built our shops and factories on the burnt ruins.The red flames for three days and three nights are the enemy's poisonous fire, but they are also the pure fire for us to escape from hell and ascend to heaven!

In the baptism of artillery fire, the Chinese nation has been reborn! Let the continuous artillery fire wash away the shortcomings of our nation caused by autocratic politics for thousands of years, and let the continuous artillery fire wash away the insults of imperialism that our nation has suffered for hundreds of years. The ancient and great Chinese nation needs to take a bath in the fire! Cannons against cannons, planes against planes, we have our claws and teeth to resist aggression!Especially because we have the determination and courage tempered by artillery fire! Forty million people have accepted the baptism of artillery fire with resolute composure!The blood of 400 million people is writing the greatest page in the history of East Asia!It doesn't matter pessimism or optimism, it doesn't matter depression or happiness, we bear the cross we should bear with the spirit of martyrs!

August 23, 1937.
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